Usually if you want to sprout an avocado you suspend it over a container of water with toothpicks and keep the bottom third of the pit in water at all times.
The floatie keeps the bottom third in water automatically. They actually sell a plastic avocado sprouting boat that does the same thing
I don't know about that, but you can buy coffee trees. I bought these ones on Amazon:
It comes in a small pot, with about seven little trees growing. To take them apart, you soak the root ball in water and carefully untangle the roots, then replant. I had three of mine make it, and they are now about two feet tall and flowering. I hear it can take up to about five years to get enough beans to make a couple of (shitty) cups of coffee. Processing the beans is kind of a pain too, from what I hear. You have to soak (and partially ferment?) the cherry, dry, roast, etc. We'll see how it goes in about three years. I think you'd have better luck buying already-germinated and sprouted beans if you're serious!
The trees are quite pretty though, and do well indoors. I have mine outdoors (I live in a subtropic climate, so it's not unreasonable), and they're doing relatively well!
Is it one of these or something similar?
If so, it is potentially getting too much sun. While in tissue culture, almost all of the plants needs are being met by the gel, so they are grown under dim light in warm conditions. Suddenly moving it into the sun can cause the temp to rise rapidly in the little bottle and cause some tissue damage.
In the long term, you are going to have to transfer it to a normal growing media, either peat and sand/perlite or long fiber sphagnum. Since it's been in sterile culture media, it will need a lengthy 'hardening off' period, where the humidity is slowly lowered and the light levels are slowly raised. This will give the plant time to adjust its transpiration rates, grow roots, and become acclimated to normal soil microbia.
I tried to germinate unroasted coffee beans a handful of times before just giving in and buying a few small plants on Amazon.
I've had them about a year now and they're still doing well.
How big should it's first Pot be?? I'd like to join him in growing one of these; Amazon sells them
Am I going for a tree sized Pot right away?? Or is it better to root bind it?
Sry for the late reply here but many have been asking for a link to where I purchased these. Here you go!
Giant Sequoia | Tree Seed Grow Kit | The Jonsteen Company
Believe it or not, I ordered it off of It’s grown about double since I got it.
Hirt's Arabica Coffee Bean Plant - 2.5" Pot - Grow & Brew Your Own Coffee Beans
Ordered from Amazon. Arrived in really good condition. Probably would need shade in AZ, but heat is not a problem.
Coast Redwood | Live Tree Seedling (Small) | The Jonsteen Company
This is my first-ever plant, and although I am familiar with growing cucumbers and other veggies from seeds, I'm not very familiar with house plants like this one.
Sadly this little fella was in his jar for 4 months as opposed to the recommended 3, mainly due to me pushing it aside due to school. I finally got to break open the jar today to transplant it into the soil - I took the whole thing, gel and all, and put it in a little crater in the soil - poured a bit of water in the soil, and here it is next to my southwest-facing window. When I was moving the plant, it felt very mushy, and I don't see any "mouths." Only some leaves, and the whole thing looks very dark compared to colors I've seen in typically healthy plants.
So, does anyone have advice on how best to care for this little guy and bring it back to full health and get it growing? I appreciate any feedback. Thank you all!
Since you have a green thumb, I think you'll like this. It'll give you plenty of time to learn how to take care of a venus flytrap!
Hello, I have zero bonsai experience and just received this bonsai kit as a gift. I'm usually highly skeptical of any "kit" bought offline, so while I'll take any insight, my questions are,
Thank you for your time!
I usually would tell you to stay away from Amazon dealers, but this is a real life reputable nursery that also sells on Amazon and someone else recommended them to me. I'm planning on putting one in next spring.
Annnnd I see they just went out of stock. They were in stock only a couple of days ago, so that might be a seasonal thing or they just sold out for now.
I live in western Massachusetts (grow zone 5.) Giant Sequoia’s can grow in zones 4-8. I grew mine from seed after looking everywhere for Squioa seeds online I had the most luck with these ones:
You can buy banana plants on Amazon, of course you need somewhere to grow them. I keep some in giant tubs that I carry out in the summer, and back inside in the winter but so far have not gotten any fruit.
If you do have somewhere to grow them:
Ice cream banana!
Hi i'm new here. I want to buy my mom something cool for christmas, so i thought why not a Bonsai tree. Should i buy something like this, or should i stick to just buying a grown tree?
After googling, I found that you can actually get them on amazon:
Apparently they do well as an indoor plant, but if you're looking to get lots of coffee out of it, you will probably be disappointed. It's more of a fun hobby it seems. That said, as someone who is obsessed with the brown stuff, I will be looking into getting one for the fun of it.