Ah, a fellow sexy sleeper.
I don't know if the mouthguard will help you with mouth breathing. I suspect not. I tried one of these chinstraps for a while due to snoring (allergy meds and less alcohol did help, however) but didn't find that it helped. But it may help with your issue.
I tried a bunch that kept falling apart, but have recently had luck with the Quiet Panda chin strap.
If you look around Amazon there seem to be chinstraps that look identical in structure but have different branding. Those are cheaper; I'd probably get one of those.
It's really sturdy and won't fall apart. The only problem is that the blue ink dye will rub off into the FFM plastic, turning it kind of grayish-blue, but it doesn't seem to affect skin.
After using this product who bore use this product you can buy from Amazon. Hope you get a better solution from sleep apnea
After trying g 4 or 5 different style chin straps this one is by far the best. I think the extra support on the lower lip to keep mouth closed is what did the trick. Check this out at Amazon.com Dysnosis Chin Strap - Chin Strap... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09JDSSMMY?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
We have this problem. It wasn't a problem for years until a mother and teenage daughter moved in.
I use these soft silicone ear plugs called "Bio Ears" which I get from Amazon:-
They are perhaps too effective. Don't even hear someone hammering on the front door. Get a really peaceful nights sleep though.
May father has severe apena. We have tried dozens of masks, mouth tape and at least 4 different chin straps. Everything you said about the chin straps has been true for my father. Until this latest chin strap. It doesn't need to be super tight because it has a portion that goes under the lower lip. Holds the lower lip up.
Check this out at Amazon.com Dysnosis Chin Strap - Chin Strap... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09JDSSMMY?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share.
I also use a CPAP- however I prefer the tape for the mouth.
Sorry, I was commenting on 2 similar posts and got confused lol. I use a chin strap and mouth guard. Chin strap to keep my mouth shut and mouth guard to keep me from clenching too tight and hurting my jaw. First couple of nights without mouth guard my jaw hurt. I think I was trying too hard to not let air escape and the chin strap was too tight.
I use this strap
and a basic oral-b boil and bite mouth guard I bought at walmart for $20.
BioEars soft silicone earplugs help me sleep when the street's noisy late at night.
> [in 2015]...it didn't work out
Why not? Lots of people mouth breathe and use CPAP without difficulty.
>What is your experience with a chinstrap?
They work great. I've tried a few different ones. The cheap neoprene ones lose their elasticity very quickly and don't allow any movement front to back. The one I like is actually cheap too. It covers the ears, which may be a problem for some. Because it's just a simple band, it can be placed father back on the jaw, which I find more comfortable.
> Swift FX/chinstrap combo may work out
Any nasal mask plus a chinstrap is great if you can get enough air through your nose. The chinstrap is the easy part, but finding the right mask is tough and I suspect it's the primary reason why most people quit CPAP. Perhaps hit up your DME for a mask fitting and try out a range of masks? The Swift FX is popular, but so are the Philips Dreamwear and Resmed P10.
If you're having trouble getting enough air through the nose, maybe check with your doc or an ENT. A simple nasal rinse before bed can make a difference. Also, drugs like azelastine (Rx) and fluticasone (now available OTC) can help. Of course there's also surgery.
Looks like the lamp specifically is unavailable now but there are many more like it. I like the idea of efficient LED lamps that clamp to desk edge.
I've tried a few and this cheap one ($12) is the best so far:
The material is soft and stretchy and I like that it is wide enough to actually wrap around my chin. It is a bit warm and may be too bulky for your requirements, but it's definitely not itchy. It comes with a smaller 1" wide velcro strip that can go behind your head to keep the larger portion from slipping forward, but I haven't needed it.
Finding a mask that you like is really tough, so if you're happy with the P10, then maybe try a different chin strap? I went through a couple before finding this cheap one that seems to work best. It's really wide, so it forms over your whole jaw, not just the chin. Also, it has a headband part if you want added support.
Those are very cute! I love the lace up look. I'm going to get these when I have some money Owls! Edit: Oh these too Sharks, so amazing