If you have a large lawn or a property that requires a lot of yard work get some 3M Worktunes. About $50 and they're combination hearing protection and Bluetooth headphones so you can actually hear your music without destroying your eardrums.
They're a good gift too for anyone you know with a lawn or wood shop or something.
At my old house it was a 4-5 hour ordeal to mow and trim the property. I'd likely have went fully insane without those.
If you don't like Walmart they're also on Amazon for the same price but gundeals is auto removing Amazon posts so here we are.
Listening to Rush really helps my speed drills but I've found my Celine Dion makes it harder to get a good sight picture through the tears welling in my eyes.
EDIT: Out of stock on Amazon until December 8th
Hmm, I wonder if you had good sealing IEMs like Etymotic and then earmuffs on top of that. You'd look ridiculous but oh my god the isolation.
They also make this pair - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0723CYHPZ/ - which don't have the big antenna or mic. I have these and they're great. If you ever need something official and stealth isn't an absolute requirement, you may want to give them a look.
$35.78 on Amazon. Currently the lowest price ever.
3M WorkTunes Connect Hearing Protector with Bluetooth technology, $35 shipped on Amazon. I got some recently and really like them, makes me want to keep them on when they have music.
Are these it? I am looking for an alternative to my cheap ones when I mow the lawn. I know that I just turn it too loud to muffle the mower, no sound protection at all.
or dont be a cheapskate and buy these, then tell the foreman they have active sound filtering which is why the blue light is always on....
Just buy peltors, single most handy purchase I ever made, I was a RTO though...
Peltor Sport Tactical 100 Electronic Hearing Protector, Ear Protection, NRR 22 dB, Ideal for Shooting and Hunting https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00NAG4WX2/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_omHqCbQEX7GB5
A cheap solution. Was sat right behind a screaming baby on a plane for 9 hours last month and wasn't at all bothered by it. The battery lasts for days to boot.
They cost more ($44 right now on Amazon), but the Peltor Rangeguard have been more comfortable, for me. The first review on that page does a great job of comparing the two.
If anyone has an issues with the seal or comfort of the Impact Sports, I'd suggest giving the Rangeguards a try.
These are my favorite because I'm usually wearing some sort of hearing protection and can never hear the radio. https://www.amazon.com/3M-WorkTunes-Protector-Bluetooth-Technology/dp/B0723CYHPZ/ref=sr_1_4?keywords=3m+bluetooth&qid=1567655367&s=gateway&sr=8-4
Easy solution to the screaming in pain problem.
/s /dark humor
Seriously I don't know how someone can do this to another human. Now that said, when r/watchpeopledie was a thing, christ there were some grisly videos. I sometimes wonder if its just a product of growing up in the west in relative safety and comfort that we say stuff like "I could never do that". Growing up in a violent place where shit like this happens regularly, you almost imagine it just becomes normal for the people that grow up into the cartel kind of violence.
I really sympathize with your situation. I am also very sensitive to noise and find it extremely distracting.
Perhaps you've considered this before, but if your class records lectures, can you just watch it afterwards? That way you won't have to join live and show your face. If the only thing holding you back from doing that is stigma, don't let it, there's plenty of us (including myself) that just do that.
Also, have you looked into noise blocking options at all? I recently got a pair of Sony XM4s which have incredibly good Active Noise Cancelling, completely solved the issue of overhead footstep / across-the-house talking noise for me; they work better for lower frequencies / far-away sounds though so if someone is right next to you talking and you're not playing music you're still going to hear them. Another option is some good earmuffs which can be better for higher-frequency noise but not as good for lower-frequencies as ANC (the ones I have: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B00CPCHBCQ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1).
Another option which is up to you whether you consider morally objectionable is to prerecord a video of yourself (or someone else? haha) and play it back during lecture. The way I would do it is by using OBS Studio's Virtual Camera feature and playing back a video using a Video Source.
While I’m not an audiologist or acoustical engineer, it is my understanding that “noise cancelling” or “active” noise cancelling headphones will likely struggle when it comes to mid-high level frequencies, perhaps that of construction. “Passive” “Noise reduction” earmuffs excel in reducing mid-high level frequencies, so to me it sounds like a pair of noise reduction earmuffs may work a lot better in your situation.
Personally, I prefer noise reduction earmuffs in all environments. I have sensory difficulties, mostly with noise, so a high quality pair is important to me.
There are a lot of trash pairs out there, but there’s one brand I’ve come to love - 3M. Specifically their Peltor series. Because of their strict standards, testing, and use for actual hearing protection in industrial environments like construction zones, they HAVE to work. I’ve loved my pair, and have yet to find anything better. It should reduce nearly 95% of everything you hear. If you want to go all out, you can even probably wear earplugs at the same time haha, but I doubt that’d be even remotely necessary.
