Sounds like Patrick Ness's The Rest of Us Just Live Here.
Hey peeps!
I'm a local author of fantasy and science fiction! My novel, Knightmare Arcanist, won the BRAG Award, the Apple Fantasy Away, and the Coffee Pot Book Club Award. I just wanted to share with everyone, lol
If you like reading, please consider checking it out:
It's not really litrpg, but it's very similar to pokemon. Except the summons give there owners powers. Also not cute animals.
Give this one a shot:
Doesn't have to be on Amazon, but Steelheart is a super easy and fun read.
^(because I know I hate it when people don't post a link to the deals they post)
I went to go buy it-but I already bought it back it 2016 it was on sale for $1.99 then
Maybe something on here?
The timeline doesn't jive, but your description made me think of The Reckoners series by Brandon Sanderson, but HG was published in 2008 and Steelheart was published 2013. Steelheart (Reckoners Book 1)
I think you may like The Eye of Minds by James Dashner (he also wrote the Maze Runner trilogy). It doesn't have the pop culture references that RP1 and Off to be the Wizard has, but definitely fits in with the computer/technology YA genre. I'll admit that I've only read the first book (not the whole series), but based on Dashner's overall writing ability, I'm certain they're all great and worth reading.
The Eye Of Minds by James Dashner This is the same guy who wrote The Maze Runner Based far in the future, gamer Micheal and his two friends are employed by a secret organization to track down a cyber terrorist who has been trapping people in hyper realistic virtual reality.
Ready Player One by Ernest Cline In the year 2044, Wade Watts, like most of humanity, escapes his grim surroundings by spending his waking hours jacked into the OASIS, a sprawling virtual utopia. Like others, Wade dreams of discovering a virtual Easter Egg that lies concealed within one of thousands of virtual worlds by the OASIS's creator, the late James Halliday. Halliday stipulated in his will that the person who discovers the egg will inherit his entire estate, including management and control of the OASIS itself. Awesome 80's references and absolutely hysterical. Regardless if I win or lose this giveaway, I really hope you enjoy these novels.
Ha! I had it wrong, sort of. I found the book.
Thanks for the help Banshay, your suggestions lead to me finding it. I started looking up books similar to the ones you were suggesting and mixed in a little Ready Player One and viola!
Another amazing Brandon Sanderson book is Steelheart.
Basically, some people get superpowers, but it doesn't work out so well.
Amazing, absolutely amazing what they did. I doubt we would have even come close to winning the War without them. I recently read a short book, called Code Talker, Book here Anyway, it shows a story of the authors grandfather, who was a Navajo marine. Thanks for your time.