Life and Death, the book is called.
Worked in the teen section of a bookstore, saw that book a few too many times
Edit: Amazon link: Life and Death: Twilight Reimagined
Yes! It's so fun. Charlie is still Charlie but everyone else is reversed. A lot of people hate it (big surprise) and the names she picked for the characters were kinda tragic but I loved it. The audiobook version is great too. Here's the Amazon link it's called "Life and Death":
I started with Anne Rice too. So different right? Still good.
>well for one it can be traced into fazbear fright,
The Charlie Novels?
>freddy files is highly misleading and is written by scott so if it was then id agree with you more.
I never said it wasn't?
>What im talking about is that the fazbear fights like the novels are not 100% cannon things like the mci having 6 kids, or itp bonnie, or andrew just let the trilogy can't be 100% cannon.
Bud, the Games, the Charlie Novels, the Fazbear Fright Novels are all Canon.
However though, the Charlie Novel Series is Non-Canon to the Games Series, and the Fazbear Fright Novel Series may be Semi-Canon to both the Games Series Series and the Charlie Novel Series.
>Ah yes partially kinda I made a post some time ago about the similarities. the two series share.
The description of the Fazbear Fright Series on Amazon suggests that some of the Fazbear Fright Novels will take place in the Games Continuity, while some will take place in the Charlie Novel Continuity, and others may have it's own Universe(So far it's shown to be true).
Listen the Charlie Novels purpose isn't to fill in gaps of the Games, the Fazbear Fright Novels however are.
Scott himself said this.
Now, I don't have time to debate this. I have things to do.
ah well let me see if i can find links to the pages although i can give you charlie is in the books blurb, so like if you read the description on amazon you'll find it: but id look for more.
Ok, I never saw that post, that's sure. But the description of the Fazbear Frights 1 and 2 on Amazon it says this:
>In this volume, i Five Nights at Freddy's /i creator Scott Cawthon spins three sinister novella-length stories from different corners of his series' canon, featuring cover art from fan-favorite artist LadyFiszi.
>In this second volume, Five Nights at Freddy's creator Scott Cawthon spins three sinister novella-length stories from different corners of his series' canon, featuring cover art from fan-favorite artist LadyFiszi.
I find it very odd that Scott still didn't correct the description of Fazbear Frights 1 and 2 on Amazon, unless the "corners of his' canon" is to be interpreted in a certain way that I got wrong, it's possible since English isn't my first language.
Also, the description has been changed to the placeholder one.
The delay still hasn't shown up on the American Amazon page so I wouldn't get your hopes up.
Amazon has the Audible option, sadly not narrated by Scott. :<