Not quite 2L, but Nalgene makes incredible water bottles:
Nalgene 48-Ounce Silo Tritan Wide Mouth Water Bottle (Blue)
From their wiki:
"originally for laboratory use, including such items as jars, bottles, test tubes, graduated cylinders, and Petri dishes, that were shatterproof and lighter than glass"
You're much more likely to loose it before it fails you.
If you were willing to do that, your best bet would be to find a pod coffee maker somewhere around campus. Then just use your own coffee pod. WinCo sells them for 40 cents each and you can get them even cheaper on Amazon. You can also buy refillable versions of them.
Or even better, rather than sneaking into prohibited areas, just get one of these or similar. You can put hot coffee into this thing in the morning, and sealed, it will remain too hot to drink until tomorrow morning.
If a $30 thermos is beyond your budget, head on over to any of the ten thousand thrift stores within a mile of campus, or go to the OSUsed store when it's open. They always have vacuum thermoses for sale. You can probably get one for under $5.
Realize, when you're purchasing coffee on campus, or anywhere else, you're not paying for the coffee. You're paying for the convenience. You're paying for the ability to not have to brew it yourself, clean the machine out, have tools and equipment available, etc. And you're paying for someone to stand around all day, just waiting for people to come in looking for coffee. Even if no one comes in for an entire hour, everyone at that shop is getting paid. Plus the cost of the space itself. The vendors on campus all have to pay rent to OSU, just like any other landlord.
In short, $2 really isn't that outrageous for instant, convenient coffee that you don't have to lift a finger for. People often also pay $2 for a bottle of water, when they could get the same water for less than a penny per gallon out of their home tap. You're not paying for the water; you're paying for the convenience.
Get a zojirushi vacuum seal mug. Costs around $20 and the tea will stay almost as hot as when you brewed it. I have burned myself drinking tea out of one hours after I made the tea.
Slightly over $10 but I would recommend this bottle to anyone.
The humangear spout for it is also highly recommended.
I got a red one for tea, a black one for coffee, and a blue one for water. All 600 ml. I just cleaned them earlier and am excited to start using them. I’ve heard so many great things about the Zojirushi thermos on this subreddit as well as other subreddits.
Amazon link for anyone interested. It’s also on Amazon UK, but for some reason, it’s way more expensive there and also doesn’t have as many colour options, so I’d go with Amazon US (which is what I did, despite living closer to the UK).
You're unlikely to find anything good under that price range, or at least one that meets your needs. I have a Ninja which works alright but was also significantly more expensive than what you're looking for. Even this miniature version of mine is more expensive. The best blender I've ever used for tearing through ice was a Blendtec but again; expensive.
I prefer my Evernew bag. Lighter and sturdier.
I use the 2L Evernew bladder
They also have a 1.5L and .9L versions
I got the Ninja when my Magic Bullet died. I like it much better for frozen fruit. It's much more powerful and fast.
>* Not spilling my coffee
Treat yourself and buy a zojirushi travel mug on Amazon. Best insulated drink device I've ever used, best sippy lid, and best no-leak lid.
I don’t have this exact one, but I have one with the same concept of using the cups as the blender, and I love it. Maybe not ideal for a big family but if it works for you then less dishes!
I mean, there's evernew, but I think everyone is choosing the cnocs over the evernew due to easier filling. What's your issue with the cnoc?
This fits just under 5oz if you fill to brim, doesn’t leak, and fits inside the 750. Nalgene HDPE Wide Mouth Round Container
Another way is using a type of bottle caps that make your water bottle appear sealed. Haven't tried em yet, but if you're curious here they are. About $3 on Amazon.
Sneak Alcohol Caps Reseal Your Water Bottle Perfectly 6 caps
I am not ultralight (I'm "kinda lightweight!") or a thru-hiker (I'd sure like to be one day) -- but I just recently switched to Smart Water bottles myself. I started using two 1L bottles, instead of carrying a giant Nalgene 1.5L Titan Silo. Smart Water bottles are easy to slip in and out of pockets, durable, and super lightweight. Easy to replace at $2 a bottle.
