I don't go anywhere at all in public, but I keep emergency travel bags, and included swim goggles in them. I'm a swimmer, so I had the goggles and I figured I would wear them in public until if/when it was proven that they offered no benefit. They seal, they don't fog, they're cheap ($13) and easy to obtain. I go through them often due to loss, damage, wear/tear, so I purchased a few for the family as well.
If anyone is interested, these are the ones I buy:
I was in a similar boat! I got halfway through this before life got in the way, but now I can swim pretty much as far as i want as long as I go slowly: https://www.macmillan.org.uk/assets/swim-training-plan-1m-beginner.pdf
Wear a swim cap and you won’t notice any hair issues, but you can buy swim shampoo or basically any sort of vitamin c spray to neutralize the chlorine.
Also, anticipating this concern in your future… I prefer goggles that sit on instead of in my eye socket, otherwise my eyes look about 60 years older than they are when I get out of the pool. I tried a bunch and landed on these: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00005UDHZ?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
I think the most anxiety provoking thing for me is sharing lanes - if you can’t go at a time when you can have a lane to yourself, it’s ok - just try to find a lane with only one person in it and ask if they will split it. Splitting is a lot easier than circle swimming (which you have to do if there are more than 2 people total in a lane) because you go entirely at your own pace - it’s just like having a narrower lane.
Also, check your local pools’ adult swim classes. I did a swimming for fitness class once which was cool.
You may want to get a pair of These and use them for a while.
Why not wear goggles? I bought some air tight swimming goggles on Amazon for like $10... You are going to get even MORE looks with the goggles but they cover the eye completely... I got these https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01LNAU866/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Hm. I prefer freestyle, as it's quite a versatile style. You can either do "sprints" and get your heartrate up, or go for a more measured pace. I don't know how experienced you are as a swimmer, but even if you're not comfortable doing the whole "turn your head to suck in air every couple strokes," it's really rewarding to learn.
If you do end up trying the swimming thing, I would recommend you invest in a good pair of goggles. The Aqua Sphere brand is peerless, in my opinion. Totally comfortable, and doesn't let water in. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000ENQSYU?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_search_detailpage
I can look into that at the local pool and see what they have. If not I'll see if someone better than me can give me some pointers.
As far as laps goes, that's breaststroke. I haven't really learned freestyle yet, it's more of just splashing in place.
I've looked into goggles and new trunks and found these goggles and these trunks.
TYR Nest Pro - they don't fog, they are comfortable and light and I love mine. Thanks for the reminder, I need to get myself a backup pair in case of disaster.
oh yes, I'm in the same boat! I use anti fogging solution, you can find several different brands for it, I just use the speedo one you put the stuff on, let is soak for a while(like a half hour) then rinse them in cool water for a bit. Its usually good for a few hours of rain or whatever, i havent really timed it though.