He made it himself.
If u wanna build something similar just get these 2 books:
Forbidden LEGO: Build the Models Your Parents Warned You Against!
andBadass LEGO Guns: Building Instructions for Five Working Guns
I only have the first one but a friend has the 2nd one and its apparently good too. The "Forbidden Lego" one also has loads of other cool stuff in it and not just guns.
Some clays are not compatible with certain molding materials. I have used Sculpey and monster clay with tin-cure and platinum-cure silicones. Avoid anything with any sulfur. This is a good book about sculpting toys and figurines https://www.amazon.ca/dp/0823095223?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
Well if u wanna build something similar just get these 2 books:
Forbidden LEGO: Build the Models Your Parents Warned You Against!
andBadass LEGO Guns: Building Instructions for Five Working Guns
I only have the first one but a friend has the 2nd one and its apparently good too. The "Forbidden Lego" one also has loads of other cool stuff in it and not just guns.
(definitely can recommend getting it. It's also a great gift if the recipient still has lego as an adult... i definitely do.).
they already exist.
Forbidden LEGO: Build the Models Your Parents Warned You Against!
andBadass LEGO Guns: Building Instructions for Five Working Guns
I only have the first one but a friend has the 2nd one and its apparently good too. The "Forbidden Lego" one also has loads of other cool stuff in it and not just guns (definitely can recommend getting it. It's also a great gift if the recipient still has lego as an adult... i definitely do.).
Pattern was from the Pokemon Crochet book https://www.amazon.co.uk/Pok%C3%A9mon-Crochet-favourite-crochet-patterns/dp/1446308332 however I modified the tail.
Yarn used is Cygnet Scrumpilicious which be warned sheds a lot although is beautifully soft. Hopefully she does not fall apart. 6mm hook used.
Eyes are also crocheted: free handed oval with chain embroidered brown iris. Size 2(lace) weight yarn with 2mm hook.
1st ever crochet project - I like a challenge! Decided to make this for Halloween back in Sept but it took me so long I've just finished it this evening. Ah well, still brings me great joy!
Whimsical Stitches: A Modern... https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1944515631?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share.
I used a variety of patterns from the linked book to make the shape (an aubergine, pot bottom and part of a cactus!) and had to figure out how to do it as I went.
4mm Hook Papatya super stitch aran weight yarn 100% acrylic
Pattern is from Pokemon Crochet by Sabrina Somers
Eyes and cheeks just simple circles and ovals stitch to the head as opposed to felt detailed in pattern.
Pokémon Crochet: Bring your favorite Pokémon to life with 20 cute crochet patterns https://www.amazon.com/dp/1446308332/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_S229KDEFX3YM8KYB18QH
Pattern from this book. I used I Love This Yarn in red, yellow, and Desert Glaze.
Pattern is from Whimsical Stitches by Lauren Espy
Whimsical Stitches: A Modern Makers Book of Amigurumi Crochet Patterns https://smile.amazon.com/dp/1944515631/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_RFVKHBZHKPM760KJQJTH
Pattern is from Whimsical Stitches by Lauren Espy
Whimsical Stitches: A Modern Makers Book of Amigurumi Crochet Patterns https://smile.amazon.com/dp/1944515631/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_RFVKHBZHKPM760KJQJTH
Of course! Here’s the link 😊 Pokémon Crochet: Bring your favorite Pokémon to life with 20 cute crochet patterns https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1446308332/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_93XXKT6NGJPP6YG2KS7B Charmander is the only one I’ve done so far but I’m really looking forward to trying the rest out!
The pattern is called Saguaro Cactus from the book Whimsical Stitches by Lauren Espy. I used a 4.00mm Susan Bates Soft Ergonomic hook and Craft Smart yarn.
I recently got this book and all the patterns are super cute! I’ve made a little pumpkin from it that gets compliments every time! So that’s my recommendation, get the book, make some cute things that will win you brownie points when you post a picture of them 😁
I have crochet books on my hobbies WL. Thanks for hosting!