I have a lot of platypus bottles and I do use them for assorted other things. I caught some 0.5L purple ones on clearance at Dick's once -- probably cause they were purple, but I don't care. Most recently used on a few weekend trips to take some sort of spirits out, be it bourbon, whiskey, or vodka. It's nice to be able to pass a bottle around with your friends and share a few sips.
The most useful one I have is my 2L Platypus bottle. I take this on every trip and carry it rolled up and empty in a backpack pocket. I've used it as a "camp water" bag, fill it up the afternoon I arrive somewhere, use it to top off other bottles, and also for any situation where I think I might need to "camel up" a little extra water if we might not have a source easily available.
They're only $12 or so on Amazon and weigh 2.4 ounces.
Also with the little coupler adapter it screws right into my Sawyer / Platypus "dirty bag" gravity feed setup.
Sure, I'd shave these extra few things off maybe on a thru-hike attempt but most of my trips are only 3 days or so for now.
I put myself on the CNOC email blast earlier this summer. From email I just got:
> Restock on Vecto is coming mid August. New 3L Vecto on the way.
If you can’t wait for a bladder, Evernew is on Amazon prime.
Evernew Water Carry System, 2000ml
Stanley food jar thermos works great!
Blend the oats first, just dry, then add everything AFTER the dry oats are blended.
Also, just get a nicer blender. You can get a decent blender for like $50.
Sneak Alcohol Caps Reseal Your Water Bottle Perfectly 6 caps
Try these. But a six pack of bottled water, leave them on the rings, remove caps and cut off the ring attached to cap. Dump water and fill with vodka. Then put these caps on. They will look like sealed bottles of water.
If you're not looking for something with an infuser basket, I strongly recommend the Zojirushi travel mug. This thing does a killer job of keeping your beverage at temperature and I've found that, unlike many other travel mugs (including the Contigo I used to have), it doesn't seem to retain tastes at all. I use it for coffee, tea, and ice water and as long as you rinse it well between beverages, it handles all of them excellently.
It's a little pricey, but soooooo worth it! I have put hot tea in this and it's still just as hot 3 hours later, still very warm 8 hours later, and still drinkable the next morning.
> An empty deflated bottle for water
If you get to take a backpack in, you could go with a Platypus hydration bladder. I recommend one of those with a tube/
This. Buy a good blender as having something with more uniform consistency helps a lot, (I use a Ninja with the cups like this; makes it stupid simple), mix in berries and almond milk/juice for extra calories and flavor variety (I used vanilla Huel which goes well with every frozen fruit I’ve tried), start with one shake for breakfast and then move to having one for breakfast and another for lunch. Keep eating whole meals for dinner when you are eating with your partner. Just be careful with how much you are adding to the Huel so you don’t end up consuming too many calories as you are trying to cut.
these are what i bought they can leak fyi so make sure the bottles standing upright and good luck
these are what i bought they can leak fyi so make sure the bottles standing upright and good luck
I travel a lot for work. I warm or heat up all my meals and I place them in a thermos. Keeps the food hot for 8hrs.
Trick I learned from Stan efferding meal prep videos
I dont know about "the best" but they are a damn sight better than those bags they come with. Link:\_1\_4?crid=3QKF8XUZL9UR8&keywords=platypus+water+bottle&qid=1657073682&sprefix=platypus+water+bottle%2Caps%2C392&sr=8-4
We do the same thing with flexible water bottles and hydration bladders, to keep our canteens topped off. The steel/insulated canteens (i.e. Klean Kanteen) can keep water cold for hours on their own, while the bladder can be used for refills as it melts.
96 - 128 oz every day, no exceptions! My tips:
Depends on the backpack, you might be able to fit in a 32oz with a skinnier profile. Otherwise, a 24oz or below should definitely fit. I avoid drinking out of plastic, so here's the two I would recommend:
Hydroflask, trail series is their best one IMO, the 24oz should easily fit, and the 32oz might fit as well since it's skinnier than other 32oz bottles.
Zojirushi, also double wall insulated and has a more convenient opening mechanism compared to the hydroflask.