I'm not familiar with ESA rules outside of the USA. In the US, to have an ESA, you need a letter from your doctor. Hopefully someone can chime in with experience in other countries.
Carriers are like this: https://www.amazon.com/Sherpa-Travel-Approved-Carrier-Medium/dp/B000633ZOY/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=dog+airplane+carrier&qid=1594736759&sr=8-1 , and each airline has its own requirements on how big it can be, so you'll need to check with the specific airline you're flying. The rule is it needs to go under the seat in front of you at all times. But as I mentioned, sometimes you'll get a nice flight attendant who will let you put it on an empty seat or something along those lines. I would not count on that being allowed though.
They traveled in the bin cage right next to their person on our last trip.
We got a hard sided pet carrier at one point and it was garbage with really wide bar spacing and it went right back to Amazon.
Is there a cat carrier you recommend? I'm worried my little escape artists would get out of anything soft sided. The little vet cage is fine for 2 for a short trip. Would 4 females on a 3 hours car ride be ok in one or two of the Kaytee travel cages? It's this one: Kaytee Take Me With Small Animal Travel Carrier, Large https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000MD3MH8/
That's what I've been doing. I get him to practice step up onto the edge of the carrier. Since it's a top open carrier he can easily just fly out if I try putting him inside. There's no perch inside so maybe that's something I should do first. Drill a hole in it and put a perch in there...because it's not really a cage what I have. What I have is the link below. More a carrier box.
Hey there! I also made a cross country move and brought two cats (Looking back, I dont know how I did it hahaha). Here's a link to the carriers that I bought: Sherpa Original Deluxe Pet... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000FLETX8?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
I flew Alaska and the carriers fit under the seat in front of us. My sister flew with me since they said only one animal per person. My cats were about 10-12 lbs each and they didnt move during the flight so I wouldnt worry too much about that. It might be other animals that they have that notice for...
Good luck with the move!
I flew delta using a sherpa and I recall one of my flights having an odd underseat dimension. No one asked any questions or measured my dog or the carrier. It did stick out a bit on one of the flights (longways into my leg area maybe a half to one inch) but again, no one said anything.
I think u/littletoast flies with their dog as well.
Not sure if Alaska goes to the east coast, but if you can fit your dog into one of these you can take them in the cabin with you and put them under the seat. It was $100/dog from San Diego to Honolulu when we moved out here.
*Alaska airlines Honolulu -> Seattle -> NYC seems to be an option. You could keep your dog with you the whole time. And if by some chance they tell you when you get to the airport that the dog has to go in cargo Alaska is the only airline (I think) with temperature controlled cargo holds.
I just flew with my two cats to Germany from the US and I can vouch for the Sherpa carriers and Feliway. They made it 19 hours without peeing!
My cats are pretty relaxed in the carriers, but there were no major problems. Good luck!
We fly to EU all the time with AC and we have this one
Quite squishy and fits comfortably under seat of Econ or Bus. Not allowed in premium cabin ( to EU )
I contracted AC before buying it & our cat has now flown 5 times in last 1 1/2 yrs. He is med sized so 6.5 kg with bag.
The actually odd measurements listed seem to be the actual height under seat belts that the bag would have to compress to.
This is the one that I used to fly on Delta Airlines. Please be sure to reserve a spot for your dog in advance.https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000633ZOY/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Here's the one we used to fly with our Maltese and Yorkie last year. The Maltese is around 7.5 lbs. They both seemed to be fine (except when our flight got delayed 2 hours!). Like one of the other posters said, you will need to remove them at security, so keep a leash handy.
What about this? Sorry the link is weird:
Living World 60887 Pet Carrier, Purple/Grey, Small : Amazon.ca: Pet Supplies https://www.amazon.ca/Living-World-Carrier-Purple-Grey/dp/B006JVPL6W/ref=asc_df_B006JVPL6W/?tag=googlemobshop-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=293035334125&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=14824701062595658952&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&am...
