Not as complete as an index, but I’ve been using Post It flags to mark the location of the programs I’m interested in. Making notes? Haven’t needed to do that yet.
How about some post it flags to mark pages and keep your current place? There are some flimsier ones, but the ones with rounded corners are pretty sturdy. You could use a flag over and over until it got too beat up and lost it’s stickiness.
Just noticed - the ones called ‘flags’ are flimsy. The ones called ‘tabs’ are stiffer.
Post-it Tabs, 1 in Solid, Aqua, Yellow, Pink, Violet, 22/Color, 88/Dispenser (686-AYPV1IN)
Post it has a plastic style of tabs that take a beating, are transparent, can be used for 6 months (and going with no sticky risidue or lack of strength--that green one has touched about 90% of the pages up to the point it's at currently) and won't slice your hand open. I always find companies buying knock-off for promo items like the skinny ones in the photo.
I thought I'd use a lot but I find I just use two; one to mark where I am in the daily log and one to go to my monthly calendar and task list.
1200 Pieces Page Markers Sticky...
These are the ones I use. They're easily see through. Not sure if this helps but I love them! Hope you find something that works!
I get page marker stickers like these and stick it on lines that I don't feel like going through at the time, and once I have too many of them (or feel like I'm getting confused) I'll go back and work through whatever hard derivation I punted on. That way when I pick up the book it's a constant reminder that there's hanging material that I skipped over. I use red ones on things that seem really important and I should do, and yellow ones on stuff that I'd like to do at some point but maybe is not so essential.
I agree it's too tiring to push through every single derivation, and I feel like often the effort is better spent moving on with the material so I can get a sense of what's going on. Like that harmonic oscillator propagator I don't think is even used later on.
Aside, specifically on that equation, the Feynman and Hibbs book has a discussion on deriving that from the action of the classical oscillator if you're interested (not sure how you derived it).
and I probably didn't do as much flipping back and forth as I should have, I was anxious to finish and read it fairly straightforwardly.
this thing is my prize possession though, I hope to keep it clean as I reread it!
Something like these index tabsto stick on a cart
I use a combinations of index tabs and book darts usually book darts for chapter markers and index tabs for frequently referenced sections so I can label those. Then for campaign books I also use plain ripped up paper as bookmarks for the info I need for the upcoming sessions
Why not just use a sticky post-it flag?
I always use the sticky post-it bookmarks. They are removable, don't damage the paper and can be used many times before becoming un-sticky.
I just use one of these with a small piece of tape on the non-stick end to hold it down.
There's no adhesive over the camera itself, and if I remove it enough that the stickiness wears off, I can easily replace it.
Would you mind telling me what you search for? I keep searching card pull tabs and it pulls up old bingo pull tabs nd pickles lol, This is literally all i can find I wanna get some for when i send my firat cards in for grading
Practice. Make sure you know the books really well! That’s pretty much the entire test. A race to finding answers. You can make all the notes you want in your book you can even use (extra)stick on labels to mark pages like these Tabs . Do not use post it notes in books
Some wires have gotten crossed somewhere because I have no idea what you're talking about. Yes, post-its. This is the product Anna recommended, it's Post-It branded.
Microsoft OneNote
Post-It notes
Dry erase board
We have organization-specific tools, too, that I utilize. Mostly web portals with schedules, charts, resource management, etc.
I use a regular moleskin notebook. I use the back to scribble down basic ideas; everything from names to historical events to characters. If I like an idea enough, I dedicate however many pages to it in the front of the book and elaborate on it and develop the idea.
I then use Notebook Tabs to sort it. Blue is for things like weapons, locations, technology, etc. Yellow is for things like historical events, rules of the world, and more "big picture" ideas. Green is for characters, races, animals, plants, and other things like that. Finally, I use red tabs on pages where I've decided to scrap the idea, or want to rework it to fit in with newer ideas.
It's not a perfect system, but it works for me. I really enjoy using the red tabs and being able to go back to ideas I've scrapped. When I would worldbuild digitally I would delete ideas I didn't use or focus on anymore, and lost a lot of really sweet stuff I could have recycle or adapted to work in other projects.
Color Coded, and super durable. I use wide tabs across top, narrow tabs along side. Same premise... Super time saver:
I have class notes in one section and worked out problems in another section. The only real organization I have within a section is notes are in chronological order and worked out problems are in order of their corresponding chapters. Some of my books have tabs like these along with highlighted sections so I can get to what I need in them quickly: I suppose the same could be done with notes.
If you really wanted to get fancy you could create a table of contents and number the pages in your notes.
I've had tons of fancy bookmarks over the years and they all fall out. I now use Post-it flags and I'm happy as a clam
edit Sorry failon, I just saw your post. I gave you an upvote for giving great advice. Ditto on the fresh clean Post-Its