Honestly though, I have a book of fairy tales about strong women and it's the bomb.
I like this version. Not abridged but the illustrations are great: ilustrated Hobbit
Yeah, you can find it on Amazon. Young adult novel, official and canon, about Team CFVY in Vacuo one year after the Battle of Beacon.
Edit: found the Amazon listing.
After the Fall (RWBY) https://www.amazon.com/dp/1338305743/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_5X3ACbCNKKXRF
And we all know WKN knows a thing or two about writing novels. By the way, congrats on the new release!
I also have the 2013 version illustrated by Jemima Catlin and I love it. It really does give it that "children's book" feel to it, but tastefully - if that makes sense.
You can scroll down to the images in the reviews for some samples, and it's cheap enough that you can buy it along with the other editions if you want to.
> Ebook price sensitivity: Amazon dropping SABRIEL to $1.99 (US only) has propelled it to #1 in Kindle SF/F http://www.amazon.com/dp/B000FC13MM
While I can recommend just about any edition of The Hobbit, if you're looking for one with a bit more eye candy to help you through it there's this edition that has some great illustrations by Jemima Catlin:
Are you in the US? My understanding is that this version is the best illustrated version for kids: https://www.amazon.com/Hobbit-Illustrated-J-R-R-Tolkien/dp/0544174224/
There are two other illustrated versions, one of which is illustrated by Tolkien himself. But the illustrations are bit more dark and serious and potentially "scary" or whereas this Catlin version is bright and friendly.
Book buddies!
My son has started to enjoy being read chapters of Winnie the Pooh for bedtime, and pretty soon I want to introduce him to The Hobbit! I thought this illustrated edition would be perfect!
Choosing just one off my wishlist was hard though lol.
u/Lilhoneybee4 come join!
FREE with Amazon Audible Trail!
The Hobbit: Or There and Back Again (Lord of the Rings) Kindle Edition by J.R.R. Tolkien (Author) Format: Kindle Edition https://www.amazon.com/Hobbit-Lord-Rings-J-R-R-Tolkien-ebook/dp/B0079KT81G https://linktr.ee/AmazingDeals.com
FREE with Amazon Audible Trail!
The Hobbit: Or There and Back Again (Lord of the Rings) Kindle Edition by J.R.R. Tolkien (Author) Format: Kindle Edition https://www.amazon.com/Hobbit-Lord-Rings-J-R-R-Tolkien-ebook/dp/B0079KT81G https://linktr.ee/AmazingDeals.com
Oh yeah, I did plenty of voices lol. A little background - we started reading in this format this year. We started reading through the entire Narnia series, then The Hobbit, and we're now reading through The Wingfeather Saga. He's absolutely loving reading.
Honestly, I usually just kinda look ahead when reading to see who's talking. Usually you know who it is just based on how the narrative is flowing. Occasionally I'll start saying something in a voice and then realize it's someone else and start over, but it's not often enough to make a difference.
It's been a fun experience. I've gotten used to doing different voices, so he has this very unique view of the world we're reading that matches how I'm reading it and our shared experience. He loved The Hobbit at 6 - I think it's totally appropriate. I'm currently reading through LOTR myself (again) and we are definitely quite a ways off from reading that.
I had 3 different versions of The Hobbit already, but I picked up this version just for our read because of the illustrations. It was really well done and made it a more fun experience for him.
Enjoy! It's become one of the best things we ever started doing together.
There is an excellent illustrated hardback version on Amazon. I have personally given it three times as a Secret Santa and have a copy myself. It's hardback and looks to be on sale right now.
Here's the link:
There are also two other novels; Regina Rising and Henry And Violet. and another comic Out Of The Past.
I picked up this version of the hobbit for my niece one christmas and had trouble parting with it.
As others have pointed out, team CFVY are getting an entire book dedicated to them and their adventures in Vacuo. That is where their current future is heading. (Huge sword guy = Yatsuhashi for your reference) Beyond that, we'll see. It'll likely depend on how well the book does.
Hell, considering that team SSSN is heading to Vacuo as of this volume, I wouldn't be surprised if they made a cameo in the book.
With this in mind, here is the link to the book listing in Amazon. It should be out by July of this year, if you don't mind preordering that long.
Thank me later. Also, every time she uses one of said weapons, she loses it, so it's basically a one-off per use, which is why Coco tells her "not to waste" it during the V2 finale fight.
u/yrdsl already mentioned <em>The Hobbit</em>, but really the entire <em>The Lord of the Rings</em> series is kinda the OG of this exact... would this be a trope?
Anyway, maybe give them a shot if you haven't had a chance yet?
Also, this book:
The Fork, the Witch, and the Worm: Tales from Alagaësia (Volume 1: Eragon) https://www.amazon.com/dp/1984894862/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_lGClFbF9N48B1
I got it when it first came out and he finished it within a few hours.
You're very welcome! If you enjoy Emily Carroll's work, she put out a book a while back. It has His Face All Red and a few other stories in it.
Everyone here has already mentioned some good mainstream horror comics, so I'm gonna recommend a couple of short-story anthologies.
Thanks. I found it in Barnes and noble. The illustrations look pretty cool. Another cool thing is that it's a lot more reasonably priced than the anniversary editions they carry. https://www.amazon.com/Hobbit-Illustrated-J-R-R-Tolkien/dp/0544174224
Tatterhood was always my favorite growing up. It's about a dark haired, wild, donkey riding princess that is uncouth and not princess-like, that no one likes, but turns out to be the hero that saves her sister. I honestly don't know why Disney didn't do a story about it.
The rest of the book is all about female empowerment fairy tales. Pretty awesome.
My three year old also loves My First Book of Girl Power, mostly because she thinks I'm Wonder Woman and she screams when she sees Black Canary (sonic scream, ya know).
So you want a one-way relationship? One in which you give everything and she gives nothing? In which she's just a passive recipient of your obsession? (Ever watch the movie or read the book Stardust?) Why do you want someone who is incapable of providing the love and acceptance your friends give you? You seem to think women are frail, weak things that will crumble if you lean on them, like ancient relics or delicate sculptures to decorate your house. What is the point of a relationship, to you?
Out of the Past and Shadow of the Queen are both graphic novel with canon stores.
Reawakened is a novelization of the first season, so I would assume it's cannon
Behind the Magic sounds like a behind-the-scene look at the series so I doubt it includes anything story-wise in the show.
Once Upon a Time: The Book is just a reprint of some of the original fairytale so it's not at all canon.
THere is a novel coming out this fall that is a canon story. Once Upon A Time: Red's Untold Story
I second Garth Nix's Old Kingdom (complete story starting with Sabriel, even if the world is ongoing).
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