I understand, and I didn't mean to sound callous. I just did some digging on Amazon, and by all accounts, this book is a must-have for teens. It covers sex, consent, and relationships for everyone - male, female, cis, LGBTQ+, etc. You might even be interested enough to read it yourself! ☺
S.E.X., second edition: The All-You-Need-To-Know Sexuality Guide to Get You Through Your Teens and Twenties https://www.amazon.com/dp/0738218847/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_-s-MCbXCR3K84
IMHO, trying to make jesus accessible to a 5yo will only expose him to indoctrination material. It's a trap. Maybe start with greek or norse gods then tend to be way more... fun?
I wasn't aware that you could use tax dollars to buy books on Amazon. Could you please tell me how you go about doing that? Or do you have no idea what you are talking about?
Thank you ☺️
And absolutely! I bought this book: Retrain Your Brain: Cognitive... https://www.amazon.com/dp/1623157803?ref=yo_pop_ma_swf
I actually think I found it through someone else on this sub. It breaks down CBT in a way that allows you to “be your own therapist.” It guides you through 7 weeks the same way a therapist would: how does anxiety/depression affect X area of your life, what are your values, what are your goals for the next 7 weeks across all areas of life, track your activities/their importance/your enjoyment level, etc.
I’m only on week 2, but already I can see a difference in how I react to my anxious thoughts. At first I didn’t think the book would be right for me. A lot of the examples given are simplistic, more geared toward people with specific phobias, not GAD/panic disorder, etc. but once I got deeper into it I realized that it’s actually a great place to be honest with yourself and confront your anxiety in a non-intimidating way.
I would definitely recommend it!
Nonverbal communication can mean different things depending on the situation. I recommend more research. That helps my anxiety.
However, I have to say that a hostile family environment is what caused my anxiety, and if it's the same for you I recommend therapy as the solution if you can. Or find good books on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (I'm reading 7 week CBT https://www.amazon.com/dp/1623157803/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awdb_imm_t1_ix53FbWGQHG9B).
What I've learned from my mother (who had an even worse family) is that a lot of the toxicity she grew up with is not the norm. Her family says things and mean absolute poison, but other people can use the same phrases or nonverbal movements and not have the vitriol behind it. You might never be comfortable with the movements, but take a deep breath and analyze each situation before you (over?) react. I also find that remaining calm and open when people explode in anger can not only defuse the situation, but also leaves me feeling better than when I get angry too. Just don't stonewall if you care about the relationship (look up Gottman's 4 horsemen).
Have a look and see if this seems helpful for a start
For sex ed, www.scarleteen.com is great. They cover healthy relationships and boundaries as well as just the sex part. I highly recommend it for people who grew up in religious environments with an emphasis on gender roles. Their site has a search function and posts are tagged, so you can always just bookmark it for when you need it. They also have a book that I need to dig into.
I (cis woman) was basically taught to be passive and wait for a man to ask me out, then let him run roughshod all over me in the relationship. Learning how to actually communicate my needs has definitely been helpful.
i am actually in the middle of doing CBT online with an amazing therapist, but i also like to read about CBT, and JUST ordered this book. i cannot vouch for it yet, but it has excellent reviews & i am excited to get it tomorrow!! Retrain Your Brain (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in 7 Weeks: A Workbook for Managing Depression and Anxiety) https://www.amazon.com/dp/1623157803/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_WNHTK2FE4CFY6CGRWBG1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
If there is any way i can help your students please let me know.
One thing i will offer is that there is a book on amazon. It’s a very short graphic novel that describes/introduces the they/them concept to people. My 9 yo read it in 10 min and understood it. I bought copies of the book for my 9yo’s teachers bc they were correcting his writing about his sibling to she/her. I bought multiple copies for my nb child’s school (guidance Counsellor, psychologist, English teacher, librarian, etc). If you would like, i will buy more of these books and send you however many you would like for your students and school and parents (if you think it would help at home.)
Here's the link to the they/them book: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1620104997/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I recommend “The Gender Quest Workbook: A Guide For Teens and Young Adults Exploring Gender Identity” by Testa, Coolhart and Peta.
A couple of the authors are trans psychologists. The book walks the reader through all of the confusing terms and provides a stable way to figure out gender identity. Not all of the exercises are great, but I still do some of them with adult clients! Well worth it in my opinion.
Amazon link: The Gender Quest Workbook: A Guide for Teens and Young Adults Exploring Gender Identity https://www.amazon.ca/dp/1626252971/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_isUrFbNP6GHAA
It sounds like you feel completely trapped and helpless, which is definitely a huge component of depression. I've been there, and it sucks. It feels like it's impossible to do anything to make your situation better because you don't have the energy or motivation, right?
Honestly the best thing you can do is get treatment for your depression - that's the major thing blocking you from making any changes right now. Are you seeking any treatment already? I don't know your situation or your parents, but the best solution would be to go to your doctor, start experimenting with meds to see if they help, and find a therapist to talk to. Failing that, use online therapy, or buy a CBT workbook, or even get one from the library. There's even a few great websites for CBT like https://moodgym.com.au.
