Fanatical Prospecting by Jeb Blount really helped me. I was in a very similar situation as you. After I read that book, it gave me the process/tools and inspired me to make 50+ cold calls a day in about 1-2 hours.
Another way to think of it is this: for each call you make, you are earning $X dollars. If your average sale nets $5k and it takes 250 calls to make that sale, then every time you pick up the phone you are making $20.
One thing I do recommend is this book, because I read it once last year, and will read it again. This guy outlines an excellent way to help segment a sales team (as small as 2-3 even). One person would be a rockstar prospector, one would be account exec/closer, and another would be market team (to handle inbound leads from website and other marketing). We plan to do just this. We are going to hire a dialer overseas (and try to find one with little to no accent) from oDesk, get a list(hoovers), and have them set appts. Then I will be the one going to the appts and hopefully closing the deals.
You may want also to read the books by Al Ries, "Immutable Laws of Marketing" and "Immutable Laws of Branding" ( I can't remember what the numbers were: 22 Immutable Laws, or something or other ), as well...
It takes time to build following, & connecting with the people who are interested .. isn't some God-given entitlement .. it takes groundwork.
I just discovered that intead of having 1 EU site, Amazon has a zillion nationally-specific sites...
Here's the US link to the book I'm telling you to get:
That's the one.
Find it at your local Amazon, & however short it is, it gives you the complete template of what you are required to do.
It is a precious resource, for anybody who isn't a business person, who wants to be self-employed.
( there are others, completely irrelevant to your situation, so you don't have to read them!! ; )
Salut, Namaste, & Kaizen, Hoomin
( :
FB can work but it can take a wile. I know other MSPs that do it well, they will target the receptionist etc of the business that they are looking to pick up. it sometimes takes years but cost fark all. targeting cuts down cost a lot. google is much the same think of problems that end users may be searching for not MSP end users are not looking for an MSP they want a problem solved. also have a chat with your vendors my CSP wholesaler helps with marking to the point of providing hot leads. Local business groups are great too. I did find I had to go to about 12 months of meetings before any work or referral's but I enjoy going out at seeing people.
Pick a niche and hit it hard.
have a read of this short book the 1 page marketing plan by Allan Dib
Read this book and do what it says
Fanatical Prospecting by Jeb Blount
The only book you'll need.
Basically, the gist of it is that you are a monster when it comes to cold calling, initial contacting of prospects. I can call up to 250 prospects in a day. I have known people that reach out to 10 new people per day. They failed, I didn't.
As long as you are not a total social awkward, if you make 100-125 new contacts per day, you will succeed. If you don't, you will either fail or be below average.
There are some industries that are not like this, though. So, if you sell airliners for $50 million per airplane, there are only 300 or whatever airlines in the world, so it is a limited pool of buyers, so that is a long-term relationship game. But, they really can't go anywhere else, as there is only Airbus and Boeing as the only sellers.
But if you are selling regular old "stuff", then it is a numbers game. Send out 200 new emails per day. Make 200 phone calls. Whatever. I like phone calls because I get immediate feedback, I'm on with the owner or decision-maker and not hoping that they will return my email or whatever. If you have a great website and SEO and that gives you hot leads every day, that is great. But what are you going to do if you get 5 leads and it only takes you 2 hours to deal with them? What are you going to do the rest of your day? Prospect. Calls or emails, or something else.
Outbound Sales no Fluff is $3 on Amazon right now - has a great section on how to handle your outbound workflow that has been huge for me
Shift your fucking sucks as a human (rejection) and that will never go away (though it should, over time, become easier)...but most cold calling is around 1-5% look at it like a game...or a gauntlet (I prefer it seems more positive)
"I know if I make 100 calls today I should get at least 1 sale"
start there...see if you can do better than that...try and beat your previous records...
Also...don't waste time...make a cold call, get to the point...if people aren't interested then don't argue with them...thank them and move on. Depending on your product and call list you should be making at least 1 call per 30 seconds or so.
100 calls should literally be an hours work. Break it down into sessions and do it a few times per day (1 hour of calling 3x a day for example)
Check out the book "Fanatical Prospecting" for a little change of perspective on the idea of cold calling and what goes on around it.
10 cold calls/day seems perfectly reasonable, based on the information you provided.
You may benefit from reading Fanatical Prospecting by Jeb Blount.
This is basically the idea behind Combo Propsecting -
No affiliation, but I really liked the book and am actively implementing a lot of the tips in it.