I started off with 10lbs and did some back exercises like dips and situps and just went a bit of time with it. then moved up to 20 and did some stretches like yoga.
but just keeping it on during the day if you can does a lot too. just dont go overboard with it.
I got mine at Dick's Sporting Goods. It says "Fitness Gear". It's not that different from this one on Amazon.
I have two, one is a 40 pound vforce max typhoon color that Chris Heria uses and costs $190. This one is great and I love it.
The other is a 20 pound CAP from amazon for $40 bucks. It was a bitch to set up but after it is set up, it’s pretty good.
CAP Barbell (HHWV-CB020C) Adjustable Weighted Vest, 20-Pound https://www.amazon.com/dp/B017O7Q4UG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_KrY5BbP2DMT3X
This is the one I have and can vouch for (after set up of course) but cap has lots of weight options.
I use them both for squats, pushups and pull-ups.
Here is the one I have. It is adjustable, relatively economical, and should work well for walking. A disadvantage is that the strapping system allows it to loosen during activities like running or push ups.
Commissioned through PA traditional OCS last year, happy to answer any questions you have here or over PM.
Generic advice:
Good luck man, it's a tough process here in PA but it definitely prepares you well, and it does a great job of weeding out the shitbags. Like I said above, feel free to ask anything or PM if you have more questions.
RUNFast/Max 12lbs-140lbs Adjustable Weighted Vest https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B01AJ12MBY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_4AMXW76CHF2FG4M7NAMC?psc=1
I have this one in 40lbs. It’s but effective and 10 lbs won’t make a ton of difference in the long run. Just do a longer circuit or go farther.
I bought a cheap one from amazon about 2 years ago. Used it almost every day to run stairs when i first got it. Now I use it about 2 times a month on average. It still holds well. https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B002P60ZZC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_i_NDVXZSAQPR1APD2N5937?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Yeah definitely, this is one that I use because it was cheap compared to others of comparable weight (Amazon US link but you can probably find similar if you live elsewhere)
RUNFast/Max 12lbs-140lbs Adjustable Weighted Vest https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01AJ12MBY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_V9D8GHP1QK1C3MFV0YEG?psc=1
I bought the 40lb (18kg) one and it comes with 10 4lb sandbags that go into the pockets, so you can make small weight adjustments.
Not the greatest vest and the quality of the sandbags doesn’t feel quite as good as the metal plate or ruck style ones but it’s a good option for the price!
I bought a cheap $40 vest from Amazon. Its not the best but i only use it a few times per year. Memorial day being one of those days.
I bought a 20 lbs vest off Amazon for ~50 canadian dollars last year. Price has increased to 62 CAD apparently :
It's basically a vest with a bunch of small pockets and 20 1-pound sandbags.
Get yourself one of these and your set. Work out with your silver :P
I've been using a 40 lb RUNmax vest that I bought on Amazon. Total damage was $67. It came with weight (which is adjustable), so no need to buy plates. I've been using it for a lot of high rep workouts (push-ups, burpees, squats, long & short runs) and it has held up well. I plan on using it for Murph* this Memorial Day.
I use the water bottle holder to hold my phone so I can listen to music or a podcast during runs. The nylon fabric is durable, so I'm not worried about it tearing. The first thing that will probably wear out is the velcro, but that'll be in the distant future.
*Murph: 1 mile run, 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups, 300 squats, 1 mile run
It will be hard to get that much weight in such a small pack without using water or weights, so perhaps you should just use a weighted pack/vest like ZFOsports 40LBs Adjustable Weighted Vest https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002P60ZZC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_wRVSDbSKGDVAF I have no experience with this product, but I’ve seen people hiking with similar vests for a workout.
Someone recommended this vest to me. I haven't tried it, but I like how it has smaller weights that you can add, to make it more customizable. Instead of just one giant weight
Be careful with wrist weights. A lot of people have said that it can be dangerous due to the fact that you'll be doing snappy movements in VR that could cause more damage to joints and muscles than they'd help. I think something like a weighted vest might be a better option. But i'm no health expert, that's just what I've been reading on reddit =)
I found this to be a really great vest for a great price. I used it for last years murph, and it stayed nice and snug throughout. Highly recommend!
I have this ZFOSports one. It's 40 lbs, and completely average in every way. Doesn't bounce too much, sits pretty low, but still delivers the pain. Pretty sure it was less expensive when I got it, but currently running for $45 + shipping.
It's my opinion that the actual oly lifts have a high cost of mastery for athletes in team sports; not everyone agrees with me. I would do basic SS, but different assistance work. Squats paired with box jumps. Power cleans and upright rows. A few overhead squats and handstands.
Go slow on the weight gain. Get a 10lb weight vest for your plyo and running. +50 will slow your mechanics down greatly, but +10 is next season's target weight. If you really want to pick up WL as an off-season sport, that's awesome. Just consider it a second sport instead of assistance work for basketball. All in my humble opinion.
Currently I am about the same speed as my wife, but I used to be faster. I started running with a 12 lb weight vest when we would run together, and then it was really a challenge to keep up with her. http://www.amazon.com/Tone-Fitness-Weighted-Vest-lbs/dp/B0040XF2RE/ref=sr_1_2?s=exercise-and-fitness&ie=UTF8&qid=1446832232&sr=1-2
Yes, I use the streetworkout style bar just like the video that you linked, and thank you for the in depth analysis, it was very interesting to read. I always read on here that if you can do 3 sets of 8+ of any workout, you should progress to a more difficult variant of said workout. For me I can do 3 full sets of 15+ pull ups at this point, and I feel that progressing to muscle ups, which I can do 3 full sets of 4+ currently, would be the next logical progression. I did, however, just invest in a weighted vest and will definitely be adding weighted pull ups to my regimen in an attempt to reach the one arm pullup. Thank you.
I can relate to you, and what helped me most in this sense is that I invested in a weighted vest. It changes everything. You can do bodyweight single leg deadlifts and get a great workout with the vest on. Also, box jumps become a serious workout, not to mention pull ups and dips. If yoou've been at it for a year, you may want to consider investing the $75 in a weighted vest that can be adjusted incrementally, like this one.
This one. It's not bulky at all, but it does take a few days to get used to.
As someone who has been doing Insanity for 6 months and is on his third cycle (phase 2 currently), I suggest getting this and sticking with Insanity. Just did Max Interval Circuit today, and holy fuck it was difficult.
Check it out. It makes the workouts harder, but the better the challenge, the better the results and overall feeling of accomplishment.
A backpack does not distribute weight evenly across your shoulders like a vest does. That's actually not a good replacement at all. I assume that might even give you lower back problems. Is it comfortable? For a vest, yeah, it is. It sometimes does make it a tad difficult to breathe if you strap it on too tight, but once I loosen it up some it's no problem at all.
This is the vest I use. Bought it off the same place, actually. Shipping is a killer, came out to $100 with shipping.
I got this one when it was on sale for ~$40. Seems to hold up well, the velcro is fine for anything but distance running, in which case you might want to actually use the fasteners, which are admittedly somewhat overcomplicated. Goes up to 40 lbs, and my roommate and I have both been very satisfied with our vests so far.