Something clearly needs to change, and I really believe your depression is at the crux of all these issues. It's almost impossible to make other changes until your mental health improves. Good luck, and stay safe on your trip!
Since no one has mentioned these things, op, for educating yourself with confidence in your own knowledge and body, please check out [Planned Parenthood's website](www.plannedparenthood.org/learn) or their YouTube channel for sex education, as well as AMAZE, a global sex education platform with explainers; the animated videos are meant for kids and teens, but the facts are very helpful. Lastly, [Scarleteen](www.scarleteen.com) is a collection of blog-type posts on sex ed written from a teen perspective... but the info is still really interesting and relevant, like your original question today. If you wanted a book to read, Heather Corinna's S.E.X., second edition: The All-You-Need-To-Know Sexuality Guide To Get You Throught Your Teens And 20s
I think the best absolute beginner text is this one:
It’s simple, easy access, covers all the basics and looks pretty too.
I've recovered from a binge eating disorder and I used to get those pretty often. Therapy is good but what helped me most was daily body focused mediation (HeadSpace was my favorite service) and this workbook.
It isn't a sin to want to find human companionship (though online in sex rooms is obviously not a good place to find it). There are lots of faithful women who long for companionship and belonging like you do. Almost every who attends any congregation has a friend or family member in that category. What you do is get to know the married couples in your ward by inviting them for FHE or sunday dinner, or serving with them. And share with them that you are looking. Ask your ministering people what they see you could improve to make you more attractive to women. Serve in your community (where you will meet like minded people interested in the cause you chose to support). Make sure you are thinking healthy (CBT or DBT can get you there, there it is hard to find it with fidelity. You might try only at https://www.ecouch.com.au/home or https://www.amazon.com/dp/1623157803?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details ) And heavy exercise daily, sufficient restful sleep (with white noise or weighted blanket if needed), looking for the positive, being in nature, inspiring (not necessarily religious) music, and more service.
Yes Your Heavenly Parents and Savior are real, know you personally and by name in every moment of your life, believing in you, rooting for you, doing everything They can to help you consistent with Their plan and your agency.
You may be in a mist of darkness at the moment and you know from the Lehi's Dream sequence that the solution lies in maintaining the righteous habits as you move through them. YOU CAN DO IT.
I strongly recommend getting this book.
In terms of connecting with others like yourself, you're welcome to hang out in the following subreddits.
I haven't used it myself but I've heard good things about this workbook for people exploring their gender! https://www.amazon.com/Gender-Quest-Workbook-Exploring-Identity/dp/1626252971?dplnkId=ab02c533-3dfc-40ac-ade3-7556f3f9bf78
I got this book for kiddo - it's way detailed, but still age appropriate.
I also told him that it might be too much for him.....which sure as shit got him to pick it up, immediately.
I'm gonna concur that you need to hash this out with a therapist you trust. But I'm also going to recommend this book by Heather Corrina. It might be targeted to a slightly younger audience, but they're brilliant when it comes to inclusivity.
Definitely going through the same thing. Was down to 105 lbs. I started taking Lexapro a few months ago because the anxiety and panic attacks were daily.. very low dose. My doc also gave me a very low dose of Valium to take nightly for neck pain due to muscle/weight loss. I had a gastritis flare up yesterday and the anxiety came with it, I took a tiny bit of Valium and it really helped calm things down since it's a muscle relaxer. Since starting the anxiety meds, I've been able to gain back 5 lbs. It's a slow process.
My psychiatrist also told me to take Valerian root extract for anxiety. So I don't know if you maybe want to try that first. He also recommended a CBT workbook: https://www.amazon.com/Retrain-Your-Brain-Behavioral-Depression/dp/1623157803/ref=mp_s_a_1_5?crid=3LNGPQTDMU7RT&keywords=cbt+workbook&qid=1647613760&sprefix=cbt%2Caps%2C93&sr=8-5
You just have to keep telling yourself that this is temporary and it's treatable. Good luck!!
You definitely need outside help dealing with this in your current state man. I saw you said that you can't afford a therapist right now, so I'd recommend getting this workbook in the meantime when your next paycheck comes in. It's been infinitely helpful to me in the past; I'd go as far as saying it saved my life.
Delete your stash (yes, all of it. Even the expensive ones), start doing guided meditations on a consistent routine as much as you need to, and get on a fitness routine ASAP. If you can't afford a gym membership because of how much money you're short on, there's nothing wrong with hitting a local park and doing push ups, chin ups, squats, and some running for the time being. If they have a dip station and other things like that, even better.
I'd also very strongly recommend having a journal that you record your daily thoughts and happenings in. Use it to track your urges and what happened beforehand. You can use it to find your triggers and avoid them.
Feel free to post and comment in this sub as much as you need to. The opposite of addiction isn't sobriety, but instead human connection. Some of us are going through what you are, some have been in even worse spots, and even when someone hasn't been, they still understand what you're feeling right now. As well, spend more time with your parents, make some friends, socially and emotionally connect with others. If you're religious, now is definitely the time to embrace that community too.
