grab one of these and u never have to fucking worry about bags
Before you all jump on the circle jerk that will be these comments. Dogs can as long as it is done right. Too many vegans cook or share their own meals which will get their dog in troubles because dogs need to meet a certain nutrient requirement outlined by regulatory bodies (AAFCO). And unfortunately some people don’t understand what their body needs regardless of if they are vegan or not. Some of those people become vegans and feed their pet with the same lack of knowledge. This get’s them and their pet in trouble.
Dog can function fine if on a dog food that meets AAFCO nutrient requirements. There is even a vegan dog who lived 26 years named Bramble.
My dog’s have been on a vegan diet for 5 years now. They were originally on V-Dog but now they eat Natural balance. I get blood work done every other year. My vet was completely ok as long as the dog food was to meet the nutrient requirements for AAFCO Dog Food Nutrient Profile. Almost as important as feeding your dog this nutrient profile is exercise, have a fit dog for the fuel to do it’s work. Every visit to the vet I get the comment that “these are the healthiest pugs I have seen.”
Here is the dog food:
It’s funny how carnists become so concerned about the well being of an omnivore when they hear it has meat removed from it’s diet, but endlessly fisting, torturing, and slitting their throats, that’s A-O fucking K because “meh tastebuds”.
It’s literally a different kibble. How can anyone in good faith say this is nutritionally worse than a generic dog food with who knows what kind of fillers?
Amazon sells Amazonbasics 900 dog poop bags for like $13 with a holder.
AmazonBasics Dog Waste Bags with Dispenser and Leash Clip - 900-Count
PetSafe SprayShield Animal Deterrent with Clip, Citronella Spray up to 12 ft, Protect Yourself and Your Pets
You should carry that every time you are out walking client dogs IMO. I carry it on hikes, but I know a lot of people that carry it 24/7. Pretty effective at stopping a charging dog, and it won’t have any lasting damage (like a gun) or risk hurting yourself (like mace) so you won’t be hesitant to pull the trigger.
Preservatives called "itchy Ms" can be a culprit - they are typically Methychloroisothiazolinone & Methylisothiazolinone, long names starting with M. Some good products without them are Shea Moisture, Cantu, Yes to Carrots, Not Your Mothers Naturals.
If it's really serious you might want to see a dermatologist. I did and was diagnosed with seborrheic dermatitis. I was given a medicated shampoo and it worked OK but through Amazon I found this dog shampoo and it is freaking amazing even if it smells like tar. Works better than everything I've ever tried.
I've switched over to the "curly girl" method so I use all sulfate/silicone free products, that dog shampoo works well with that routine but I don't have a lot of issues like I used to so I rarely need to use it.
Have you tried plain greek yogurt? A tablespoon per day in a small dish right before the first meal will help establish good gut flora. I'd try that for a couple days before any further tests.
There's also Fortiflora, a probiotic food additive that will help promote healthy bacteria growth. My Vet recommended it to me for a similar issue. Just sprinkle a packet on their food once a day.
most pet stores are similiar in price and supply choice. Pet Value tends to be a bit higher, but otherwise all the box stores are around the same. Costco is great for larger dog beds. Amazon is truly your best bet for most pet supplies, especially poop bags. I bout these two years ago, have two dogs and am maybe half way through them.
Try redirecting. I put a bit of white vinegar in places my puppy tries to nibble stuff. It works pretty well, you might have to respray every couple of days. I got some harder toys for my puppy to chew on and that helped a lot!
Toy suggestion This one is like fake wood and it kind of crumbles off it’s safe and not like a nylabone. It really worked for my puppy and she was an aggressive chewer.
We used this wood toy and my puppy loved it! I think it’s texture or flavor is super similar to wood so she would just bite on this instead of everything else.
Wood toy: Petstages Dog Chew Toys – Safe and Long Lasting Chewable Sticks - Tough Alternative Chewing Sticks for Dogs
A good chew toy I got for my puppy is this wood toy it lasts a long time and if your dog loves sticks try this. Yak cheese is also really good because it has flavor and takes a while to chew through. Microwave it for like 10 seconds to get the scent going and he’ll go crazy.
Before you have your dog go vegan/vegetarian check with your vet.
Some dogs, just like some people, will need extra attention after going meat free. Some dogs might also be grain intolerant!
I know natural balance(vet recommended brand) has a vegetarian canned dog food. I've got a chihuahua and she tends to go on hunger strike in the middle of a veg can more than any other variety. Each can usually lasts 4-5 days. Nothing bad happens to her in the short term on the veg food. If anything it's the least hard on her stomach judging from poop quality.
So I mean, you can feed them commercially available dog food that's just as balanced as normal dog food. You might have a dog with grain intolerance which mean these veggie formulas likely won't work out for you, but if you consult with your vet before switching over they can tell you what to look out for.
Edit: Here are some amazon links if you want to read up on this brand or the food.
I buy these from Canadian amazon. I love them so much. Great quality, pretty thick in comparison to other poopy bags and super cheap! Also comes with a convenient roll holder I can just clip onto the leash.
I'm sure there's an American version.
900 bags for $14, even comes with a little dispenser to clip on you leash...i get the biodegradable ones and just chuck em into the bushes behind the house, might as well recycle that poop into nutrients.
Hi, I also have a 7 month old Shar Pei. When he was about 3 months old he also developed the same thing. I assumed it was the heat here in Florida but I also saw some red spots. I tried to take him to the vet as soon as I noticed but they could not squeeze me in that weekend. I decided to try something out in the meantime to make sure he feels better. I bought him this shampoo called veterinary formula clinical care. I got him the purple bottle and he is doing great now! It’s a very cheap shampoo but it saved me a visit to the vet. I bathe him every week since he suffers from dry skin and that worked out for me! I hope this helps you out. veterinary formula clinical care
Awwww. For the soak you can make it REALLY shallow so might be worth at least trying to see if you can get him to step into a little puddle-depth dish. I get that water fear though.
As far as apple cider vinegar, I've never tried it, but I just would be worried about the stinging part. I mention stinging again cause I tried a spray once that apparently stung and it took maybe two weeks to get my dog to let me near his poor feet again! That said it seems like it's recommended often so you could try a little patch test with diluted vinegar to see the reaction.
I also have heard feeding plain, unsweetened yogurt is helpful! My dog LOVES it. You just have to be careful to get plain unsweetened. I also use the purina fortiflora probiotic packets for general purpose treatment of biome disruptions, like during/after antibiotics or gastritis. They're expensive but they seem to work VERY well. You could try that if the yogurt isn't strong enough. I hope you find something that helps!
I'm so sorry!
We've had luck with Apoquel for our pittie with skin issues, although it sounds like you might be past that point already...Have you tried antiseborrheic shampoo? That's been useful when we've had short-term issues with our TWC, but I think that was more about detergent irritation than allergies, so maybe not the same...
It's so tough, because the poor pups are always so stoic in their suffering, and remain so sweet and good-natured throughout it...Good luck, and regardless of any other medical treatments, make sure this dude gets his cuddles and scritches daily. :)
I've always been told that kittens that age should be allowed as much food as they want. However, the diarrhea is worrisome. I foster kittens a lot, and the SPCA vets have given me kitten probiotics when that's happened before. You could try getting your kittens some of the same stuff and seeing if it helps their digestion:
(Note that it may be cheaper on other websites; I normally get mine off ebay. The vets normally only give me 2-4 packets if a kitten is having problems, so you might be able to buy less than this, too.)
For the kongs, if she isn’t lactose intolerant, I put plain yogurt with blueberries and freeze them. This wood toy which is durable and it really keeps their attention because I think it tastes like sticks. Highly recommend that toy. They also have these puzzle toys on Amazon where you can put treats in them and they have to figure out how to open flaps and such to get to the treats.
Try this!
My basset hound had a terrible skin infection like that he would scratch at until he bled. This worked wonders - just use it like a regular shampoo every few days and leave it on the coat to soak in for a few minutes, then wash off. It definitely works. Plus it's pretty cheap.
I used this toy for my puppy while she was teething or when she’s bitey in general. If you want something to redirect him with or something for him to really naw at when he’s bitey I would highly recommend it. It really saved my fingers and now when my puppy is bitey she chews on that instead of me.
We have 3 other puppies in the neighborhood that she played with since she was young. It really softened her bite since they learn to how to bite softly with each other. It also helped because it would tire her out like crazy. We have this wood toy this is probably the best toy I’ve gotten for a teething puppy. I have recommended it to so many people because dogs love this toy a lot. Highly recommend you try it because it really helped my dog redirect her itchy teeth from me to this toy!
I carry a can of this when hiking and have been considering taking it on walks in town due to off-leash dogs. It’s citronella and is harmless but dogs really hate the smell of it:
They sell these sticks at pet stores near me in the US. They are made of compressed wood pulp so your dog won't get splinters, but they are also super strong. They are perfect chew toy for the dog that destroys everything. Here is a link to one on Amazon.
In an ideal world, yes. But most people will either use bags they have from the store or the cheap ones from the local pet store or Amazon. Neither are biodegradable. Environment friendly dog waste bags cost more. These ones on Amazon are $14 for 900 cheap bags or $26 for 900 of the biodegradable ones.
I would cut out the yogurt as lactose and dogs is sometimes not the best combo. See here;
I have also used fortiflora probiotic powder on my dogs food in the past. It helped firm things up as it promoted more complete digestion.
I used to get it from Amazon;
Hope it helps, hang in there, try not to make too many adjustments at the same time.
I get it from a local place, though, so it's a few dollars cheaper than Amazon.
My cat had it, and I did get him through it. He did not have to be force fed nut was vomiting everything up. I believe the cause was the kidney formula food he was on.
I found small meals, complete altering of diet, changing of food often and the best thing, appetite and nausea medicine and Fortilflora.
The probiotic help the nausea and digestion. Works really well, I give it to my young cat now too.
Time and patience and waterproof bedding.
Best of luck.
I’m using this shampoo for my little guy at the moment-
Along with a Highly moisturizing Eucerine lotion (found at drug stores or Walmart) with 5% urea in it.
This regiment has completely cleared up the skin issues that were starting to developed on my little guys skin - I also had it approved by the vet.
I would also caution against coconut oil - it may work for some dogs of course, but in humans it’s highly comedogenic (clogs pore) - I know some humans claim it works for them and I’m not disputing that just giving my two cents/some info. If the issues your pup is having are plugged follicles his skin may be too sensitive for the coconut oil. Good luck!