That is insanely cheap for genuine Cleveland drills. The specific model number listed seems to be only sold in UK. Amazon US has similar sets which are listed USA made and 15pc set $70 was the cheapest I came across. I have no knowledge regarding the UK market and this brand, perhaps they outsource? Try asking the seller.
yeah doing a small hole and then using the 2mm makes it bigger but won’t drill any further. Anyway I got a new drill bit from bosch, the cheapest one and wow it drills like butter, without the need of a pilot hole I got this from amazon spain, way way better that the amazon generics
I used one if these. It was about two inches long.
Drill America - D/ASTCO31P12 #31 Cobalt Heavy Duty Split Point Stub Drill Bit (Pack of 12), D/ASTCO Series
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I use a hand drill with attachments now.
uxcell PCB Drill Bits 0.9mm...
0.9 seems the right size if you are using paper clips to pin. The tiny bits feed into a chuck.
QWORK Drill Chuck Converter, 2...
This combo works better than the pin drill I used before.
This kit is insanity. Those drill bits will munch through whatever you throw them at, but as they are tungsten, they are brittle. I've had a set for 2 years and recently snapped one while, admittedly trying a very odd angle to be drilling. I use them with a hobby drill, the little handheld ones. Work awesome.
For pinning a ball socket, put a dab of paint on one side, insert into the socket, and when you pull it out, you have markers for both holes.
Aside from that, 2 part epoxy. Smells like shit, but it doesn't fuck around. Pop it in, then use a clamp, rubber bands whatever you can, to hold it in place for about 8 hours.
Or you can use a normal drill bit to scratch up the inside of the ball joint, and the ball joint itself. Little cuts and scratches will give the super glue more to hold onto, giving it much better grip.
I haven't had to replace them yet. But if you need a new set I would probably go with something like this:
Carbide should stay nice and sharp for a long time to come. Plus with that particular set you can get a variety of sizes and they should fit into your pin vice. I would make sure to double check, or just buy a pin vice that would fit it. Bonus: if you ever get a dremmel these will fit right in for all your pinning needs! They are also available on eBay, not sure of the price difference though.
I don't own these but a buddy said one of his friends got them and loves them. Hasn't had to buy a new set in a while.
First, if I was doing a deck I'd prefer star drive or square drive over phillips.
That being said, I'm normally something of a milfuckee fanboy but I have to agree on the shockwave bits being mediocre at best. I really like these reduced diameter bits. They nest deeper in the screw and I haven't stripped one yet.
Match the screw size to a left hand drill bit like this
Use a drill that will reverse, slowly drill the head of the screw. With luck it will "catch" and unscrew the screw. If not, keep drilling just enough to remove the head so you can remove the part and expose the rest of the screw. Then use small pliers and unscrew it. Or leave it if its not critical.