Many of them are Baby Boomers or Gen Xers who were exposed to plenty of education and critical thinking as they were growing up. However, there's the idea that in the information age, we are bombarded with so much information and stimulation that it is hard to begin to filter out the junk. It becomes much easier to simply pick a single source of information and label that as "trusted", than to be constantly scrutinizing all the information you get from everywhere.
This phenomenon was predicted as far back as the 80s, with the rise of cable TV and mass media advertising. There's an interesting part of a book called Amusing Ourselves to Death ( where the author proposes that modern governments don't need to limit the amount of information their citizens have access to in order to control them. All they have to do is overload them with nonsense, making them unable to effectively process the quality information they do receive.
I am hopeful for the future, because our current generation was raised in the Information Age, and we've been exposed to this environment since our early years. We are more adept at navigating the internet, and therefore investigating the reliability of our sources of information. Our relative youth makes us less stubborn than people in their 50s or 60s.
For anyone that’s interested in these kinds of things, I highly recommend the book <em>A Feast of Ice and Fire</em>, which is an officially licensed cookbook featuring meals right out of the books.
That is one of the best series I have ever watched. I really wish there were more. The writing, design and cinematography was so flawless. I even ended up buying the book Feeding Hannibal that showed how the show's chef prepared such beautiful displays of cuisine. For Hannibal fans, it is well worth checking out.
I know a lot of fans here haven't picked up the Red Wheelbarrow notebook yet, so I thought I'd upload this.
Later in the series we see Elliot and Krista having sessions. In one of them she talks about how it was hard to see him again after what he did. We never really see HOW they reconciled, though.
There's A LOT of content in the book, but here's a draft of the letter Elliot sent to her. It's interesting me to see him trying to make things right, but also to see him fighting to get Krista back so that he can get help.
Anway, it's just a little bit of extra content I thought fit here. Enjoy!
And it isn't "books." And it's just extra content to supplement the show.
There are no fucking books for this show.
Actually, that's been a thing since at least 1991; the <em>TNG Technical Manual</em> Rick Sternbach wrote is the earliest reference to it I can recall offhand. To be fair, Discovery was the first on-screen reference to it.
And if she’s up for something different I highly recommend the game of thrones cookbook, A A Feast of Ice and Fire , There is a blog too , so you don’t need to invest. I love the cookbook and trying out the medieval recipes vs the modern versions. It’s fun and gives perspective on how food and cooking/baking has changed.
And if you pm me an amazon wishlist link I would more than happily gift it (that’s how much fun I find this book).
Also, I’m glad you made caring for yourself a priority it’s a great example for the kids. When they see you making self care a priority they will too. ❤️❤️❤️
Rewatch! I promise you'll see SO MANY things differently when you rewatch. It's amazing.
Also, the Red Wheelbarrow book is so worth it! It's amazingly detailed. It's 160 pages of Elliot's stream of consciousness. It's $30 right now, but often dips down closer to $20. (Prime day it was actually about $10.50!)
Just counted and I currently have 31 books. I've cooked out of every one of them, even my Feeding Hannibal book, but in general I regularly use only about 10 of them.
My three Thug Kitchen, now Bad Manners I believe, books and Serena Wolf's The Dude Diet do a lot of my heavy lifting though.
Looks like it's up for pre-order on Amazon. It's being released January 23, 2018.
As a fat guy who loves food, I've always loved his food-porn. Not just because I love descriptions of food, but because I really am able to immerse myself in the scene. Smell and taste are some of the most memory-triggering senses we have, and it puts you right there with the character.
However, you are absolutely right that he's using this as a way to convey the class divisions and the hardship of war, and it's not something that is often brought up.
Also, if anyone doesn't know about it, I highly recommend the Official Games of Thrones Cookbook. It's got excellent, real medieval recipes based on the food in the book:(
Yep. I've been recommending Postman's book for years:
>What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one.
Once you have finished watching through, and have fallen in love with this show (and you will), you need to buy the 'Go Team Venture!' book to accompany your rewatch.
You can thank me later
I recommend Heroes' Feast. It has over a dozen in universe feasts and even a few tavern menus.
It also has some great recipes that taste delicious.
The Hero's Feast official DND cookbook
There's a whole bunch of video game, tv show, and movie based cook books. I personally recommend the Elder Scrolls one
Love the cookbook.
so far I've made the blood pudding, the bloodorange salad, the 'snails', the sweetbreads, and the heart-tartar. Everything turned out amazing
Ya know! I wish I could tell you. It was given to me by an amazing friend for Christmas
I found this link however it doesn’t appear it’s available right now. I’m sorry to see that!
Star Trek The Next Generation: Technical Manual
Basically goes through and explains all about how the ship works from an in-universe point of view. It's actually really fun to see all the explanations they came up with for everything.
For anyone else looking. They sell the Holy Grail on Amazon for $12.
Is anyone here a Venture Bros fan? I find myself with two copies of the Go Team Venture! art book and I don't need both. It goes for about $27 on Amazon, I'm happy to let the shrink wrapped copy I have go for $20.
Not sure if this is the same book, but did find a BB Cookbook on Amazon!
Hmmm, not quite video game, but here's a Game of Thrones one.
As far as others go, I keep hearing Salt Fat Acid Heatis a good beginner cookbook, though I haven't tried it yet.
Can confirm...
I even have this book : Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual Star Trek Next Generation Unnumbered: Sternbach, Rick, Okuda, Michael: Fremdsprachige Bücher
So that is at least a PHD worth i guess
Unfortunately this is not the case. You can go to Amazon and see the actual ISBN.
What shows there is ISBN-10: 1419724428, ISBN-13: 978-1419724428. The only reason I think this could be anything is cause it is found on, none of the other RWB pictures include this barcode, and Kor Adana specifically said last week on the Aftershow that if you see barcodes to check them out.
Remember Leslie wrote a book about Pawnee? Well the cast and crew made a real copy of it! It's about 250 pages long and it's hilarious! It's only $12.99 on Amazon. Quite a steal.
A Kitchenaid mixer if you don’t have one already! I got one for my bf’s birthday this year, because he’s a chef and loves to cook, too! You can get so many cool attachments for it to make homemade pasta, sausage, all kinds of stuff. I also got him a cookbook with recipes all from his favorite video game, Elder Scrolls! I’m sure there’s a DnD one out there!
Edit to add: DnD Cookbook!
Shoo Shoo Kidney Stone.
My father was just in the ER a couple of weeks ago for this same reason. He has to have A LOT of morphine as well. My father was discharged the next morning and is fine, thank goodness.
I'm glad to hear your mom is doing better and it's not anything worse!
Here is a cookbook, Bob's Burgers Cookbook and if you haven't ever seen the show, it's not a deal breaker. They have some very crazy burger combinations that actually sound pretty delicious!
Thanks for hosting!
The title in the comment was a joke.