> if you were going to open a business would you take advice from someone who owns a few businesses or would you take advice from the guy who has a degree in entrepreneurship but no experience?
I'd take advice from the person with proven effectiveness. Their background doesn't play into it.
You should read this book and understand why you're wrong. It actually specifically addresses this line of old school thinking.
his life story is so interesting. I recommend reading Shamrock’s life story. I got a huge deal preordered the book on indiegogo and got for 7 dollars on my iPad about a year back
For more late-70s content, I really love this book: https://www.amazon.com/Breaks-Game-David-Halberstam/dp/1401309720/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=breaks+of+the+game&qid=1623418169&sr=8-1
It's widely considered to be one of best books on sports ever.
Yooo Scott! Definitely going to read your book now. Impressive reviews on Amazon. Thanks for joining in.
2 questions for you:
It's not by the dodgers or focused on the dodgers but this book talks about the player development race. After pretty much every front office embraced analytics, it was no longer the edge. Now it's up to how you develop your players and the dodgers are the best. They have the best young prospects, and the best team.
Bertrand Hebert's Andre the Giant biography is pretty great. Even if you have no interest in wrestling.
The stories have been exaggerated over the years, but not by much.
Also a book The Eighth Wonder Of The World: The True Story of Andre The Giant which goes into some of the myths that seemingly always come up in documentaries about him.
This is fun book: https://www.amazon.com/Iron-War-Scott-Allen-Greatest/dp/1934030937
For training, I'm really digging Fitzgerald and Warden's 80/20 Triathlon. I self trained for a year, had a coach for 2.5 years, and have self trained for the last 5 years and the 80/20 is the best, most straightforward strategy/plan I've found.
Not a Doctor
Check out this book. It may help with some understanding.
It talks a lot about environmental conditioning.
Studying and reading more than I ever have. Mental preparation is a big component. My wife picked this book up for me after we qualified.
For those dreading the cold weather and looking to keep healthy, give this book a read. https://www.amazon.com/What-Doesnt-Kill-Environmental-Conditioning/dp/1635652413/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2GXN1FU91NR33&dchild=1&keywords=what+does+not+kill+us&qid=1602003452&sprefix=what+does+not+%2Caps%2C150&sr=8-1
I am re-reading it and going to try this training method this winter. A physical and mental challenge.
Aside from that, I plan on going out and staying active. I will be hosting lots of out door social distancing fire pits.
What I am not going to do is stay inside, be afraid and get fat and depressed like I did in the spring.
Taking this opportunity to remind everyone that not only did Paul Byrd have a fun windup and the nickname "nicest guy in baseball," he also wrote a book about curing his porn addiction with religion.
Players who aren't in the majors don't have the same level of skills in those areas. It's really that simple.
To quote John Kruk, "I ain't an athlete, lady. I'm a baseball player."
Go read this recent book about Ken Shamrock if you think he was taking dives.
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