I bought a beginner guitar starter pack someone recommened me rocksmith 2014 cause im into computer games
this is the guitar I got on sale Epiphone Les Paul Special II Players Pack with Guitar and Amplifier-Ebony
here is a link from amazon for reference
paid 150 dollars for it
wanted to start out cheap if everything goes well I will buy a decent guitar down the road
Thank you for all your replies, so I decided to go for an Epiphone special II : https://www.amazon.fr/gp/product/B0002CZUV0/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8
It's more expensive but at least I won't regret it from what you told me. I have a shop in the city but I don't live very close to it and it's easier for me to buy on amazon, plus if I'm not happy with this model it's amazon so I can always ask for a refund to get an other one.
(also the used guitar I found are only 20€ less than the original price so I prefer to buy something new)
Absolutely. New to guitars but researched heavily when buying my Tele CV 50. In my research every shop has the same price unless it’s on sale. Check amazon for a barometer of what to expect. As you can see here it’s the same price. https://www.amazon.com/Epiphone-STANDARD-PLUS-TOP-Electric-Coil-Tapping/dp/B007ZH2T6Y/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1529994774&sr=8-1&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=epiphone+les+Paul+plus+top+pro&dpPl=1&dpID=31pienmdftL&r...
In my experience most music shops price match. When looking for outlets that sell the CV50 tele I couldn’t help but notice it was the same exact price no matter what store I went to online, much less in store if I had to order it. New guitar prices seem to be consistent in value, at least on the lower end of the price range and there’s little room for deviation.
Any time you’re interested in buying check Amazon if only to see how much they’re selling it for. I’d still suggest buying in Guitar Center to support music shops though. Amazon is popular enough as it is.
Hey guys, newbie here. After reading up on it I decided to get a used Yamaha Pacifica. However, I couldn't find any used 112J/112Vs in my local Guitar Center, only the entry level PAC012. I'm not too comfortable with buying used without trying the guitar hands-on, so my options right now are this:
I'm a broke college student, so I'd like to get the best bang for my buck. Does the upgrade from PAC012 to 112J justify a $100 increase? Or the upgrade from 112J to 112V another $100? I think I'll be getting a Roland Microcube to go with it, and play it through my headphones with a 1/4" to 3.5mm adapter.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks :)
I also have a Bullet Mustang. It's a very well built guitar for the price.
Squier by Fender Bullet Mustang HH Short Scale Beginner Electric Guitar - Blue https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07B52QZ3V/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_JZT27DAQGNHDFRMR0KDQ?psc=1
That’s a little more, but that or the squier bullet strat hss. Kurt played a mustang and it’s traditionally a student guitar since it has a short scale. The short scale might not work well with the down tunings that deftones use, so the strat with a humbucker might be better.
Keep in mind that these listings are only for a guitar. No case, no strap, no picks, no spare strings. Most importantly no amplifier. You’re not gonna get a decent bundle with everything for close to $150.
Another thing to keep in mind is that those artists use pedals between their guitar and amp to get most of their tones. You’ll probably want a chorus pedal and distortion pedal to start to sound like them. Even if the amp has built in crunch or dirty, it’s not the sound you will be looking for.
definitely! I got fortunate that the shop included a 10ft cord, and the best part is you can haggle! Best of luck in the search! Another good one I've seen on Amazon is Epiphone on sale for 100$ and I believe that one comes with everything.
> Feel like buying an electric bass guitar
I'm currently searching for a second hand bass guitar so if you've got any leads, I'm all ears ;)
>is there a portable electric guitar out there?
Regarding the electric guitar, I used to play this one when I was visiting a friend years ago and I actually had fun with it. The sound was surprisingly interesting in a low fi / distorted way. Not recommanded of course if you like the Marshall distorsion sound or if you want a perfect clean sound.
If you just want to practice, another solution is to buy a regular guitar and buy a mini amp like the Vox amPlug. That's what I plan to do with my bass.
A Les Paul Special, with 2 humbuckers, and a proper tailpiece, is only $169 at Amazon. $140 might be a little too much for that one
A Junior is only $129 there as well.
This has a humbucker so the mustang might work for you. The guitar has no amp built in so you're not going to be able to just put headphones and I don't know what happened at the GC that let you do that. I have the "acoustic" model and you need a little amp with it. I actually bought one of those tiny practice amps that I take with me. Fender makes a cute one that looks like tweed. https://www.amazon.com/Fender-Mini-57-Twin-Amp-Electric/dp/B000B2Q2MC/ref=asc_df_B000B2Q2MC/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=257927876538&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=13636798497238089696&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9004356&hvtargid=pla-441600655429&psc=1
Jay Turser is one of many companies that rebadge budget import guitars. You can get a nearly identical guitar from IYV and Harley Benton. I’d bet money they’re all made in the same factory.
Yamaha Pacifica 112J. My first guitar (still have it) and for around $200 USD is pretty decent. Similar in quality to a lower end Squier but with a bridge humbucker and full thickness body to make upgrading easier later on.
