I have this one: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B06ZZRR7XD/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
It works great. Pack the pellets in it tightly. I use a propane torch to light it - direct flame for about a minute, then let it burn for another three or four minutes before blowing out the flame. It will smolder for about 5-6 hours when full. Great for cold smoking cheese. Also good for laying more smoke on whatever you have in the smoker.
What you need is a motion activated sprinkler to keep them off of your property
Havahart 5277 Motion-Activated Animal Repellent & Sprinkler, 1 Pack, Green https://www.amazon.com/dp/B078HK12H8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_7J35CbQZHYGTG
Spicy jam/jelly. Spicy ice cream (not very hot, just a slight warmth to follow the sweet). Spicy powder-spiked sugar or salt to rim the glass for fancy drinks. Flavored simple syrups. Flavored vinegars. http://www.gotmead.com/forum/showthread.php/23562-Jamaican-Gravy-(XXX-Hot-Sauce) I didn’t have scotch bonnets, but I made a quart sized mason jar of this with a cup of Piri Piri peppers and about 6 ghosts and it was pretty awesome. You can also cut them in half and cold smoke them. https://www.amazon.com/LIZZQ-Premium-Pellet-Smoker-Tube/dp/B06ZZRR7XD/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?keywords=Pellet+smoker+tube&qid=1559170747&s=gateway&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1 Check this link, and check out some YouTube videos too. Once cold smoked, you can use them as is, or further roast them to make em soft and blend them into some cream cheese as the base for a spicy dip, or jalapeño poppers. You can blanch them to lower the heat a little bit, and then use them. You can ferment them to bring out more flavor, add flavors, and lessen the heat. This will change your hot sauce game too. You can make spicy tomato sauce, spicy gazpacho, spicy bbq sauce, or just grind em up, make tea with them, and spray em on your plants as deer repellant.
What about a hammock on a stand? They collapse down small, but still very comfortable for sleeping (source: have slept in hammock on a stand).
ETA: Like this.
Also, as a teacher, I GUARANTEE the thing he will appreciate most is a letter from you, his students. Did you do a production of a play that was particularly significant, or study a playwright that he helped you fall in love with? Buy a copy of that play, and have each of you sign/write a message on the book covers/pages of the play. He will always remember you, and the time you guys all spent together.
Mosquito Bits. Sprinkle them on the top of the soil or add them to the water you use to water your plants. By far the easiest way to deal with fungus gnats and a 30z container could last for years.
Just did some quick research on your suggestion...would you suggest something like Mosquito Dunks?
Edit: hmmm. From that product page:
Q: Where can I place these if i have no standing water in my backyard or front yard and how many for a total 1/4 acre?
A: I think they're designed to solve the problem of mosquitoes breeding in standing water. If you don't have standing water, you don't have the problem these were designed to solve.
Some mention putting out buckets of water etc. I believe that's just creating a problem so you can solve it.
I had trouble with the jiffy peet pellets when I first started last year. I switched to Rapid Rooter blocks and had fantastic success. I pop them into these little greenhouse things, and they’re awesome..
Those rapid rooter cubes work amazing with clone-X rooting gel if you do want to take clones too.
I’d also recommend going from the 1gal pot, straight to the 5gal pot. Going to the 3gal in between won’t really help you, and give another chance to shock or stress your girls.
I had the same problem until I started adding this to the water I use for water the plants. Its a bacteria that kills the bugs. Works great.
A hard freeze would help. But seriously..
I somehow have got the problem under control by a professional service but I also supplement it with this:
Summit Responsible Solutions Mosquito Bits - Quick Kill, 30 Ounce https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0001AUF8G/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_rjPyFbN4GWBCM
Idk how well it works but anytime it rains I go around like a mad man pouring that in every puddle. Mosquitos love me and this is the first summer/fall I haven’t bathed in bug spray.
