Like some other snap on stuff, they rebrand certain products. Both our sets were made in the same factory most likely
IRWIN Tap And Die Set, Machine Screw/SAE/Metric, 76-Piece (26376)
I bought this years ago. I was restoring an old motorcycle and replaced everything with stainless hex caps and used this to order all the sizes I needed. I use this all the time to go grab a nut or bolt at lowes. I think everyone needs something like this.
You can thread the nuts onto one side and then screw the bolts into the other side.
it’s basically a drill bit that you hand turn with a tool. It Taps the metal, essentially making threads. Amazon linktap & die
Very handy!
I picked up one of these last year and have fallen in love with its simple effectivness. I never got good at reading the thread count on the ones like in OP so having ACTUAL threads to screw into a nut or screwing a bolt into the checker is amazing
I figured you need to remove the bolt in order to replace it with a longer one, but you can also look into using a coupling nut. It may help with whatever you're doing. Either way, you will need to know what kind of bolt you're dealing with. is a thread checker that you can use at home too. (There are a bunch of different ones too -- this is just the one I use.)
Uncle Bezos has a more complete kit
I use thread chaser tools and usually start them by hand or really slow with a cordless drill but I will put the clutch on 1 or as low as I can just to prevent any cross threading. I've had this one for a while now.
I know it's not the answer, but I've got one of these. I tried getting it into the top of the shock while it's in my car, but couldn't quite get access. Either way, this tool has helped me out on multiple occasions.
Nut & Bolt Thread Checker (Inch & Metric), Original Version (SWTC-26)
Nut & Bolt Thread Checker (Inch & Metric), Original Version (SWTC-26) Keep me in to get one of these like the hardware store has
Yeah a lot of tool trucks include a set when you buy a tap and die set from them. They look like this
Sure! The case comes with some extra hardware. Standard ATX standoff and hard drive screw spec is 6-32 which is what I used. There should also be some extra 6-32 screws in with the case, also some extra M3 screws. Either basic hand-tap will work...
Wera, Hazet, Wiha and Stahlwille have it. probably has them in stock.
You need both size and thread pitch. When trying to find the right fasteners, I use this: Nut & Bolt Thread Checker (Inch & Metric), Original Version (SWTC-26)
IRWIN Tap And Die Set, Machine Screw/SAE/Metric, 76-Piece (26376)
This is what i bought a while back. USA made and i think it is the snap on set. Or was at some point. It was $173 in august of 2019
There are some things you learn from years of wrenching and experience. Limited examples:
I could go on and on, bore you with details.
You can’t always go by the head size, some of the JIS stuff is a little oddball. One of <strong>these</strong> is handy to have for cases where you can size the bolt you want to replace.
I always wanted one of these to keep in the toolbox, just haven't shelled out $30. I think it would be a lot better if you needed to check female threads in something stationary
Be careful, Tekton is either licensing out their name, or rebranding other brands goods under their name.
See, for example, these tap and die sets that are nearly identical:
I found the same issue with the Tekton tap and die sets. They're just shitty rebrands.
I assume they're busy engineering different products and in the meantime use shit rebrands to fill voids in their line-up at the cost of cheapening the brand name.
Nut and Bolt Thread Checker (Complete SAE/Inch and Metric Set) (Packs)
Something like this would get you the answer you need. You don’t need to buy one either, most hardware stores with a large fastener assortment will have a gauge you can use.
Like $75 from KC Tool, should be like $65 shipped from (shipping is barely any more expensive for larger orders, so bulk buy).
I’ve got a set of bolt out like these that work great - that would be my suggestion.
Craftsman Bolt-out 5 Piece Damaged Bolt/Nut Remover Set
Yes, threading things that are not threaded.
For fixing damaged threads, they are not recommended to use, as they remove material. They sell thread restorer kits that are made for that job.
Yea they have thread checkers. One time I went to home depot and someone got a wrong size bolt stuck in wrong thread checker. Bought my own set ever since. Very handy tool to have. The set I have can do male and female.
Inspection cover. Chance are that won't lead you to the bolt though. Need pitch diameter and length and get a bolt from the hardware store. Thread checker is probably the easiest way to get the pitch an diameter figured out.
If you often play guess the thread one of these is pretty handy.
If not, go to the hardware store and get some metric and see fasteners in that diameter range to test fit. Most likely a coarse thread.
This is the drill/tap I used to thread some cylinder locks I had. It is a #6/32 tap. Anything harder than the material you are threading will work. So if the core is bronze or brass (soft), any steel tap will be fine.
I had the same problem when I went to remove mine. I had one if these in much smaller sizes in my toolbox, one of them happened to be just the right size and finally got it out.
My next attempt was going to use one of these, I've had pretty good luck with them in the past. They have a drill bit on one end and extractor on the other - drill first, then flip it over and insert the extractor. The drill part is reverse-threaded so sometimes it bites hard enough to back it out without even using the extractor. GO SLOW and apply lots of feed pressure.
They make a removal tool. It will ruin the nut put it will get it off. It’s a reverse screw of sorts. Something like this: