These American Girl books really helped me. My parents explained a couple things, but if I didn't want to ask I could look at these books:
edit: Spelling
Also, they are in two parts now, which is pretty cool.
Yes! Get all the American Girl books. There's a whole series on how a girl's body develops, how to deal with peer pressure, etc. Here's an Amazon link so you get an idea of what they're like. Start with this one, and get as many as you can where they are listed as "Customers who bought this also bought". I'm a female and have daughters, and I feel comfortable talking about this stuff, but it really helps if I forget to talk about something or if my kids forget what we've talked about.
p.s. You're an awesome person! Best wishes to you and your niece!
Apparently, The End Games.
The following is not an affiliate link. I haven't read the book. I know almost nothing about it.
But here's the Amazon link.
There's a great book for girls that age called "The Care and Keeping of You" they have it on Amazon and a lot of bookstores like Barnes and Noble. That helps a lot- especially if you read it before giving it to her to prepare for the incoming questions. It's also best to stock up on some pads (day use and overnight) before she starts so they're ready for her when she needs them. It's all new for her so going with you to buy them may feel embarrassing and awkward. Pre-teen girls have too many emotions to begin with, so avoiding that can help. Keep in mind that this stuff can start early- my mom got her first period at age 10- it's best to prepare as early as then. Hope that's a little helpful! (source: female. Also a nanny for a ten year old with loads of puberty questions)
EDIT some words
Get the book The Care and Keeping of You.
It's a great way to discuss body changes in a matter of fact, age-appropriate way. And it will provide a natural opening for you to mention the bad bloody nose.
Btw - have you ever tried taking vitamin K? Some people are vitamin K deficient and therefore their blood doesn't clot as well. For our family,, bloody noses is the most common clue we need to up our vitamin K levels. I haven't noticed a hormonal correlation, but it may at least reduce the severity of your bloody noses.
As most everyone replying has said, buy both! However, do not get OB tampons as they do not come with an applicator. Try to find something with a plastic (vs cardboard) applicator, as they are easier to insert. And avoid scented products, because those can cause general groin irritation.
Quick edit: Further advice. I found that having books about growing up helped me with knowing about my period. This was the book I liked most. It's slightly outdated, and might be embarrassing to buy for your daughter, but I guarantee it (or a similar book) will help both of you when the time comes.
My mom was also useless here, so my dad took me to see my female primary doctor who kindly recommended this book. It includes pictures on how to shave your body, how to insert a tampon, how to measure and choose bras, and other things that she will have to learn about herself and her body. It's a little awkward, but as long as your supportive and go through it with her, I think it will be a good experience for you both!
The Care and Keeping of You: The Body Book for Younger Girls, Revised Edition (American Girl Library)
Journals, adult coloring books, art supplies.
First of all, I just want to say that you are a great dad for thinking of this ahead of time. It really shows that you care about your girls and their well-being through what can be a very tough time.
As far as advice goes, I know 9 seems young, but you may want to talk with her sometime soon about what to expect. Sometimes girls can get their periods early, even as young as 9 or 10, and it is better that she is aware of the possibility, rather than being frightened and uninformed if it happens before you get around to it.
Are your daughters close with your sister? They may feel more comfortable having a female to look up to and for guidance with these types of things. She can also be a good person for you to bounce questions of if as well.
There are also some awesome books out now about puberty, periods and everything else that goes along with it. I highly recommend “The Care and Keeping of you” it’s a series of 2 books, one for both younger and older girls.
Amazon Link Book 1:
Amazon Link Book 2:
The Care and Keeping of You 2: The Body Book for Older Girls
There is an awesome book that I got my girls. I think it was. An American girl book. It went through all the changes. We would read a section every night. Then discuss. this book
It’s totally normal to wonder about your body! Please don’t be embarrassed or think it’s gross to ask questions and learn.
There are a couple of books that might be useful to you now that you’re entering puberty. The first one is called The Care and Keeping of You. It’s written for young women like you who are starting to notice changes and have questions, and is a great resource. There are two of them, the first one is for 8-11 years and the second is for preteens.
The second book is a little more in depth, and is written for women in their teens/twenties and beyond, but it’s so chock-full of information and wisdom that I think every woman of every age should read it. Our Bodies, Ourselves is written by women, for women, about women, and has information on practically any topic you could wonder about. It has sections on our anatomy, puberty, sexuality, relationships, careers, parenthood and more. My sister gave me a copy when I was twelve or so, and it was so valuable to have straightforward answers to all the questions I was too embarrassed to ask. I’ll be buying one for my daughter when she’s your age!