I would certainly hate for that turtle/tortoise to mysteriously vanish and end up with your cousin who specializes in caring for neglected reptiles. That would certainly be awful if it happened, and especially if there were no evidence to indicate anything other than the likelihood of the poor little guy having ~somehow~, ~mysteriously~ escaped over the summer while he was left completely alone, neglected and without food.
That would certainly be awful.
Side note: we like to transport our box turtle in a plastic carrier that’s been lined with wet paper towels, and has a generous layer of damp moss.
I sure do hope that little guy doesn’t mysteriously escape over the summer, but frankly, I think it’s probably likely, don’t you? An animal can’t be expected to somehow ✨magically✨ survive in captivity without fresh water or food. Surely it would try to get out and find food and water. Surely.
You’re a good person, OP.
Easy Vet Visit Pet Carrier for Medium Cats and Small Dogs. Safe, Comfortable and Convenient. Airline Approved, Top Loading and Collapsible https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07KMDQZYQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_WTVJH0RS5C4ANR63DG2G?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I have soft shoulder carriers for all my cats. My 2 boys, 10lbs and 11lbs I have Mr Peanut Pet Carriers, available on Etsy and Amazon. We have the luxury travel tote for one and gold series. I prefer the travel tote of the 2 but they also have expandable airline approved carriers too (easy to find on their Etsy page) so you can give your kitty extra room while not under the seat. I also have a morpilot for my former chonker. Sturdy has been through plenty since she doesn't care for the carrier. BUT some of the reviews say it doesn't fit every airline.
I’m assuming you’re asking because you’re looking for a long term solution. My boy is about 26.5 lbs and he fits in this carrier just fine even though he’s past the weight limit. I suggest replacing the shoulder strap on this one, otherwise it’s great quality. He’s eaten through a different mesh carrier, no problems with this one
Sherpa® Original DeluxeTM Airline... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000FLETX8?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
Not me, but my wife used to take our small dog (a yorkie) with her to work on her bike and just got one of those small pet carriers for traveling with pets and would clip it into a front bike rack. Also had a small blanket in there as well for warmth and padding. But her commute was only about 5 or 6 miles.
This one is fairly large: SturdiBag Extra Large Flexible Height Pet Carrier. https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B0027P0Q2S
They used to have a XXL size that was a little taller but I don’t see that one right now.
For a kitten, you can use a smaller one. Our smaller grown Maine Coon also likes a more standard carrier, basically a boxy soft sided one that’s the largest size you can take with you on the plane
Oh yeah. But it ain’t cheap. Best carrier I ever bought though:
I've been using the Sherpa 11721 Delta Deluxe Pet Carrier Medium Black since 2015, for her on several different airlines, and I've had no problem (domestic and international) so I do recommend it.
But I don't think you can use it for cargo, which has to be hard sided. If you do carry-on, I'd definitely go with a soft sided one so you can put it under the seat in front of you more easily.
Also if you find a carrier that allows pets in cabin, book early & speak to an agent, request to be behind a seat that'll definitely have room for the carrier. But also my understanding is that it's first come, first serve--there's a limit to how many pets can be on board, and also lets anyone with a cat allergy that tries to book after you that they will need to book a different flight.
Hope you and your kitty have a safe and easy journey!
Hello the vet is seeing us today but do you know if gerbils escape this? It’s all I have
Living World Hagen Pet Carrier https://www.amazon.com/dp/B006JVPL8A/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_9AKDNFZM6SPRT2NY0BTP
Hello the vet is seeing us today but do you know if gerbils escape this? It’s all I have
Living World Hagen Pet Carrier https://www.amazon.com/dp/B006JVPL8A/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_9AKDNFZM6SPRT2NY0BTP
We got this one and LOVE it, you can open the zipper and let them without risking them getting out!
Bergan Comfort Carrier Soft-Sided Pet Carrier https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B0015AFZZ4/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_GX6FSVY8NZM5375QDKX8?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I'm not anywhere near you so I can't help with transportation.