There are very few mosquitoes in Seattle. We don't even have screens, like most of our neighbors. If you have a lot of them you might have a source on your property or near it -- standing water where they breed. We have a sump pit in an outdoor stairway that I regularly add "Mosquito Bits" to. Find the standing water near you and do the same!
I am almost the exact size as you, I'm a little taller. I use a Warbonnet Blackbird XLC with the standard suspension. Being as tall as you are 11 foot is a must for a comfortable night's sleep. When camping there would be no room for second person in the Blackbird.
While hanging out in the back yard I have a Vivere hammock hooked to tree and metal clothes line post. My wife and I lay in it every nice day with no problems. Here's a link to Amazon and it includes a stand. https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B004YJCP7O/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awdb_EmXRzb2P4D9PV
I would discourage you from using 4x4s. Before I got my clothes line post I tried to use a 4x4 and it snapped off at the ground and hit me in the head. It hurt quite a bit and I felt like an asshole.
I had a terrible fungus gnat situation and putting Mosquito Bits on the soil before I watered eliminated them. Neem, hydrogen peroxide, and yellow sticky pads didn't work for me, but this did. It kills the larvae.
This stuff works so well for fungus gnats. Just sprinkle some in your watering can before you water and viola!
e: ....voila!
I use a turkey fryer that I got from Amazon. Something like this: https://www.amazon.com/Bayou-Classic-SP10-High-Pressure-Outdoor/dp/B000291GBQ/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1548095752&sr=8-4&keywords=turkey+fryer
It works great!
Get a smoke tube! They’re like $15 on Amazon. You can fill with wood pellets and work pretty well. Get you a decent flavor. I use them in my pellet smoker for added flavor.
A motion activated sprinkler is fully independent of any irrigation system you have now. Set one or more of them up where needed and run water to them. Most of them are battery or solar powered. They use an IR detector to detect movement. The water is only sprayed when the sprinkler detects an animal. The response time is immediate. Water usage is also minimal.
Amazon has a good selection or you can find them at your local hardware store.
Havahart 5277 Motion-Activated Animal Repellent & Sprinkler, 1 Pack, Green https://www.amazon.com/dp/B078HK12H8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_QTZ91VA9N0BWTCAQPMAT
Just grow them, they'll be fine. Or they won't. Only one way to find out.
I personally prefer these for germinating.
It is. I switched to cookinpellets all hickory and it made a huge difference. If you want to ramp it up even more, you can get one of these.
I would recommend (and I personally use)the bluelab PH pen. Don't skimp out on something you're going to be using every few days. 88 dollars , spend it, bite the bullet, and take care of the pen as directed with the storage solution, clean it after using it etc.
PH is one of the most important factors, the cheap pens are iffy. The bluelabs one comes with a full guarantee, and is what most professionals use.
I put these bits in a gallon of water, then use the water on the plants until the gnats are gone. It doesn’t work as well on the adult gnats, but stops new ones.
Alternatively, a Sun Joe SPX3000 Pressure Washer is currently $150 at Amazon. This is a 120V electric pressure washer, they are generally significantly less powerful than gas models, but this is a top-end electric model so surprisingly capable and totally suitable for home use.
Using a fire for every meal becomes a chore. Wood may cost money ($5 a bundle) and definitely takes time to get going and manage. It's also limiting because you can't leave while it's going, someone must be around to watch it.
I recommend a stove. At least for breakfast, going no-cook for lunch.
Coleman brand stoves are classic car camping options. Amazon has the basic 2-burner one for $42:
Then you'll need a pot and skillet, which thrift stores often have for super cheap. Maybe a spatula, tongs, or whatever accessories you use in your home kitchen.
Simple accessories like paper towels, wash bucket, and hand sanitizer are also helpful around the kitchen.
Really - whatever you cook at home you can cook while camping. You'll want to simplify some recipes - but with some prep you can eat the same stuff on the road that you eat at home.
Eggs, sausage, tortillas make great breakfast food. Oatmeal and pastries are simple. Always coffee.
I like sandwiches for lunch.
