take EVERYTHING out of your car and head to a car wash that has vacuums. there are some really great videos on youtube about how to detail your car if you want to go that far. I have an oxiclean car interior cleaner with a scrubby thing at the end of it and it’s awesome for cleaning up dirty spots.
get a new sun visor that folds easily, no use keeping a cheap one that doesn’t fold well, it just takes up space.
do you have passengers often? I would suggest getting a collapsible storage tote and buckle it into the passenger seat (I have one like this, I keep it in my back seat https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01F9IS2Y8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_10G49Z3ZMZ51B6TCAJ15) and when you do have passengers, it can easily be moved to a back seat or trunk!
take everything out of your car that you don’t absolutely need. it will just keep piling up and cluttering your car.
Hopefully that helped a little!!
I use one of these - pretty handy piece of kit. Holds tight on the carpet and on the trunk protector. Reusable grocery bags fit the compartments nicely, the cooler is pretty handy on road trips - and it accordions and clips into a pretty compact package if you don't need it. 10/10 would recommend.
Love my trunk liner, cargo cover, front mats and trunk organizer.
Trunk liner gives me peace of mind when carting around liquids and such. The cargo cover also gives peace of mind, hiding any valuables in the trunk. The front mats are amazing and I leave them in year-round. All three of these are OEM.
My trunk organizer is Rola from Amazon and I love it because it folds almost flat and I actually slip it under the trunk liner when I need the space.
I bought thisbox from Amazon. It comes with 4 holes for locks. You can just use two to keep kids out. If you want them not to see anything use all four.
I use [these organizers](https://www.amazon.com/Drive-Auto-Products-Organizer-Storage/dp/B071F82CYJ?ref_=ast_sto_dp&th=1&psc=1] Two in the back-back and one in the backseat (or passenger seat when people take a break from mooching rides off me). They have adjustable straps that attach to the anchor points in the back, or wrap around the bucket seats. They also collapse fully or to half-size, and can connect to each other. They were a big hit with the deliverers when I was doing curbside grocery pick up and I love them for takeout to keep the car clean.
Are they cars or vans? We have both. We custom designed the interior of the van but it’s largely based on an electrician’s van package that’s available through most van outfitters (American Van being one).
If they’re car or SUVs, including personal vehicles, I bought these:
There’s obviously a ton of different ones. That’s not even actually the specific one I bought, but anyway it’s more than enough to keep everything, including TDRs which we issue to everyone, organized. I like it because if you want to restock it you can pull it out and since I drive my personal car for work when I need to clear space for a personal road trip, for example, I can just pull the whole thing out.
I’ve seen Grainger recommended on the Tern GSD Facebook group as a supplier in the US — looks like they have 24” by 16” crates: go to https://www.grainger.com and search “crate”
I’ve also seen people recommend something like this instead: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01ECMRFTA
Hey! I just got this for my 2020 cx5, I really like it. It holds all my emergency/ cleaning stuff Trunkcratepro Collapsible Portable Multi Compartments Trunk Organizer, Black
I bought 2 of these, trunk organizers, super easy to pack and easier to pull things in and out of the vehicle because of the handles.. also great for grocery shopping as well haha
I use the backpack they gave me which I like a lot. Stands up on its own and protects the laptop. Plenty of space for things. I know a lot of people like using the shoulder carry bag that rolls. I use one of those Amazon trunk organizers Fortem Car Trunk Organizer, Collapsible Storage, Non Slip Bottom, Securing Straps (Black) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01DIMTWCS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_WEQ0FbPRCGYBE.
I keep my backpack in a separate regular plastic storage container. I also have a lot of extra bags for garbage and used gloves/gowns/etc. I have plastic zip bags for covid rooms. Easy to access hand sanitizer.
I have low key looking Merrell hiking shoes I use when it’s rainy or snowy. I live in the Midwest. I usually just wear normal Nike shoes. As a PT we don’t run into that much fluid or stuff. But I’ve been considering buying a pair of professional water resistant black shoes too but that’s more bc I work a few days a month in the hospital too.
FORTEM Car Trunk Organizer, Collapsible Storage, Non Slip Bottom, Securing Straps https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01DIMTWCS/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_api_i_u5BfFbFG6WV2S. This is what I use because it was already in my trunk. I only used it once so far i carried 7 bags no problem
I also recently bought this car organizer bag. Hasn't arrived from Amazon yet but I'll let you know if it's good when I use it.