I'm not a Christian, but I keep using this quote: "Idle hands are the devils playthings." Get busy and keep busy. You don't have a job (I assume you're looking for one?) so you need to actively fill your day with other activities. Exercise and train for a goal, research topics you wouldn't normally research, read books, go out and talk to people at the grocery store, etc.
I would say you should be seeing if you can find a girlfriend or FWB as well. Sexual gratification and intimacy are essential needs for almost everyone, and if you've been using porn and masturbation to replace it, then now is the time to rework that behavior.
I'd also say to keep a journal. Write down your days, your urges, etc. Look for patterns so you can make adjustments.
Meditate and seek therapy as well if you can. Learning to quiet the mind is incredibly important and necessary for not just quitting this, but overall mental and emotional health. Do you have a way to get therapy? If not, do you have a spare $11? This CBT book saved my life and is a great place to start if you need therapy right now but can't afford it.
Also, when I said exercise before, this is me doubling down on that. Intense exercise for porn addicts is like sugar for heroin addicts; it's not the same, but it's a surprisingly good substitute.
If you need any help, I got you man
Your step one in recovery is going to be therapy and meditation. Your emotional and mental health are in a bad place right now and you need to get them under control.
I'd highly recommend the HeadSpace app for meditation, but if you can't get it right now, then YouTube has a lot of free ones, as well as a free app called Medito
For therapy, any kind of talk therapy should do or maybe CBT. If you can't get a therapist right now, then this workbook is what I keep suggesting to everyone. It saved my life when I couldn't afford therapy
I have in the past, and it's helped to put into perspective a lot of thought processes that I was unaware of. Apparently they were obvious looking from the outside, but inside of myself I had no idea. I also used and immensely recommend this CBT workbook. It literally saved my life and it taught me emotional coping skills that I was never taught as a child
GG, uncle!
I don't understand parents who limit their child's information about sex. They are setting their kids up to be unsatisfied and unsafe at best, manipulated and abused at worst.
I told my kids everything about sex, consent, safety, health, relationships, etc. and then when I ran out of information, I bought them each a copy of S.E.X. by Heather Corinna. There's no such thing as being overeducated.
It's the hardest thing I've ever done in my life, but it's going to also be the most worthwhile I think. I crave it all day and I even miss this one pornstar I even developed feelings for. I'm never going back to that lifestyle
Therapy is a non-negotiable need for getting through this, especially if your addiction is as bad as ours. I couldn't afford therapy about a year ago when I started to improve myself and Retrain Your Brain: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in 7 Weeks was the book I used to give myself therapy. It saved my life honestly. Between the therapy the book gave me and being on this sub, I'm getting what I need to start recovering. I feel that I need a therapist the moment I get a new job that would allow me to afford it, and I recommend you get one too on top of the book
There's no shame in therapy, especially with an addiction. I don't believe the rhetoric of places like AA saying that you're powerless to your addiction or that you need to accept God into your life in order to heal; it feels disempowering to me to internalize that. I believe that you should be working to feel like you have control and setting hard rules to follow tailored to your specific urges and triggers is far better. You should feel like you're regaining control of your life, and people like therapists (or a pastor if you want, I'm not ragging on religion, 12 step just bothers me that religion is basically a requirement) are there to help point out holes in your game and find patterns that you can't see yet.
I'm also using this community to help push others forward and help me deal with my own addiction issues. I'd recommend doing the same or finding another group that would accomplish the same goal on top of therapy
I'm a man, but I felt similarly to the men in porn. When I was first starting to use porn, a lot of them looked more or less like normal guys (who were admittedly hung), and the only thing they had to do was be a dick to use and pleasure women to complete satisfaction, or so it felt like. Eventually they started getting more attractive and their bodies had to be better and better, and that started to ruin my self esteem. It escalated way beyond that later to the point of me questioning my sexuality, but that's not here nor there.
I was just recommending books to another member of the sub and this workbook was what I recommended to them and others if they needed a therapy and had no way of getting it. This workbook literally saved my life and recovery would be impossible for me right now without it.
Stay strong sis. You can beat this addiction and reclaim the happiness porn is taking from you. You're still young and can live very well if you fix this now. It's going to be hard, but it'll be worth it when we make it through this.
No but books like this one are, which spew the same ideas.
"I am always working to understand who I am. What does it mean for me to be a light biracial Black cis female? Action takes the form of being aware and noticing injustice and checking stereotypes. It’s using my lens of anti-racism, figuring out what it is I’m seeing, and taking action.
Remaining silent is not okay. It is not an option. Black folx, Brown folx, Indigenous folx, and Folx of the Global Majority are being harmed, oppressed, and killed every day. If you are white, light (like me), or a non-Black Person of the Global Majority, use your privilege and your proximity (or closeness) to the center of the dominant culture box to fracture the very foundation of our racist society. If you keep doing this and continue to put more cracks and dents into the structure, you’ll shake it all up so it can crumble."