Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy series. Either the 2nd or 3rd book I believe? They're all fairly short, I bought ultimate edition on Amazon and get all like 5 of them together.
Edit: for everyone asking, here's the book I got
The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
For anyone who has not read 1984 from Georges Orwell here is a link to Amazon to purchase and educate yourselves. Just imagine the same story but with a Philip K. Dick twist integrating 21st-century tracking technology on citizens.
I'm reminded of a line of dialogue in a book I recently read (well, listened to). To expound on the plot summary on Amazon, the protagonist awakens to find that, while he was dead, the US became a theocratic state. Cryogenic preservation was ruled to be blasphemous, preserved people were declared to be dead, and all related assets were confiscated and sold off, including the preserved people.
The protagonist observes that it seems like it the proper action would have been to just bury the people, to which the other character replies, "Did theologues limit themselves to logical or consistent behavior in your time?"
I laughed so hard at that line - especially how it's delivered by the narrator - that I nearly had to pull my car off the road.
Suggestions: Find yourself a map of Beleriand (Fonstad's "Atlas of Middle-Earth is the best thing ever), also consult the family tree of Finwë when needed.
You are technically correct (best kind)
however many editions of the book have been published with only the number "1984" on the cover
When even the publisher gets it wrong, it's hard to find much fault in random internet comments
Amazing how people get upset over piracy, like it's their right. Go buy the damn thing.
Here's a damn link, honestly it costs fuck all, stop being a tight arse.
Edit: Go ahead and downvote, but fuck me if you want something for free then take what you're given, if not then buy the damn thing.
Dune, by Frank Herbert. It's just a really good book. It's got everything: politics, religion, romance, good v evil, adventure, magic, science, poetry, beautiful description, excellent dialogue. It's one of my all-time favorites. I read it again last year for the first time in about 20 years, and it was still amazing. Re-reading the rest of the series this year.
Atleast we've gotten the grimoire anthology book. Hopefully they keep making those
Edit: They just announced a second vol and a vol of comics
While not a LitRPG I feel like the Bobiverse scratches the same itch very well.
It's about a guy who's consciousness is put into a robot and shot off into space. He has 3D printers that can create anything he can think of, including copies of himself. While not living "in a game" he still creates his own VR world that he shares with his copies and can control his perception of time by speeding up/slowing down his processor.
He explores, invents, creates and discovers tons of amazing stuff.
You seem to have misunderstood the concept of the term "thoughtcrime". Here's a link to the authoritative treatise on the subject if you want to brush up.
>As someone already said...for now. Get a hard copy, just in case. 1984 is, frankly, scarily prescient.
1984 - George Orwell Signet Classics Amazon
Link to Amazon US. Also, I heard that Myelin Games (Destiny lore YouTuber) helped compile this.
> "Quality" means nothing without privacy and comfort. > > This just feels like separating the rich from the poor even further.
Indeed, just take a standard dystopian sci-fi book and you will notice the poor people living in a container.
Have a little ambition, please.
I hope people will use this money to buy a copy of George Orwell's 1984 book.
Because the irony would be so wasted on the stupid.
Speaking of maps, you'll probably be a very happy camper if you reward your new achievement (and prep for the Silmarillion) by spending around $20 for this atlas. Helps with not just locations, but populations, battles, journeys, and even timelines. Indispensable and so readable you'll sit with it just turning the pages, not only for reference.
And congratulations on completing your first read of Hobbit and LOTR! Be sure to check in here as you go while reading the Silmarillion. First-time readers have a special honored place here :-)
The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy includes all 5 that were written by Douglas Adams. The one I have on my shelf has a different cover than what Amazon currently shows, but it looks like it's all there. There is another Hitchhiker's book by Eoin Colfer working on Douglas Adams' notes called And Another Thing... you might also want to check out. Though you're probably better off switching to Dirk Gently before you get to that one.
Bioshock’s story is my favorite. I’ve replayed Bioshock 1 probably 4-5 times.
I love that they wrote a novel as well. Well worth the read if you’d like to see the story laid out from conception of Rapture through the building of the city, it’s hay day and downfall. BioShock: Rapture https://www.amazon.com/dp/0765367351/
OP, this is the correct answer right here.
And even if you aren't looking for a whole book, you should still get Fonstad's Atlas. It's a bargain and gives you way more info than a mere book of maps. I once read it nearly cover to cover.
Difference in ISBN could either be UK/Int'l vs. US, or just different ISBN format. Imitation Leather edition on Amazon US shows the same ISBN-13 as the ISBN on the Bungie Store.
Have you heard of We are Bob? It's a book that started as audiobook series. It very closely goes through the scenario you mention. One of the best sci-fi series imo.
Its called "1984" by George Orwell. If you ever hear the term "Orwellian" that originates from his work in "1984".
here you go my dude, read it and realise how silly you look.
Not exactly an Encyclopedia, but The Atlas of Middle Earth by Karen Wynn Fonstad is excellent.
Everything is incredibly well sourced (including showing you exactly where in the texts she gets her information) and I personally consider it the most accurate and "essential" book on Middle Earth not written by a Tolkien. It has a ton of information, and maps to accompany all of it. It is a lot more than just maps though.
Looks like you can snag it used on Amazon for less than $10 too. https://www.amazon.com/Atlas-Middle-Earth-Revised-Karen-Fonstad/dp/0618126996
I’m looking at amazon page right now, and they are in stock, if I’m looking at the right page? Destiny Grimoire Anthology, Vol I https://www.amazon.com/dp/1945683449/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_F-DsCbPWNXZ3R
There is one you can pay for from D1, which is exactly what I based this one off :) For USA, Amazon is probably the best place to get it. Note that it is only a very small part of D1's lore, but IMO it contains two of the best parts. The next volume is also coming out closer to the end of the year, I think.
Give the Bobiverse series a try.
The premise: An engineer signs up for cryogenically freezing his brain when he dies on a whim. A bus runs him over. He wakes up hundreds of years in the future except it has been determined that these frozen brains are now the property of the state. They couldn't unfreeze him and bring him back to life, but they COULD use his brain as a template to be mapped into a computer system. He is now effectively an AI, given control over a Von Neuman probe that is to be sent out to colonize space.
There's lots of fun world building and an interesting look at the human condition. They're pretty clever with Bob too. For example, there's no such thing as Faster Than Light travel, so Bob just turns his clock speed down. In this way he experiences time slower than is actually happening and doesn't go insane on the long journey between planets. The books really start to pick up as he constructs other Bobs, each with their own slightly different personalities.
That's a nice edition right there. Definitely not the one I'm chasing, though, it's a bit out of my price range. This one is the one I'm getting:
You might really enjoy a book series called “The Bobiverse”
It’s about a von Neumann probe with an Ai made of a human engineers (Bob) brain scan.
The science is pretty solid and general relativity and time dilation is an integral part of the plot.
For a perspective on how things might go for a cryonics patient in the future, read "We Are Legion (We Are Bob)" by Dennis E. Taylor. The audiobook narration is great!
Seriously though, try not to think about it. Everything ends. That's life. Live in the moment. You have the ability to choose how you want your life to go. Enjoy life while it lasts and appreciate how lucky you are to be self-aware as a human with opposable thumbs, Pokemon, and SpongeBob.