It's a design for "Juno" from "Make: Rockets" by Mike Westerfield.
Excellent intro book that can largely carry folks from considering through MPR.
The pattern is from this book: https://www.amazon.com/Pok%C3%A9mon-Crochet-favourite-crochet-patterns/dp/1446308332
I highly recommend the book Pop Sculpture: How to Create Action Figures and Collectible Statues, it covers a lot of what you are asking. It's over ten years old, so some of the products they recommend are not available anymore, but it's a great guide.
This pattern specifically is from the Whimsical stitches book https://www.amazon.com/Whimsical-Stitches-Amigurumi-Crochet-Patterns/dp/1944515631
I've seen similar free patterns floating around like this one though
AmigurME is a great book that teaches how to personalize amigurumi dolls including hair. It's been out of stock forever but it looks like Amazon just got more in!
The pattern is from this book, page 28.
Edit: If link doesn’t work, the book is called “Whimsical Stitches: A Modern Makers Book of Amigurumi Crochet Patterns” by Lauren Espy.
2021 on my mind
Thanks for hosting! I would love this Kawaii Crochet book because there are just so many cute patterns that I would love to do in it!
It's not about 3D modeling, but it's a good resource to understand how action figures are sculpted and prototyped.
As for adding joints, I think you're going to need to sculpt everything separately, or at least sculpt the legs separately from the torso, in order to get the clearance you need. Maybe make a basic 5 points "skeleton" with all the joints worked out that you can use for different sculpts? That way you could keep your peg sizes consistent.
*edit* Sorry, just saw that you're wanting to use 3d scans. That will definitely make it tougher, but having a skeleton should still work if you can slice through the 3d sculpt in places and insert the skeleton, while carving away areas to create space for joint movement.
Well if u wanna build something similar just get these 2 books:
Forbidden LEGO: Build the Models Your Parents Warned You Against!
andBadass LEGO Guns: Building Instructions for Five Working Guns
I only have the first one but a friend has the 2nd one and its apparently good too. The "Forbidden Lego" one also has loads of other cool stuff in it and not just guns.
Well if u wanna build something similar just get these 2 books:
Forbidden LEGO: Build the Models Your Parents Warned You Against!
andBadass LEGO Guns: Building Instructions for Five Working Guns
I only have the first one but a friend has the 2nd one and its apparently good too. The "Forbidden Lego" one also has loads of other cool stuff in it and not just guns.
Well if u wanna build something similar just get these 2 books:
Forbidden LEGO: Build the Models Your Parents Warned You Against!
andBadass LEGO Guns: Building Instructions for Five Working Guns
I only have the first one but a friend has the 2nd one and its apparently good too. The "Forbidden Lego" one also has loads of other cool stuff in it and not just guns.
My sister recently gifted me this book and it has amazingly cute patterns!! And so well written with lot’s of pictures and techniques explained!
It’s called kawaii crochet, here’s a link on amazon:
There are tons... search for Karakuri (japanese paper automatons) or search google for wooden automata, in particular the artist Dug North is doing some really cool stuff in wood.
There's a great Karakuri book: Karakuri: How to Make Paper Models that Move that does an amazing job outlining and demonstrating all the different linkages and gears you can use to generate different movements. It also comes with tear out pages to build the models and gears out of paper.
I've been meaning to get around to start building models of various gears and linkages for 3d printing, but haven't had a chance to yet.
The newer Make: books are good too.
Make: Rockets: Down-to-Earth Rocket Science
Make: High-Power Rockets: Construction and Certification for Thousands of Feet and Beyond
And if you're using mobile, mobile users don't see the sidebar without a lot of effort.
>If anyone's interested I found this book on Amazon
>This book
>The actual Japanese book
Thank to /u/HiepNotik for providing these links.
If anyone is interested in learning this, they can buy the book.