The Enchanted forest chronicles. It's about a princess who is not a typical princess, (She bakes cherries jubalee and knows some magic and sword fighting) A friendly king of dragons, a kitchen witch with a dozen cats, and the king of the enchanted forest and all the crazy pressures he has to deal with. These books are amazing, the ladies are strong the gentlemen clever and it's a fun read. Read it to my sons when they were in their middle teens and they loved it.
I like this version. Not abridged but the illustrations are great: ilustrated Hobbit
Not OP, but I found the same one, vinyl bound, on Amazon. It says it's 1,216 pages. It also says it's $20, which makes it literally $40 cheaper than at my local bookstore. 🤔
Yeah not as simplified as if they simply Transfigured themself into an animal. In that case they wouldn't even keep their human mind. The book said:
>While in their animal form, they retain most of their ability to think as a human, their own sense of identity and their memories. [...] However, feelings and emotions are simplified and they will have many animal desires
I think I know exactly what the 2nd book you’re talking about is. It’s called Dealing With Dragons by Patricia C. Wrede. I’ve been rereading it since I was a kid too, and it’s really good.
It also dealt w/ fantasy-style loopholes and dry humor that may have influenced your defense.
I also have the 2013 version illustrated by Jemima Catlin and I love it. It really does give it that "children's book" feel to it, but tastefully - if that makes sense.
You can scroll down to the images in the reviews for some samples, and it's cheap enough that you can buy it along with the other editions if you want to.
You can buy them on Amazon or Book Walker. It's against r/anime rules to tell you where to read them for free.
If anyone interested in this exact version, affiliate-free link:
If you're interested in a story that is slightly similar to the premise in this comic, I suggest The Enchanted Forest Chronicles by Patricia C. Wrede. The first book is Dealing with Dragons.
Ugh I wish I did... maybe I can look up my library account history?
Edit: yay! I found it! here is the amazon listing for Every Day and I also found out there is a sequel
Actually, the upcoming titles from Seven Seas will be in a new format, not exactly bunko size but close enough (almost JNC size)
See the product dimensions on Amazon
You probably want the 75th Anniversary edition. It has Tolkien's illustrations and his dustjacket design as well.
While I can recommend just about any edition of The Hobbit, if you're looking for one with a bit more eye candy to help you through it there's this edition that has some great illustrations by Jemima Catlin:
Are you in the US? My understanding is that this version is the best illustrated version for kids:
There are two other illustrated versions, one of which is illustrated by Tolkien himself. But the illustrations are bit more dark and serious and potentially "scary" or whereas this Catlin version is bright and friendly.
get the annotated hobbit by douglas a. anderson.
if you've wandered in to this sub, you're an above average fan. that level of devotion warrants more. it'll have all that you mentioned wanting and more background, more info. just more.
Yeah, I second the Pottermore notes. They're a lot of fun and especially good for backstory on some of my favorite characters.
You can find them on Amazon too, here's one example -\_1\_1?crid=1KYL3870UEPU6&keywords=pottermore&qid=1663022132&sprefix=pottermore%2Caps%2C127&sr=8-1
Book buddies!
My son has started to enjoy being read chapters of Winnie the Pooh for bedtime, and pretty soon I want to introduce him to The Hobbit! I thought this illustrated edition would be perfect!
Choosing just one off my wishlist was hard though lol.
u/Lilhoneybee4 come join!
Well my recommendation would be this one for a reading copy. Good surface texture to the cover. Creme paper. Do not remember how the maps are on this one. No illustrations to distract you.\_sidesheet
The best for reading and super cheap (in US at least) one volume edition is this one. Very well put together for the money you pay.
Would you kindly tell me the price?
This is one of the ebooks Rowling published with the most important writings she did for the old Pottermore. I don't know if this is on the Wizarding World website nowadays. The new website sucks.
Oh yeah, I did plenty of voices lol. A little background - we started reading in this format this year. We started reading through the entire Narnia series, then The Hobbit, and we're now reading through The Wingfeather Saga. He's absolutely loving reading.
Honestly, I usually just kinda look ahead when reading to see who's talking. Usually you know who it is just based on how the narrative is flowing. Occasionally I'll start saying something in a voice and then realize it's someone else and start over, but it's not often enough to make a difference.
It's been a fun experience. I've gotten used to doing different voices, so he has this very unique view of the world we're reading that matches how I'm reading it and our shared experience. He loved The Hobbit at 6 - I think it's totally appropriate. I'm currently reading through LOTR myself (again) and we are definitely quite a ways off from reading that.
I had 3 different versions of The Hobbit already, but I picked up this version just for our read because of the illustrations. It was really well done and made it a more fun experience for him.
Enjoy! It's become one of the best things we ever started doing together.
My main problem is that no website says whether the version they're selling is the revised one or not. I've literally only found one website that doesn't and they were out of stock. I don't want to invest money into a censored product. That said, for whatever reason, I was able to find this. An apparent preorder of the first volume coming in late December. Couldn't find any info about it anywhere else or find this same offer on the English version of Amazon. 🤔
There is an excellent illustrated hardback version on Amazon. I have personally given it three times as a Secret Santa and have a copy myself. It's hardback and looks to be on sale right now.
Here's the link:
Not exactly clear, but in the description of how to become an Animagi which Rowling wrote in one of her E-Books it is noted that it's always the animal that becomes your patronus.
>The animal into which one turns, if an Animagus, seems always to be that which becomes the Patronus. There is no known instance of the Animagus form changing to match the Patronus if the latter changes, but the Animagus who can also produce a Patronus is highly unusual and no study has ever been done on sufficient numbers to draw firm conclusions.
So stuff like personality probably plays a role. Though names probably also affect things somewhat, as Sirius Black turned into a large Black Dog(Sirius himself being named after the Dog Star)
Sure! The only issue is that I bought it from Amazon MX, so I hope there is no problem with that. So, there you go
I love and always recommend this vinyl bound one. It’s easy to carry around and lightweight like a paperback, but also sturdier. I love it.
I picked up this version of the hobbit for my niece one christmas and had trouble parting with it.