Good book from what I remember reading it years ago. I just rebought it on Kindle.
Title: Professional Application of Sound and Film in an Art Studio Setting for Improving Quality of Life and Effects on Neuroscience – A Thesis
Genre: non fiction art and music
Synopsis: We’re a deep house record label co-owned by people from Chicago and Vladivostok.
This is our newest release describing how to organize electronic music listening events within art galleries in North America. This is not self-promotion but rather a guide with nitty gritty specific step by step details about how to organize and set up an event. We also include financial details for all equipment costs. This is what our group has been doing for the past few years and we published our methods.
Please check this out and support us if this is your thing. We are a record label and we released a professional thesis as a book on amazon about performing contemporary electronic music within art galleries.
See link below
Sound and Film in Art Studios For Better Quality of Life
Title: Professional Application of Sound and Film in an Art Studio Setting for Improving Quality of Life and Effects on Neuroscience – A Thesis
Genre: non fiction art and music
Word count: 10,000.
Feedback: We’re a deep house record label co-owned by people from Chicago and Vladivostok.
Synopsis: This is our newest release describing how to organize electronic music listening events within art galleries in North America. This is not self-promotion but rather a guide with nitty gritty specific step by step details about how to organize and set up an event. We also include financial details for all equipment costs. This is what our group has been doing for the past few years and we published our methods.
Please check this out and support us if this is your thing. We are a record label and we released a professional thesis as a book on amazon about performing contemporary electronic music within art galleries.
See link below
Sound and Film in Art Studios For Better Quality of Life
The only place I've found it is for sale digitally on Amazon:
Showrunners: The Art of Running a TV Show by Tara Bennett
The TV Showrunner's Roadmap: 21 Navigational Tips for Screenwriters to Create and Sustain a Hit TV Series 1st Edition by Neil Landau
It's there. It's just people don't wanna drop 26 dollars for a book on showrunning when you can buy the 9.99 book on writing a pilot.
Mostly cause it doesn't matter. Ninety percent of showrunners are working TV writers before they sell something. So they are in a room and learn from experience.
There just isn't a market for information on learning how to write a season of Television for people that have never been in a room.
/u/wemustburncarthage I believe is attempting to write the entire first season of a show.
Maybe she has can expand on how her season-spanning structuring works.
If you really want to know how it is in reality, look here.
These Guys Have All the Fun: Inside the World of ESPN
James Andrew Miller's book about ESPN goes into more details of what a Scumbag Mike Tirico is.