I had been using the cargo net that came with it but it was a bit annoying with certain items. I now have "trunk organizer" with 3 areas to put stuff in and use it most of the time, swapping back to the cargo net when it makes more sense.
https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B07921RPFQ - Its a 4/5. Cheap so I didn't expect a ton. Better than expected though it definitely feels cheap compared to some of the materials used in the car. Figure who cares if its in the trunk and it otherwise does the job fine.
I use this one https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01DIMTWCS/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I like it because in summer, when I don't have to carry cold weather stuff, I can fold up one side so it takes up less room in the trunk.
The missus got me something similar to this, although just 2-compartment instead of 3-compartment:
I have the cargo tray and it doesn't slide around too much, but it keeps the stuff in the shopping bags from getting loose and rolling around. Also works for carrying around stuff I might need now and then like paper towels, glass cleaner bottle, reusable shopping bags, a couple of beach towels, that sort of junk.
I like those headrest bag hooks mentioned elsewhere, I might need to grab a few of those.
I got this https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B071F82CYJ/ when I got my crosstrek. Coming from a sedan I was not used to have such precious trunk space. I was able to fit all of my emergency kit stuff, extra clothes, etc. all in this thing, and it takes up about a 1/3 of the space.
I had purchased this trunk organizer for my old car and I moved it into my new RAV4 and I still love it. It Velcro’s to the floor of the trunk and doesn’t move!
Drive Auto Car Trunk Organizer -... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B071F82CYJ?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
Just got that today for the cx5. It's 40% off right now but been cheaper in the past.
I also have some of those cistco installed crates. And then some insulated fold out things to go inside them. Hope that helps
Here is the one I bought.
Drive Auto Car Trunk Organizer - Collapsible, Multi-Compartment Automotive SUV Car Organizer for Storage w/ Adjustable Straps - Truck & Car Accessories for Women and Men - Grey https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01F9IS2Y8/
I use this one here. Its convenient and collapsible. Keeps the trunk neat and organized.
I got this off Amazon. Works well & has straps that keep it from sliding around.
Trunkcratepro Collapsible Portable Multi Compartments Trunk Organizer
I use [these](www.amazon.com/dp/B00HVCPT4W/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_MF8RS1HGFMKVHKCFPHCW?psc=1). One for kitchens supplies, one for tent/sleeping supplies. They are sturdy, and stackable.
You can find them cheaper if you look, but still not a bad price, IMO.
I found it helpful to get a trunk organizer that looks something like this: https://www.amazon.com/SURDOCA-Organizer-Upgrade-Capacity-Equipped/dp/B0768938CP/ref=sr_1_6?crid=1CN0OLF7QQDT6&keywords=trunk+organizer&qid=1647770644&sprefix=trunk+organizer%2Caps%2C175&sr=8-6
I keep 2-3 spare reusable grocery bags folded flat in one of the organizer compartments.
Ask yourself why you need your bags scattered in many different locations, why you need 24 of them, etc. For example, maybe you live walking distance to some shopping so you don't always use your car when you need these bags?
I got a different set for my 2016 Super Duty and they fit well. I assume the F150 and F350 have the same sized opening for the wheel.
Canvasback makes some nice stuff to cover up for pet protection, and I bought a storage thing that goes on back of second row seat…SURDOCA Car Trunk Organizer - 3rd... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0768938CP?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
I got these: Husky Liners 79121 Black Wheel Well Guards Rear Wheel Well Guards Fits 2015-2019 Ford F-150 (will not fit Raptor) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00XZ70V5O/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_S0ZG77YMSMZNTK5XAGKJ?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
When I have a double, the smaller order goes in the following: the upper basket, I hang a cooler bag from the cup holders on the push bar (meijer carts are awesome for this), and then put larger items on the back section lower rack. The larger order fills up the main basket, and bigger front section of the lower rack. I have larger cooler bag that just sits in the front part of the main basket.
I also have two trunk dividers that I use to keep orders separate in my car and it's incredibly helpful to keep things organized and efficient. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01DIMTWCS/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
And finally I use a simple cart clip (I've tried several expensive ones with articulating arms and whatnot, and I've found the cheapest option is by far the best). Having the phone attached to the cart basically fees up both hands and makes scanning items SO much easier and quicker. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B074P1B3BB/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
There are several styles of plastic tote that have slots for padlocks and such.
Plano Storage Trunk - 108 Quart w/ Wheels (1919) - Black , Large https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HVCPT4W/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_6DJ1NH1GWT8XSGBRKKK4?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
This is similar to the one I used to use to hide my stash back when I lived in the barracks 😂