This is an awesome method, I’ve done similar in the past and I would suggest for added durability and some nice dimension you can use epoxy stickers to top them. I’m not sure about the larger sizes, but 1” ones are very cheap and easy to find.
Tosnail 300 Pieces Round Clear Epoxy Stickers for Bottle Cap Pendants or DIY Crafts - 1 Inch
Can also use these instead of glue.
Here's a US Amazon link for those Stateside:
I strongly suggest this company's matte vinyl for Inkjet printer. Water proof and amazing quality. Couldn't believe how well they work!
PPD Inkjet Matt Creative Vinyl...
And yup, Inkjet, the paper is made for it and works amazing. Does not run or smear when wet. Works amazing.
GW's Decals can be very forgiving if you're smart about them.
First thing you want to do is go to amazon and buy this:
Second, is hope it shows up despite the corona apocalypse. (I've had good luck)
Third, put your decal on with plenty of water, slide it into position, and let it dry. Then use the microsol, which eats away the glossy weird part, let it dry, then the micro-set, which seems to help keep it from flaking. After that they practically look painted on.
I just started putting decals on my guys and I just found out about this junk: Micro Set and Micro Sol
Makes stuff easy!
First, thank you. Second the paper I used was this.
PPD Inkjet Matt Creative Vinyl...
It's AMAZING. Inkjet printed on vinyl and it does NOT run or come off even when wet.
And to get the labels off. Goo gone my friend. It's gods gift for sticky label removal. Little tiny bit will do you.
Its your wrist tattoos my man. If you have an un-tattoo'd wrist that will solve the problem. Otherwise I've heard these ( work pretty well in at least preventing the locking, but won't help with heart rate. Same issue will effect any wrist based HR monitor (garmin etc).
I’m like 99% sure these are the exact ones I use.
Make sure that you do get the pack of 100. They’re incredibly cheap and YOU WILL have to change out the sticker occasionally.
Over time sweat, dirt, and just general grime under the sticker and it can start messing up the reading again.
You don’t have to change them very frequently, though. I preemptively change my stick every 2-3 weeks so I don’t ever worry about it not working.
Someone did mention for their sleeve they put a silicone bottle cap cover on the sensor of the watch and it bypasses the contact sensor on the watch while still allowing accurate hr reading etc. may be worth checking out? Beadaholique 100-Piece Epoxy...
I have the same issue with my SE, but haven’t fully tested the Ultra enough to know if the issue is resolved.
I will say the Ultra seems to be flatter on the bottom and it looks like it makes more contact with my wrist than my SE. I also tried on the Series 8 and it sat on my wrist just like the SE, with gaps on both sides of the sensor.
I also think the Alpine Loop feels more snug on my wrist and doesn’t move much even if I shake my wrist a lot.
I did find another workaround though. Another thread advised using some clear stickers on the Watch sensor. I ordered them off Amazon, skeptical, but they actually work great. The only problem is that they come off if they get wet and typically need to be replaced every 2-3 days. The good news is that you can get 100 for $9.99. So while not a total fix, an option to consider. Here’s a link: Beadaholique 100-Piece Epoxy...
nope, but you could achieve it on your own:
this solution is used for those who have tattoos and problems with the watch not detecting the watch being worn. the HR sensor will still work.
might help. another solution would be to vinyl wrap it (like car wrap), with transparent vinyl, 10 minute job.
Maybe r/crafts might have more answers?
I use a scrapbook-like adhesive machine (Amazon Link: Xyron Create-a-Sticker, 5", Sticker Maker, Machine, Permanent Adhesive (0501-05-10A) ). You feed the paper through the rollers. Bottom rollers have sticker adhesive that transfer to the back of your paper. This machine uses a hand-crank on the side for the rolling mechanism. It also applies wax(or parchment?) paper that you peel off to expose the adhesive.
I suppose you could also apply glue on the back with a brush? Not sure what type of glue you would want to use though.
The epoxy sticker trick worked! Recommend everyone try it. Works when I move, workout, doesn't lock every-time!
I've used that link as well as the basic CB page to print my own as well.
Something I did to make the ones I printed feel better and last long was print them on card stock, cut them with a 1-inch paper puncher, then add epoxy stickers on top to protect the flimsy paper. They turned out pretty great.
to OP - Personally I think the ones that come in the CB Operations boxes and scenery packs are solid! If you're trying to save yourself the money from buying whole boxes like that, then the option I described is very cheap (we're talking $20-25 total, cheaper if you happen to already have cardstock or a 1 inch hole puncher on hand). If you want something that looks and feels premium, the Warsenal ones are pretty highly touted.
Amazon has sticky token maker things like this: Beadaholique 100-Piece Epoxy Stickers for Bottle Cap Pendants, 1-Inch, Clear
Also pair that with a thick back like foam, felt, or magnets and you're good.
You can make stickers out of anything flat with this! Xyron Create-a-Sticker, 5", Sticker Maker, Machine, Permanent Adhesive (0501-05-10A)
Best thing I've done for tokens is put these bubbles on either side
I had coin capsules but didnt like it as much as this. Plus you get the original art and you can add them to new tokens that come along, like the blessed/cursed tokens from Innsmouth.
I make yourself some nice tokens. You need a printer, a 1” hole punch, and some 1” epoxy stickers. Shrink your images down to fit on a 1” square, print it, cut it out and stick the stickers down on top. Cheap and effective. I keep these as backups, I print some basic NPCs, or I print them for those odd monsters you probably won’t use very often. Here is the stickers: Beadaholique 100-Piece Epoxy Stickers for Bottle Cap Pendants, 1-Inch, Clear
I use these and it solves that auto lock issue
I’m completely sleeved and I used to have to wear my watch in a very specific way to keep it from locking- but it wasn’t very reliable.
These stickers work well and I replace them to charge my watch (sometimes the watch will charge with it on, but I find them cheap enough to change them daily)
I got the idea from this video but didn’t want to pay so much so I found a cheap alternative
Yup! I used these but there might be better deals for the same thing. Also recommend a 1-inch circle punch if you don't have one, I picked one up for a few bucks at Michael's
There is not. There was something similar on previous watches that allowed notifications even if you weren't wearing it but that's been removed. Call support and complain. I have a solution arriving today that supposedly works based on what people have said here.
I use these and it solves that auto lock issue
I’m completely sleeved and I used to have to wear my watch in a very specific way to keep it from locking- but it wasn’t very reliable.
These stickers work well and I replace them to charge my watch (sometimes the watch will charge with it on, but I find them cheap enough to change them daily)
This worked for me and this how it looks on my watch.
Bought the 40 pack on US Amazon site for $5.99
I also have the same issue with the new Galaxy watch 4, full sleeves, would not work for notifications, heart rate or sleep tracking, but I came across some tips after some Googling, for other smart watch users that have had luck putting epoxy stickers over the sensor, so I ordered some, and it actually works, mine even charges with the sticker on it.
After looking around. Here is a solution!
The stickers reflect light into the sensor to allow it to work right when on your wrist :)
Oh no! What type of marker do you use? I picked up some of the DMC stickers from Hobby Lobby and I think they're really sleek looking. When I went to work on this project one of the bobbins had its sticker fall off so I don't know if it was user error or if they'll all fall off eventually!