Well said, but I fear you are trying to appeal to Manicheans who believe in rewarding friends and punishing enemies; and you are the enemy. This is why I advocate:
Before I would just watch stuff because it was available. "It's on TV, it's free on Amazon Prime." and so on. One of the unintended consequences of Clown World is that it has encouraged me to be much more discriminating and stingy with what I spend my limited money and time on.
New stuff is like picking through a slag pile. Every now and then you find a gem amongst the woke garbage. But really we need to get to the acceptance stage of pop-culture grief. That is:
Accept that most of your beloved franchises are ruined and will probably never recover even if the clowns are somehow driven out. Don't Give Money to People Who Hate You
Support the few creators that haven't bent the knee.
Make and publish your own stuff. Be like a micro brewery of games, films, etc.
Have fun while doing it.
No. Sam Harris' <em>Letter to a Christian Nation</em> summarizes my thoughts on religion.
Since then, he's become a concern troll.
I don't know about anyone else, but breaking free of the Pop Cult is fun
I'm starting to play music again, I'm finding deliciously politically-incorrect books and films on archive.org that are far more entertaining than the latest AAA humiliation ritual, and overall finding better uses of my time and money.
And if that doesn't work, I cultivate the same attitude as the brownies from Willow: https://youtu.be/lCxEqH7u_iM
Enough beating around the bush: Last of Us 2 is a woke humalition ritual desined to spite and demoralize normal, well-adjusted gamers and Ghost of Tsushima is merely a fun game. The former doesn't deserve your money, the latter does (or at least consideration.)
It's not complicated. In clown world, "everything is political" is code (and not very deep code) for "Whites, males, heterosexuals (Christians, traditionalists, etc.) gamers are the enemy. Anything the enemy enjoys must be destroyed or, failing that, must be designed to humiliate and demoralize them. Any game studio that doesn't do this is aiding the enemy."
So as enemies of clown world, we ought to:
Acknowledge that most of our beloved franchises are ruined and not going to recover even if the clowns are somehow driven out, so time to leave the pop cult.
Support games and game studios that don't hate our guts. That list of allies is getting thin, so beef it up by
Making and publishing our own stuff.
More about this in Niemeier's book, Don't Give Money to People Who Hate You
Quick google
Edit: there’s a book on the matter lol https://www.amazon.com/Fourth-Beast-Donald-Trump-Antichrist-ebook/dp/B01HQTHUAA
Boycotts are about preserving your dignity and moral center as best you can with the understanding you can't always do it perfectly. Give yourself a break because no one is going to care about you more than you, so don't feel like you have to explain yourself to anyone except flesh and blood and sure and loyal friends. "Speak with the many, think with the few." as the saying goes.
For my part, the usual suspects are doing me an unintentional favor. The Twatter mob has inspired me to reevaluate how I spend my limited time on this planet. It's astonishing how much time and treasure I've wasted on franchises that have long passed their golden age and are only dragging me around by the nose based on nostalgia. Even if they weren't infested by SocJus ratchetjaws, they just are never going to recapture what they once were. It feels good to say "No more!"
Here's a book that sketches the problem, but also gives actionable suggestions: Don't Give Money to People Who Hate You
I wrote a Kindle book about Mindfulness. It is based on my 24 years of experience in severe depression, ocd, and panic disorder.
My original link was not available for outside of the USA. I am sorry for the inconvenience. Here is the correct link, which I also updated my post.
A book like this does exist, though the title and description doesn’t make it clear that is has post-mo real world advice: Exit Strategy: A Guide to Leaving Mormonism with your Dignity and Integrity Intact https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00D31BNFY/
Maybe read that, then see if you can create something more thorough and more clearly marketed?
>I keep seeing people convinced that the corporations pushing woke propaganda only do so because they think it earns profit, and not a single soul working there actually believes the ideology.
Here along with the rest. https://www.amazon.com/Not-Zen-Revolution-ewk-ebook/dp/B00D3UQ7II#customerReviews
The one I pasted is by an individual who identifies as "The Other You" who titles the review "The Blind Men and the Elephant." It says the review was done August 27th, 2013 and it was a one star review.
I haven't got round to a detailed read up on the topic yet:
He was an associate professor from Portland State University who wanted to get fired so he could say he had been cancelled, and when they didn't do it he resigned from his job and still called the faculty too woke to work with last September. Which might also hint at when he had received word that the IDW wanted to set up the university.
He is also a friend of Stefan Molyneux who is a ~~holocaust denier~~ holocaust defender and he wrote the preface to his book while lavishing praise on him as a truth-speaker just because he happens to be an atheist. In short, he's someone who realized he could make more money and have more readers from a career of sanitizing far-right pundits and culture war topics. His career is about brandishing his degree in philosophy and then saying that in his professional opinion extremely reactionary gurus are just rational "philosophers." Just like Sam Harris, he'll then attack liberal critics in the media and label them as hysterical, too woke, or too uncharitable to see the forbidden philosophical truths, and will pontificate a thousand times about the need to earnestly look at and believe in race science or transphobia. Because normalizing bigotry and making fun of scholars and publications that don't agree with his views are Peter's most pressing issues and he uses many tactics to accomplish those goals.
