The usual academic answer is from various archives and military academies. Pay your dues and do the necessary legwork for research.
But I personally find that answer very behind the times. The Internet may not have a central repository for military articles, but it doesn’t need to have one thanks to Google especially if you understand how to properly tune your search results.
For instance, when searching about the Rhodesian Bush war, I simply added the search term “PDF” into the query and got this as my first result:
And note that when you get your first long article, it’ll usually include a very long bibliography which you can then search for, like this:
Cox, Chris. Fireforce: One Man’s War in the Rhodesian Light Infantry. Johannesburg: 30 Degrees South, 2006.
Which you can then try to find copies of, perhaps by purchasing an ebook from Amazon:
(Though in this case it seems only the paper version is available).
I would caution though that most military history accounts are terribly one-sided, so it pays to also enter search queries about the other side, and to look at sources covering the opposition.
Don’t be afraid to search in Google adding “reddit” as a search query. A lot of wars often have a few English language experts who show up in reddit, and they very often can give more details that a normal paper would not cover.
The US economy? The iPhone ur using to write that message? Where do you think the material to make these technologies comes from? They don't just appear out of thin air
Start with this. This is how it all started
Tell me you know nothing about SA history without using those words.
The brits created concentration camps to prevent the commandos from getting resupplied DURING THE WAR, this and the use of roaming troop columns combined with fortification of the rail lines lead to the defeat of the boers.
ONLY THEN did the bittereinders form up and start a rebellion. The fucking reason the bittereinders got created was in response to kitchener and his scorched earth policies.
go read a book, i can recommend this one
PS In what war is a supply line not a valid target?
maha gandu
- subjugated an underaged girl to nude behavior and it is the violence of the worst kind (source - “Mahatma Gandhi’s Letters on Brahmacharya, Sexuality, and Love” by Girja Kumar (Vitasta Publishing, 2011). More detailed citations and references in the chapter on Gandhi in Rita Banerji’s book “Sex and Power: Defining History, Shaping Societies,” [pages 265-281, Penguin Books, 2009].)
- when any Indian was killed for speaking an inch against Britisher a man out of nowhere came out and started a "peaceful satyagraha" and it was even published in the newspapers even though there was heavy censorship by the brits.
- when the whole parliament was supporting Sardar Vallabh Patel for the position of pm this man started a satyagraha against the whole parliament to make NEhru the pm.source
want to read more just read the book south African Gandi and face the reality this book
>Only thing is I am envious that he got this book out before I could lol.
If it makes you feel better, this guy has you both beat:\_1\_1?crid=1ZBQ5X20NLWH3&keywords=heavy+metal+africa&qid=1659924856&sprefix=heavy+metal+afri%2Caps%2C198&sr=8-1
The best advice I ever got was:
"There us no formula to life"
In the crypto world its the same people have lost everything in "solid" projects while others millions in "shitcoins"
Personally have used the phrase mining fiat to denote any activity that's main goal is an increase in fiat. Not just working
Trading is also mining fiat. HODL is mining fiat etc....
I decided to mine gold and BTC. Because fiat is an obvious scam at this point and keeping money in the bank at thus point is giving banks free money. If intrest rates are below inflation. You are actually paying them to use your money
The "average person" is now trapped in the fiat mine. The need it to pay for day to day expenses. That are increasing at 6% in the US, 21% in Turkey and 50% in the developing world. While wages stay stagnant. This is a labour trap and people will be in this mine indefinitely and their savings and pensions in 20 -30 years worthless. As due to compounding the value of each $ will be worth less 60 - 90% at yearly inflation above 5%
So while life has no formula on average it is a safer bet to mine fiat and convert it into crypto. However due to the nature of inflation disposable income will shrink and you can only mine more to survive
I suggest you read
On what "mining fiat" in a hyperinflation environment results in
A long time ago I read but vividly remember loving Don't Let's Go To The Dogs Tonight by Alexandra Fuller, which is a memoir about growing up in Africa.
This article takes direct excerpts from his letters about his views on sexuality, his "experimentation" with younger girls, the disgust of his subordinate and how he reacted to him.
There has been a recent book expounding on Gandhi's racist views, belief in Aryan theory to validate denigrating South African black people while trying to make Indians seem "more equal" (that phrase sounds absurd to me, so the quotes; not from the book) to whites. - as a white Zimbabwean, I hope you understand that the actions of a despotic dictator don't represent what the majority of the population believes in. The majority of Zimbabweans of all races just want to get on with normal lives, with dignity
This is awesome! I got really interested in Rhodesia last year, and think the guns from that time period are really interesting. That article on the A5 shotgun was rad. Check out the book Fireforce by Chris Cocks, you won't regret it. The story of the Rhodesian Light Infantry and their Fireforce tactics in the bush war is nuts!
Insisting that the ANC be allowed to take power is like insisting ISIS be allowed in elections. These are people who necklace their black opponents. They shared a camp with SWAPO in Uganda where they imprisoned and tortured people. More like a commie terrorist organization than the civilized whatever-the-fuck MSM portrays them as.
I cannot imagine the rage I would as an Afrikaner when the government handed power over to them without even trying to negotiate autonomy for whites or something.
The Scramble for Africa by Thomas Pakenham
Fantastic book on the colonization of Africa. Impartial, well written and thorough.
to understand modern africa, you must understand colonial africa, and for that i suggest this book