>Retroactive abortions should be a option for all of these people.
Neal Shusterman wrote a dystopian fiction book about that exact thing. It's called "Unwind" and it will freak you the hell out.
This guy complaining about not understanding basic concepts while actively omitting information that shoots down his narrative from Nojima himself.
Pot, meet kettle.
Yes. A Young Adult novel meant to serve as a kind of official, but not really canon origin story for Thanos. Here’s an Amazon link
It's available on Amazon.
The Unwind series
> After America’s Second Civil War, the Pro-Choice and Pro-Life armies came to an agreement. According to their Bill of Life, human life may not be terminated from the moment of conception until the age of thirteen. But between the ages of thirteen and eighteen, the child may be gotten rid of by their parent through a process called “unwinding.”
> By repurposing a teen’s organs and other body parts in living recipients, the unwound child’s life doesn’t technically end. According to society’s leaders, unwinding leads to a healthier and safer community, as troublesome and unwanted teens are used for the greater good.
Have you read the book 'On the way to a smile' it's based on events hust after the game and just before AC. It talks about how both sephiroth and aerith are in the life stream. Sephiroth is trying to get back to the living but aerith is fighting to keep the world safe from the lifestream. You should really read this! Basically explains everything you just said! https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1975382358/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_4VK7MT64339WFNE0WYWP
Yes. The light novels are where it all started and are excellently written. Jnovel club through Amazon, kobo, and a couple of other sites sell them digitally for 6.99 a volume. Or physical omnibus releases for about 30.
Full Metal Panic! Volumes 1-3 Collector's Edition (Full Metal Panic! (light novel), 1) https://www.amazon.com/dp/1718350503/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_D86YY6RS5936M9QH4ECJ?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Yeah, a couple.
This one is canon: https://www.amazon.com/Final-Fantasy-VII-Way-Smile/dp/1975382358
There's also "The Maiden Who Travels the Planet: Final Fantasy VII" and "Final Fantasy VII: The Kids Are Alright: A Turks Side Story" (this should be canon as well)
Here is an amazon link to the first volume of My Hero Academia, there are links on it to a couple "How to draw" things too which may be a good option for a 12 year old. Each volume is around 8 dollars. https://www.amazon.com/My-Hero-Academia-Vol-1/dp/1421582694/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=my+hero+academia+manga&qid=1606394006&sprefix=my+hero+academia&sr=8-3
Try not to get things that arent requested such as some of the other manga recommendations in this thread (Yotsuba is good but a 12 year old requesting Hero Aca probably wouldn't enjoy it).
Give this one a shot: https://www.amazon.com/Steelheart-Reckoners-Book-Brandon-Sanderson-ebook/dp/B00ARHAAZ6
Doesn't have to be on Amazon, but Steelheart is a super easy and fun read.
I get so excited seeing the prices drop. One I had a backpack on my list for $30 and it dropped 50% that was a great deal :)
I would love The Hunger Games #1 (on my Books and Under $15 lists) because I want a complete set of the trilogy and someone borrowed the first book from me and never returned it lol.
Thank you for the contest!
Just google full metal panic collectors edition. Some of the pictures aren't what the actual cover looks like though. The one through amazon us is below.
^(because I know I hate it when people don't post a link to the deals they post)
I went to go buy it-but I already bought it back it 2016 it was on sale for $1.99 then
Didn't On the Way to a Smile receive an official English translation last year? Here it is on Amazon. Note: The hardcover version is only available in French, but the paperback is English.
People here often complain about how stuff posted on /r/futurology almost never becomes reality. Well, rejoice! It seems the exact kind of thing Cory Doctorow predicted in his anti-surveillance book Little Brother from eight years ago has now become reality.
A paragraph from a summary of the book:
> The government has control over people in the form of surveillance which then exploits their privacy. The gait recognition system from the novel capture the privacy of individual on a visual level. This system recognizes your walking stance and corresponds your stance to one on the database.
If I remember right from the book, the system could also be easily abused, as people could just start "walking funny" to fool it.
Maybe something on here? https://sites.google.com/site/youthlitmatters/index/booklists/dystopian
The timeline doesn't jive, but your description made me think of The Reckoners series by Brandon Sanderson, but HG was published in 2008 and Steelheart was published 2013. Steelheart (Reckoners Book 1) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00ARHAAZ6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_iU9sBbDJRT8WH
Have you read the book Unwind? Possibly the creepiest book I've ever read about a society that allows you to "abort" unwanted kids when they're 16. C R E E P Y
You can get the progressive novels on amazon for around $14. Currently volumes 1 through 3 are in English which goes up to the 4th floor of Aincrad. There is also a manga that follows Asuna instead of Kirito.
"What is Fire Watch?"
This is one of my favorite mangas to come out in a long time. It's about super heroes and it has really nice writing. They canceled his previous series which was good but this one is blowing up in popularity. I want this item so the creator can be supported and earn money from his fantastic work. http://www.amazon.com/My-Hero-Academia-Vol-1/dp/1421582694
Funny link: http://45.media.tumblr.com/f67d9f4b9d78a996b99533f2dffe3a6e/tumblr_nzpco9X1ge1sp8ng5o1_400.gif
Boku no hero academia might be up her alley then
Here's the official translation of volume 1 of the manga on Amazon! As for the differences, I haven't gotten to the Progressive series yet, so I can't help you there, sorry!
Girl's Ops is only available as a manga, so don't worry about different versions of that. Just saying this for future reference.
For both the main series and Progressive, "(manga)" will be in the item title if it's the manga version. If that's not there it's the light novel version. For example:
And you can probably google it if you want more than 2 volumes.
No problem. Here's the Amazon page if you have trouble finding it.
Dolores Beach is what we call it and it is amazing.
In the book Little Brother by Cory Doctorow shit goes down at Dolores park and over 3000 teenagers are swooped up and disappeared. Great book, too close to potential reality.
I think you may like The Eye of Minds by James Dashner (he also wrote the Maze Runner trilogy). It doesn't have the pop culture references that RP1 and Off to be the Wizard has, but definitely fits in with the computer/technology YA genre. I'll admit that I've only read the first book (not the whole series), but based on Dashner's overall writing ability, I'm certain they're all great and worth reading.
The Eye Of Minds by James Dashner http://www.amazon.com/The-Minds-Mortality-Doctrine-Book/dp/0385741405 This is the same guy who wrote The Maze Runner Based far in the future, gamer Micheal and his two friends are employed by a secret organization to track down a cyber terrorist who has been trapping people in hyper realistic virtual reality.
Ready Player One by Ernest Cline http://www.amazon.com/Ready-Player-One-A-Novel/dp/0307887448 In the year 2044, Wade Watts, like most of humanity, escapes his grim surroundings by spending his waking hours jacked into the OASIS, a sprawling virtual utopia. Like others, Wade dreams of discovering a virtual Easter Egg that lies concealed within one of thousands of virtual worlds by the OASIS's creator, the late James Halliday. Halliday stipulated in his will that the person who discovers the egg will inherit his entire estate, including management and control of the OASIS itself. Awesome 80's references and absolutely hysterical. Regardless if I win or lose this giveaway, I really hope you enjoy these novels.
Where do you preorder English Progressive?
Edit: I'm lazy and asked before searching google. Sorry. Amazon has it
Ha! I had it wrong, sort of. I found the book.
Thanks for the help Banshay, your suggestions lead to me finding it. I started looking up books similar to the ones you were suggesting and mixed in a little Ready Player One and viola!