Here’s the link:
3M PELTOR X5A Over-the-Head Ear Muffs, Noise Protection, NRR 31 dB, Construction, Manufacturing, Maintenance, Automotive, Woodworking, Heavy Engineering, Mining https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00CPCHBCQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_C4HRMEZPG16Z2Q52JR6C?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Ones that are just Bluetooth? I don't want ones that have an am/fm radio as I don't want an antenna that gets caught on things.
I looked on Amazon and the ones I have no longer have a 2 month delivery estimate. They're on sale too, so I ordered a backup pair.
3M 90543-4DC WorkTunes Connect Hearing Protector with Bluetooth Technology, 1 Pack https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0723CYHPZ/
I've done Walker, Peltor, 3M. And the ones I'm using now - Peltor Sport Tactical 100 - have so far been the best, IMHO. And they're $53 + TAX from Amazon right now - so between these for $49.99 and the Peltor 100 for $53, Peltor hands down. Again, in my experience.
Seriously, **THIS** should be the top comment. These tools aren't going to get much use when you can't see, can't hear, or can't breathe. Invest in comfortable PPE. Good safety lenses, good ear muffs, and good masks.
3M N95s are awesome. I bought a 10-pack in the Before Times and they are insanely comfortable. I also use the 3M worktunes so I can listen to music, podcasts, or audiobooks while working. They are amazingly good and comfortable for only $40.
Noise protection ear muffs. Better than noise cancelling headphones imo. Take some getting used to, I will wear them and take a break and take them off and put them back on etc. Just say you are noise sensitive and have to wear them. https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B00CPCHBCQ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
You will likely be better off with noise-isolating headphones. A simple trick is to use your preferred earbud style headphones with noise reducing earmuffs like these. Or there are earmuffs combined with headphones like these.
Source: me who can have issues concentrating with child noises nearby.
+1 to BlazeArk, double up with foamies and big honkin over-ears if you can. The best, and oddly the cheapest I've found are Clear Armor which have a hefty 31 NRR actual.
They also had solid customer service. They'd accidentally sent me two pair and just told me to keep the second on the house.
I've been told by several range friends that I need to just get regular noise cancelling muffs because I yell at ranges which is annoying to them... But I'd rather be obnoxiously loud for 4 hours every weekend at a range than obnoxiously loud for 40 years everywhere else.
I saw this recommended last thing this topic came up:' https://www.amazon.com/3M-WorkTunes-Protector-Bluetooth-Technology/dp/B0723CYHPZ/ref=sr_1_5?dchild=1&keywords=3m+bluetooth+headphones&qid=1613938017&sr=8-5
As an alternative, I wear the Worktunes Connect. https://www.amazon.com/3M-WorkTunes-Protector-Bluetooth-Technology/dp/B0723CYHPZ I don't know what makes these 10x more expensive, but I'd love to try them out!
As requested. I LOVE these things. Chainsaw, planer, they’re great for anything.
I got mine at Walmart for the same price ($50) as amazon.
Hi and thanks for the mention.
I have made such headphones but I always suggest people looking for extreme noise blocking headphones to try noise blocking/cancelling ear muffs that can connect to audio sources.
The noise cancelling ones I made on those rare occasions were for very special needs clients that wanted even more extreme db isolation. So I recommend trying these ready made products which can probably help 90+ of those looking for such a solution.
Thanks again for mentioning me and I don't mind offering advice on this so feel free to ask.
I recommend these:3M PELTOR X5A Over-the-Head Ear Muffs, Noise Protection, NRR 31 dB https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B00CPCHBCQ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Drowns out the leaf blowers, construction, kids, neighbors, neighbors' kids, etc.
Thanks for sharing! Is this similar to the ones you have? 3M PELTOR X5A Over-the-Head Ear Muffs, Noise Protection, NRR 31 dB, Construction, Manufacturing, Maintenance, Automotive, Woodworking, Heavy Engineering, Mining https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B00CPCHBCQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_SFMAFZJPRAKS0ZC0BBQ3
My head is so sensitive and my neck is a bit unstable after a bad rear ending years back. Makes wearing headgear hard. Are these fairly light?
Appreciate any insight!
Noise Cancelling headphones are not PPE!! They are no substitute for a proper NR headset. Have the boss order some Howard Leights or something, it is definitely the kind of proper PPE you should have in an environment like that.
Okay, thanks butter.
May I also recommend the 3M Workman? I have a pair and LOVE them. And at about $50 they are a steal. They are specifically made for use on construction/industrial sites.
3M - 90543-4DC WorkTunes Connect Hearing Protector with Bluetooth Technology, 24 dB NRR, Ear protection for Mowing, Snowblowing, Construction, Work Shops Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0723CYHPZ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_LY61FbM0BRFBA
The batteries last forever - I probably had about 30+ hours on mine and it was still saying batteries medium when I recharged before a trip. They are also ranked #1 in the safety headphone category on Amazon.