I have no idea.
There is not a single suspect for whom I can assert on the balance of probabilities that they were the killer - nobody is even near that. So a civil case, never mind a criminal case, would fail.
I have read quite a bit on the case and, in my opinion, The Complete History of Jack the Ripper by Philip Sugden is the only Jack the Ripper book worth reading.
I think the letters are fake. They are just too melodramatic.
Also 9 dollars on Amazon.
I LOVED this book, it was insightful and well researched.
"In Murder on the Mind, an insight into the minds of serial killers, crime author and researcher Amanda Howard investigates more than 65 cases of serial murder from around the world. Using primary resources and the actual words of many serial killers, Amanda reconstructs both the infamous and lesser known crimes and provides a valuable insight into the minds of serial killers with her thoughtful and analytical approach. The book is broken into the following chapters: - Child Killers - Strangers We Know - Thrill Killers - Killer Kids - Poisoners - Tandem/Group Killers - Black Widows and Blue Beards - Crimes of Passion and Violence"
Murder on the Mind
>"Multiple people saw him"
I mean the two women at the front desk absolutely saw him, (they hid after he shot out the glass and entered) as well as presumably the staff member who was killed trying to wrestle the gun from his hands.
There's actually a really great and comprehensive book about the tragedy, though I do feel the author goes too far in looking to blame things like pop culture.
It has interviews with people who knew the Lanzas and speaks extensively about Adam's mental illness, his increasingly isolated behavior, and his mother's frustration with the latter as well as her attempts to bond with him by taking him to shooting ranges.
Good read. If you watch “The Crown” on Netflix, you’ll be familiar with the primary story.
Death in the Air: The True Story of a Serial Killer, the Great London Smog, and the Strangling of a City https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N9ZVAM0/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_o4hrBbZ8SKF8K