I got this one from Costco. It's awesome. 3 of them light up to tell you the middle and edges https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07564RSHR/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_J9ZRDGJBHA9DAVFDAHZ7?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Fyi, a great thing to add to your tool box is a security bit set. They have all these stupid screw types.
Something like this:
Car Guy Tools 10mm Socket Six Pack (3/8" Drive, Multi Type: 6pt, 12pt, Deep, Shallow) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B078719VN1/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_OEswBbC018E14 one of the options for sale that features types of 10mm sockets in one purchase.
They make this handy tool for working on drum brakes on cars, I think an auto parts store would rent you one or loan it.
OTC 4590 Brake Spring Plier and Claw https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00063V40G/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_S0F300RR6RSREFABKXV6
Here's the "Car Guy Tools" 10mm Socket Six Pack.
Or the 31 piece 10mm socket and ratcheting wrench combo pack.
They're called spanner bits. I have a kit (amazon link) which has the bits you need in the upper left side of the bottom clamshell.
This is the stud finder I got at Costco.
Is it still even worth keeping for future use or is it pretty much going to be useless on plaster walls? So disappointing because there was no mention on the packaging about not working on plaster and someone in the Amazon FAQ said it worked on theirs. 😔
this is a great find, havent seen one in my local Autozone
I did buy a big multipack of 10mm from amazon
so far, only lost a few
Yeah, looks like tri wing. You need a security bit set, or you can probably buy just that bit online, but you'd have to get the size right. Sets are cheap, here is one on Amazon with tri wing bits.
Neiko 10048A Premium Security Bit Set, Chrome Vanadium Steel | 100-Piece Kit https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000O5XDOG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_0fAOCbWT6QVB9
Probably dont need to "rethread it" use something like these to "chase" the threads. They dont cut out as much material as taps and will basically clean out the threads.
Every person should own a basic thread-chasing set. They're not expensive at all. Here's the one I use - $40 from Amazon and made in USA too : ). I've used this countless times.
> https://www.amazon.com/10mm-Socket-Ten-Pack-Multi-Type/dp/B07F7LDYJF
Looks like the price has gone up a bit since I bought them, but $2.7 each isn't too bad. I'm just a home gamer so they work well enough for me, not sure how well they would hold up for a pro mechanic.
Buy 3 of these, and you'll only be short 1/10th of an ounce from a pound
Saw a set like this a couple of years ago, but there was an option for 'subscribe & save'. I came close then.
Lang Tools 2584 15-Piece Metric Thread Restorer Set, Black , Gray https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000XJ48V0/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_DSWHEATFMN3XT0TF6E7S?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I bought them especially for the seat bolts but to be honest those look too far gone
First of all, the coil packs are threaded into the valve cover so it's not a serious situation.
Do you have a spare undamaged 10 mm bolt you can try? If you very carefully feed into the hole you should be able to get it to go in.
also if you have a spare 10 mm not, you can use that to try to clean up the threads on that damaged bolt just a tiny bit.
If the threaded hole in the valve cover is really messed up, then you may need to use a thread chaser to clean up the threads and get a new bolt.
CTA Tools 8240 Universal 53-Piece Rethreading Set https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0035533S8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_42BS672KZ6RWJAFWC8VV
This is pretty close to the set I have. Cleans up threads really nicely.
You could get the bulk pack like this:
For about $2.25 per socket, and zip tie a 10mm to the rubber ducky. :-)
I like my bit set. I use this cheap security bit set which comes in handy if you work on random triangletube or lochinvar boilers with odd screws
NEIKO 10048A Security Bit Set |100-Piece Set | Cr-V Steel | 1/4-inch Adapters | Phillips | Slotted | Hex | Torx Star | Tamperproof | Pozi | Square | Spanner | Torque | Tri-Wing | Clutch | Spline | Wing Nut https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000O5XDOG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_AP7PK5HXVXWXMS0P1VGT
Costco sells one. It’s about $30. Green and has LED lights to show the thickness of the stud.
I can’t find the Costco link but this is it.
you can use one of these https://www.amazon.com/OTC-4590-Brake-Spring-Plier/dp/B00063V40G to both remove and install the springs. But find a vintage one if you can, the new ones are pretty shitty. You can sand and grind the new ones to work better, but the vintage ones rule.
Fire Extinguisher
Screw Drivers
Wrenches and Pliers
Measuring tape.
A simple electric drill. You'll be amazed at how often you use it. Life saver even if you're just using it as a driver to build Ikea furniture.
Voltage Tester Pen. There will come a day when you need to at least know whether something is getting current.
Stud Finder. Invaluable for hanging shelves and the like. Many of these are garbage. I love this one
Toyota dealership technician here:
Drum brake spring removal tool. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00063V40G
Drums realistically can last and last and last......I still have the factory ones on my 2009 Prius at 113k miles.
>Has anyone seen a multipack of just 10mm sockets?
You can find them on Amazon. This is just one of many and it's a ten pack for $25.
I was able to snag this stud finder for $20 from Costco a while back, I doubt think it’s available there anymore but it’s well worth $40 that Amazon is charging. Just used it yesterday to find studs through my exterior siding panels with no issues. It should have no problem finding studs through a mirror