(I'd guess that much of this behavior comes from deep frustration at never having being promoted to a higher position and given more title and respect, because his first book went on an unnecessary rant about how he was denied advancement at his university for unexplained "political reasons.")
>Anyway, talking like a total weirdo is bad in contexts where you're going to have to relate to normal people, such as customers
And that's what I keep telling people. It isn't about the money (however, you still shouldn't give it to them if you can manage it) It's about evangelizing for a kooky psuedo religion.
If you want to work for Hollywood, Old Pub, the Big Two comics...in short, be a celebrity, then no.
If you want to create, cultivate an audience, and even scratch out a living, then yes. There are all kinds of alternatives. Try Don't Give Money to People Who Hate You which as you would expect, rants about the woketards, but at the end offers actual solutions that revolve around building and supporting alternatives.
Here are two:
You = being in the present moment = nonthinking.
My suggestion = being in the present moment = know that you are thinking.
Aware of your thinkingness. Be with the pain. Being in pain. Unwanted thinking is also pain.
For more explanation, I recommend my book. https://www.amazon.com/Healing-Painful-Mind-Breathing-Exercise-ebook/dp/B08PSS4D1R
The answer to your question is one of the most important topics in my book. I answered it in very detail.
You can read my book at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08PSS4D1R/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_J7n3FbV14PRH4
Thers is a free version at my Dropbox if you dont want to pay for it. https://www.dropbox.com/s/3l81xqje0l9i7b8/Healing%20the%20Painful%20Mind%20with%20Breathing%20Exercise.pdf?dl=0
Exactly. Your point is what I wrote at the beginning my book. Some people cannot follow the meditation exercises, and I presented alternative solution for them. I understand it because I also have experienced it for more than two decades.
You can read my book at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08PSS4D1R/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_J7n3FbV14PRH4
Thers is a free version at my Dropbox if you dont want to pay for it. https://www.dropbox.com/s/3l81xqje0l9i7b8/Healing%20the%20Painful%20Mind%20with%20Breathing%20Exercise.pdf?dl=0
There are numerous kinds of meditations, but the essence of these are all the same: acceptance.
I am sure that the noise you are experiencing is the best thing that helps your meditation because you can practice acceptance.
If you are a beginner at meditation, I suggest you start with walking meditation or breathing meditation.
For more information, please take a look at my book, https://www.amazon.com/Healing-Painful-Mind-Breathing-Exercise-ebook/dp/B08PSS4D1R/
My original link was not available for outside of the USA. I am sorry for the inconvenience. Here is the correct link, which I also updated my post.
Healing the Painful Mind with Breathing Exercise
Price : $5 , and Free for next five days.
This book aims to help people heal their painful minds through awareness exercises, which is also called meditation.
I agree with Dr. Turley that we are in an age of consumer politics, so if a company wants to stuff their games full of unapologetic propaganda and turn their office into a culture of suspicion and fear, so be it because if we pay for it then the asshole is us, not them.
Now the hard part is when SJWs have gotten creative control of a beloved franchise and are running it into the ground. No way around it, sometimes you gotta amputate your own limbs to break free of the nostalgia-fueled Pop Cult trap.
>Kahane's foundation got in trouble last year when a brochure sent to German schools suggested you could recognize a girl's family as far-right if a girl wears dresses and does chores.
Yesterday I saw a game on sale for a great price and was about to buy it when I saw it was from EA, and decided against it. Don't Give Money to People Who Hate You
No need for that. He just wants to know what's in the food before he takes a bite and I'm glad to help anyone who wants to be more discerning of where he spends his time and money. We should all do that.
Tried to watch the Vegas vs. ? hockey game last night. The BLM conformity exercise at beginning was a disgusting spectacle and the empty stands with cardboard people in the seats and pumped in crowd noise just emphasized what a hollow illusion it was. I shut it off and found something better to do.
But it is unintentionally doing us a favor. Time is precious and we should be more discerning where we spend it. First on the list is not spending time or attention on entertainment made by people who hate our guts. I like sports, but only a fool would love it so much that they will take the abuse and degradation it is currently offering, so into the garbage!
And of course along with time, Don't Give Money to People Who Hate You
Good advice. Merely unplugging from the interwebz for a day or two really helps recharge the battery.
Brian Niemeier plugs his book Don't Give Money to People Who Hate You with: 1. Break free of the Pop Cult 2. Reclaim your dignity and 3. Have fun while doing it. That last one is real important.
I can feel sorry for my enemies because I know they are malicious, miserable, and/or mentally ill, and like crabs in a bucket, they want you in the pit of despair with them in a kind of perverted fellowship. Don't go there.