It is the billing between two carriers. In the US they will typically be LECs (ILEC/CLEC), CAPs, or LD providers. If you have any specific questions I can try to answer. I did interconnect billing and auditing for about 10 years.
When we had someone new start in the department we used to give them a copy of Newton's. It is a great way to get familiar with the terms.
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The Distance Cure is a groundbreaking book on the subject.
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I tend to agree in person is the ideal. But that doesn’t mean “distance therapy” isn’t also valuable. Teletherapy, for example, makes psychotherapy accessible to so many more people.
You might be interested in Hannah Zeavin’s book, The Distance Cure which explores the history of this kind of thing.
This is more for someone who has a dsp background( and its specifically for point estimation),but I enjoyed it:
I learned crlb from this book, chapter 3:
Don't let it get you too down palindrome- the only way to deal with the absurdity of the world is to recognize it as horrific and laugh about it. I work at my local Borders, and see this one all the time, and have a hearty chortle. :)
This one, however, is more magical IMO.
I'd simply read Codes of the Underworld and follow the instructions!
I obviously wouldn't approach someone "hey sell me an AK" that's retarded. I'd talk to (already known, trusted person) X who knows person Y who knows person Z etc.
> If you know one, how would you know that he wouldn't rat on you the moment he is arrested, in order to do some kind of deal with the police?
If I was a suicidal maniac I don't think I'd care about any of that.
I had to buy a book about OrCad PSpice Here for class. I believe it has Capture included on the cd.
Or; My school provides a link to a install file, message me if you want it.
Eletronic Principles is pretty good and beginner friendly. My circuits book in college was Electric circuits by Nilsson and Riedel, it's pretty good but a little dense.