Ah yes, a clearly labeled English company that for some reason must be Japanese...
Not sure why OP made that crap up but these are literally $20 on amazon for any of you tactical reloaders out there
My cat is a fuzzy little jerk just like yours. I had tried putting the TP behind the toilet on the tank, on the counter, wherever. Cat still got to it. Tried to keep the door closed, but my roommate is a jerk and never remembers to close the damn door.
Then I found this weird thing on amazon. It's like a little elastic locking gizmo for the toilet roll, you just unlock it to unroll TP, then lock it back up when you're finished with the business. Voila, no more wasted toilet paper.
I can finally go back to buying the glorious charmin strong. My cheeks yearn for it.
It's not the same but I've had this one on my Amazon wishlist forever now. You just made me realize how old I am for having a toilet paper holder on a wishlist.
It's ugly, but it sure stops the toilet paper game cold.
imma recommend a product that made my life a bit better
There are a bunch of different ones but same idea product
Yeah, both of my kitties figured out how to do that, too. I finally had to resort to these: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00OO2MSB4/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 to get the toilet paper game to stop. They're ugly but they do work.
I always enjoy these conversations. I wouldn't call it out of reach persay. I have a 6'3" reach so my arms are long and I just touch the wall fully extended. It's enough that it's annoying.
Cats would unravel the whole roll. So we started doing the Under method. That stopped the unraveling so then they decided fo just stand on it.. Which eventually ripped the holder off the wall and broken it. We don't like floor stand cause it take sup extra space so we got tank holder and just loved it. It's so much more convenient. They make Vertical Wall Holders too that we may get for our next apartment as we are looking to move soon.
Also it's PA, USA.
No way. You need one of the easy refill ones. Far superior.
Also includes a cover!
But Sadly it is out of stock.
Sadly it is out of stock.
YOMESTE Wall mounted toilet paper holder from Amazon.
YOMESTE Wall Mounted Waterproof Paper Holder Bathroom Paper Roll Holder (Blue) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00OO2MSB4/ref=cm_sw_r_u_apa_fabc_LHj1FbBJHRCKD?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Galvanized punched tin paper towel dispenser from Etsy.
Hey, I found this really awesome Etsy listing at https://www.etsy.com/listing/735753021/galvanized-punched-tin-paper-towel
Make sure don't leave paper hanging out of your holder/dispenser to tempt your cat.
Between those two styles you should never have to pay again
Try amazon smile to donate to a charity of your choice automatically at no cost to you!
^^^I'm ^^^a ^^^bot ^^^and ^^^this ^^^action ^^^was ^^^performed ^^^automatically.
mDesign Metal Over The Tank Toilet Tissue Paper Roll Holder Dispenser and Reserve for Bathroom Storage and Organization - Hanging, Holds 1 Roll - Chrome https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01GOINL5W/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_xEc0Db3CGN983. This worked for me , when the freebie didn’t.
I own one of that design. It would be much better without the top flat, which gets in the way and fails to make the holder any more aesthetically pleasing. It's not as if it hides the fact you have toilet paper there, and the flap serves no functional purpose.
It's otherwise nice, a cinch to replace a roll. $14 on Amazon.
You just slide the new roll on and the old roll slides out. Changed my life.
Get a single armed toilet paper holder. No more pinching that spring loaded thing that you can only get two fingers on.
You could try something like the TP Saver, but I think that would be pretty easy for an adult to bypass.
My best suggestion is to put aside toilet rolls when they're down to an amount that wouldn't clog the bowl. Put one of these in the bathroom before the party starts and store all other TP in another room. When one short roll runs out, replace it with another.
Maybe post a note as to why you have to do it this way. Other guests may mention that they've had the same problem; and the list of suspects can be narrowed down that way.