Sorry for the delay guys! Overall it’s actually very good especially for $140. Literally everything 3legged_dog_ said. It’s on par with a Squier IMO. Bone nut, straight neck, only this one color from what I’ve seen. After I got the paint off I exposed that massive chip in the back but they filled it in an painted over it very nicely…I had no idea it was even there. Overall really nice! Obviously with a little money, time, and effort it can be a whole lot nicer! I’m in USA but here’s the Amazon link and they actually have some in stock which doesn’t last long!
I HIGHLY doubt that that is a hand built guitar, it appears to be a refinished import, and a particularly cheap import at that:
The same body is sold with a different neck as a Harley Benton MS-60
Yes, they make an Angel Vivaldi signature model. DR is a different company than D'Addario. Here's a link to the specific set that I use:
For the last ~5 years I've been thinking of buying an electric guitar that costs less than ~$400. It's my birthday next week and maybe I'll finally do it
Any suggestions?
I'm thinking about this one: Epiphone Les Paul Special II Electric Guitar (Ebony). An Amazon link is convenient - I'll buy it somewhere else.
Both Epi's are similar Les Paul Special II Les Paul Special VE
It's one of these
It's in black like the link. It needs a bit of soldering work (something is loose in it so it has intermittent connection) and the knobs have been replaced to white. I can take actual pictures of it in a bit. I would want $120 shipped and insured (I wouldn't make much money off of this due to the cost to ship, but I would rather just get rid of it).
Yamaha Pacifica PAC112 amazing beginners guitars for around $200-250. I’ve had mine for 8 years it’s stays in tune and sustains well.
Yeah I plan on going into a Guitar Center to try different guitars out. I had a friend who bought nothing but Ibanez guitars and I really like the way they look but I know nothing about the hardware of them. Would something like this be better to start off with? https://www.amazon.com/Epiphone-SPECIAL-II-Electric-Vintage-Sunburst/dp/B0002CZUV0/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1515347622&sr=8-1&keywords=Les+Paul+special
For an LP look into 12-60. They work quite well for Drop Tuning. I use these on my LP and work great:
I've got some experience with an acoustic, I'm looking to move up to electric now. No need to worry about amps, pedals, or anything like that. I have a plan. The main thing I need to worry about, obviously, is what guitar to get. I'm on a tight budget (up to $200, but you can try to convince me to $250). I'm only looking for a simple, entry-level guitar, nothing that requires the mother-of-all-amps or a studio to sound good (I'm a budget college kid :P)
The two I'm considering are the Yamaha Pacifica or the Les Paul Special-II (any other ideas for LPs?). I do want to be able to play a mix of both pop/funk and also classic rock/heavy rock, so I need something with a decent enough pickup set.
Looking at these two models in particular, I've found this:
For the Yamaha. No clue what those numbers and letters in the "Style" menu mean... help pls?
...and this, for the Special II Also a bundle option there. Like I said, don't need amps, but still, if my original plan doesn't work, tell me if that pack would be any good.
So yeah, that's more or less where I'm at. Ideas? Suggestions? Anything in particular I should look for? As I said, I have NO CLUE what many of these 112V or J or whatever tags are supposed to mean, so uh... given what I was looking for, maybe you all could help fill me in? As I said for anything on the instrument that depends on amps, pedals, etc., don't worry, that's covered.
EDIT: Formatting derps.
I can't even play guitar haha, but just because of K-ON i tried to learn it and bought this one for christmas: https://www.amazon.com/Epiphone-STANDARD-PLUS-TOP-Electric-Coil-Tapping/dp/B007ZH2T6Y Much cheaper, looks like Gitah too!
Still can't play Fuwa Fuwa Time. :L
I started with this one: https://www.amazon.com/Yamaha-Pacifica-PAC112J-Electric-Sunburst/dp/B001CC3Q74
It is the exact same amount as that used guitar you are looking at. :)
It is a great beginners guitar.
I still use it. Really flexible because of the pickup configuration. You won't believe this but the actual guitar isn't really that important after you get some basic quality issues settled. The yamaha's tend to have really good QC for cheap guitars. The only danger with that used one is whether it has developed any issues or not.
Good luck with it!
> get the Epiphone if you think having a les paul will make you more willing to play guitar
How's this for a decent Epiphone then? It's well under $200, but hey, it's an Epiphone.
I was thinking of these two options :
Which one should I go for? What is the difference between the strat and les paul? And, yeah, is there any better option?
Can I make my setup sound more like The Offspring?
I have a Les Paul Special-II with a generic 10W amped along with a Rat2 Distortion Pedal.
The sound I'm after is kind of like the intro of this song
Can someone recommend me settings or new equipment? Thank you!
Ya? So not mentioning those details kinda indicates some issues they're not sharing? I'm open to not buying it. Before finding it, I was set on buying this Epiphone Les Paul and getting a quality setup.
Epiphone Les Paul SPECIAL-II Electric Guitar, Ebony https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0002CZUUG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_pg3qxbZ75DSQF