But I can give advice on how to transport them. you should have a carrier that's made of solid, hard plastic with very small holes for ventilation. I like the Living World carrier because the ventilation holes are the petfect size to prevent escapes. There are other brands of similar carriers, this is just the only one I know of off the top of my head.
Then, have the bottom lined with some of the same bedding that will be in their cage, a small lightweight but opaque hide and some high water content veggie slices like cucumber.
Maybe one like this? It has a deep bottom, so you can fill it with bedding for him to hide in, and it is hard-sided, so he will feel more safe.
Living World Hagen Pet Carrier https://www.amazon.com/dp/B006JVPL8A/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_5WY31PZ7F5NC21JKFWM9
Personally, I think it would be better without the clear top, but maybe you can find something similar. And a water bottle that goes inside.
I have this one. It comes with a water bottle, but I don't like the clear top. We haven't used it yet.
Limited-time deal: IRIS Extra Small Animal and Critter Carrier, Blue https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000VZSSDU/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_dl_NC07CM65EJP800ZAQ6KS
Most of the soft-sided carriers made for cats would work...but they are designed to allow the pet to see out, which is more likely to frighten a hamster, and the soft sides might be scary or they might chew it.
Whatever you choose, it MUST fit under the seat, so be sure to check measurements.
Bon voyage!
Hey! I know this is post is a few days old but I have some answers since I'm also bringing my cat home for Christmas.
I'm not sure where you are in the world or if it would even be different than here in Canada, but airlines do not want you giving your cat any sort of medication. My vet explained to me that it's a liability thing in case anything happens to the cat. What my vet DID recommend is this powder supplement to put in her food. I've been using it for a while now and its definitely helped get my normally bouncing-off-the-walls crazy cat to calm down. I've done a few test runs in my cat's carrier and while she would normally throw a hissy fit before and cry nonstop, she has no issue now and even voluntarily sleeps in her carrier from time to time.
I also bought this carrier. I like it because the back end of the carrier can squish, so if the under-seat space in the airplane is tight, it can fit. I've also booked my seat to be near the very front so there isn't as much noise around her as it would be in a middle row near the engines.
We have a soft carrier similar to this one. We leave it out in the cats spaces and regularly put treats inside so they are comfortable with it. Some of the cats use their carriers are a regular sleeping space. It's pretty sturdy and I doubt a cat would be able to fight their way out of it.
Have you talked to your vet about sedated the cats for the journey? It might be easier on them and you.
Small. This was the carrier I used. Check the dimensions and see if you think they’d fit.
I flew Delta, just because they were the only one with non stop to LAX at that point. I think American does too, but not sure these days.
If the dog won’t fit, the drive honestly isn’t horrible. I’ve done it in 3 days. If you can, take the time and stretch it out to 5 days or more, and stop and see the sights of the country, some parks, the worlds largest ball of twine etc. Definitely an experience.
When i did it last time I did first day LA to Grand Junction, CO. Second day to KC. That was a long day. Then third day back to Columbus. I figured out where I was gonna stop more or less then found a few hotels in that area that took pets. Just so I could have a couple backups if anything happened w my first choice.
Southern route through TX maybe better if you’re doing it in winter. Less chance of a blizzard or something in the Rockies. Both ways are beautiful though, and cool stuff to see.
When I called AA about our regional flight (Bombardier CRJ 700- Arizona to Billings MT) he told us carrier dimensions for that flight can't exceed "8 in x12 in x16 in" which is smaller than our bag. I got that carrier suggestion from someone else in this sub who recently traveled with their dog on AA just fine, but don't know if they had the same regional requirements.
Like this - it opens from the top or the mesh-sided front. I have a small black one and a medium purple one.
SHERPA Original Deluxe Airline Approved Pet Carrier, Medium, Black https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B000FLETX8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_SPAWXGHJMZEFJSPQCK2C?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Like this: SHERPA Original Deluxe Airline Approved Pet Carrier, Medium, Black https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B000FLETX8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_SPAWXGHJMZEFJSPQCK2C?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
It opens from the top or the mesh-sided front.