I hope you and your dads can find a way to learn and grow together, because though they might be ignorant about what you’re going through right now, they’ll have to learn so they can support and guide you through the next few years.
There's a really awesome book from American Girls that talks about female puberty.
The Girl Book is a great place to start. Flip through yourself as a guide for you and your daughter. Answered a lot of questions for myself when mum bought it for me.
As a mom of 4 daughters, and my youngest are 10, 12 and 13....I can tell you the book by American Girl called "The Care and Keep of You" is absolutely amazing!!
it covers everything!! Everything a young girl needs to know and it doesn't just cover how to take care of her body or what to expect with body changes, but it covers social issues too.
All 4 of my daughters used that book and I can't recommend it enough. You can get it on Amazon here:
I'd recommend picking up this book, The Care and Keeping of You, giving it to her to keep at your place. This can help be a resource for her to check in on stuff if she's the type who may not want to openly talk about everything. When you give it to her tell her you were recommended it by some other women who found it really helpful. Then add that you are there for her if she has any other questions, that you'll try to keep the bathroom stocked with period products and that you want her to let you know if she finds anything she prefers because you want to make sure she has it available.
“The Care and Keeping of You” was a godsend for me growing up in a religious family. It’s more on the puberty side, but it was informative and Catholic-parent approved.
This is literally the best book ever. I had it since I was around 9 and it was so informative and has great info!
Edit: $8 on Amazon with prime shipping too! link to book
Hey so along with all the great advice in here, there's this really incredible book called The Care and Keeping of You, it's by the American Girl brand which I think most christians support pretty well. It goes over everything and is intended to be read by girls your age, so it shouldn't be that confusing or vague. It's a really popular book and is still accurate today, so I'd highly recommend seeing if you can get your hands on it!
Here's a link to it on amazon: The Care and Keeping of You: The Body Book for Younger Girls, Revised Edition (American Girl Library)
I feel bad for your daughter and wish I could personally send her a copy of The care and keeping of you by american girl. Sheesh.
ETA waddaya know its marketed to preteens starting at age EIGHT its gets into all the nitty gritty even gasp how to insert a tampon!! Oh the horror of being educated on your growing body!!
The language they use just assumes that girls will be embarrassed to talk about their puberty, ashamed of their bodies, etc… and it’s like written in a reassuring kind of tone, but it’s just weird to assume that attitude because not all girls will necessarily feel that way. But then you’re presenting it as if it’s just typical/expected and idk it felt weird to me. I didn’t want my daughter, who hasn’t yet expressed any negativity about her body, to read that and plant it into her head.
Edit: read the Amazon reviews
Hey OP, just wanted to say you rock for being a stable home for this girl during such a chaotic time! Have you checked out this book? Maybe you can casually mention that the book really helped you at that age, or a friend recommended it? Maybe with everything going on in her home she hasn’t been taught proper hygiene methods. Regardless (like others have mentioned) CPS should definitely hear about what’s going on. Even if they can’t do anything, it’ll start a paper trail in case things get worse so proper action can hopefully be taken quicker. Again, you’re a super incredible person for taking the initiative and caring enough to step in and help out. Best of luck!
This book is frequently recommended, if you want to give her a reference. You can (obviously) get it on Amazon, or Barnes and Noble would have it if you want it now.
i bought all these books for my daughter when she was that age. made talking a little bit easier.
These self care books are made for young girls and helped me alot especially because I was so embarrassed asking my mom and no one would know I was reading it
Do yourself, your wife and your daughter a favor and get this book. CLearly, your wife is gonna be the kind to try to hide her daughter's own period from her. Girls are getting it younger and younger. I got mine before 12 years old. How is she gonna handle that? Has she even had the "period" talk with her yet?
I’m so glad I was given that American Girl book you may have heard of. It didn’t teach me everything I needed to know, but it sure was an age-appropriate introduction to my body.
Hi, I would give her the book “The care and Keeping if you “ by American girl. I had it around her age. It explains periods, cleanliness, consent and a bunch of other things. It’s a good reference for her, it’s something small but might be helpful. Here is a link…
The Care and Keeping of You: The Body Book for Younger Girls, Revised Edition (American Girl Library)
Get a book and read it together to learn about puberty in general and why periods happen. Buy some products and experiment. Learn how to use a pad together. Have her take it out, unwrap it, and stick it on her underwear. Buy a box of tampons and watch a YouTube video and take one out of the wrapper and pop it out so she can see what it looks like and how it works.
Here is the book I recently bought and read with my 9yo
The Care and Keeping of You: The...
There is also a version for older girls
The Care and Keeping of You 2: The Body Book for Older Girls