Dinner can be anything. We typically have lots of time for dinner so we don't rush. Steaks are classic, or simply hamburgers. Hot dogs are okay, but get the fancy ones at least. Pasta is simple and filling, 1 pot. 'hobo' packet dinners are a great solution for cooking in the fire.
Desert is a treat. Chocolate or fruit maybe. Cobbler takes extra effort but is delicious camping food.
The cooler can be anything. They range in price from $20 to $2000, and generally you get what you pay for. I would recommend against the simple styrofoam ones and get something that will last. Go to your local discount store/Walmart and see what they have on sale.
Apologies for the disgusting amazon link.
I know this is also a Coleman, and you've had bad experiences, but this has served me well through ~10 years of cub scout/boy scout camping. Highly recommend it.
As far as what you're looking at, the Tritons are nice, but I've actually had better luck with the one I linked above, it seems to me with Coleman gear, as you go up in price, things tend to break more. I've never heard of Koblenz.
I have a Sun Joe one from Amazon. Works well enough.
Sun Joe SPX3000 Pressure Joe 2030 PSI 1.76 GPM 14.5-Amp Electric Pressure Washer https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00CPGMUXW/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_8-8jCbT1WGR6V
I recommend mosquito bits! First learned about them over on /r/isopods. Safe for use with them (crustaceans) and tried them in my bioactive dubia cockroach and morio beetle tank--no problems! They're basically just corn granules coated with a bacteria strain (Bacillus thuringiensis israelensi) which kills the larval form of mosquitos and fungus gnats.
It seems to be most effective if you sprinkle some granules in water, let them soak a bit for the bacteria to become free-floating, then water all substrate with that until all larvae and adults and eggs have died. It seems to only kill in the larvae stage, so you do have to continue to dose for a bit, but it seemed pretty effective for me.
I've also had great luck with apple cider vinegar traps (literally just apple cider vinegar and a drop of dish soap--breaks surface tension better--in a container, they drown trying to get to it) if you can find a way to plop that in gecko-proofed. Some people put a rubber banded bit of cellophane with holes in it to catch more flies, might keep curious geckos out.
Good luck!
oh I can help!!!! this stuff right here is a miracle worker for fungus gnats and it's plant/animal safe.
I've had this one for 6 years and it works great. Not the big burner in terms of flame output, but I had 9 gallons going at a rolling boil in no time last weekend. Had to turn it down, actually. So the less expensive ones work just fine.
Edit: words
Yeah he uses tons of seasoning and I wasn’t sure the first time I made them. If you don’t like fennel don’t do this recipe but I love it so it’s great. I actually bought the one size up grinder from him but only because I had a gift card from work. It’s amazing but I’d have never spent my own money on it. I saw the red wine advice from people and think I’ll try that next time. I’ll say all the sausage I’ve done from him has been amazing. And if you’re looking to smoke without buying an actual smoker I’d recommend buying a smoke tube off Amazon. I use one as an added smoke flavor in my traeger but I’ve done stuff on the grill with it too. They’re only $15 and work great! Link for the one I have below. If I can be of any help let me know! There’s definitely tons of people here that know more than me but if I can help I will.
LIZZQ Premium Pellet Smoker Tube... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06ZZRR7XD?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
> How do you keep algae and nasty growth down in it?
Pond plants. Specifically, water hyacinth, parrot feather, and water lettuce. If you don't want to have fish in there, use some of this: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0001AUF8G
But fish, even feeder goldfish - you can get 50 for about 10 bucks - are worth having. I water all the greenhouse plants with pond water, which gives a very light fertilizer boost, and it's completely organic.
I got mosquito bits from Amazon & I keep a small chunk in each watering can (I refill them each time I use them so the minerals settle before the next watering). They work brilliantly! Although they seem expensive (I was surprised by how much they are), after using them they are definitely worth the money. In about 6 weeks I’ve used 1/4 of one of the rings - I have about 60 plants of varying sizes from tiny to huge - to give you an idea as to how long a pack of 6 might last you.
These are the ones I bought