I was going to suggest this one. Both along the same line of thinking - the little voice inside that wants all the food needs to be tamed.
Everybody read this book it is the fatlogic reddit in book form, except nicer and everything is on one place.
I find it incredibly motivating.
That's like saying "I know I have heart disease, but due to modern medicine at least I'm likely to survive another decade or so".
Personally I would just rather not have heart disease.
But nobody taught her the necessary tools to change her weight, she thinks this is her fate now, with which she has to arrange herself. Just one good book and she could take matters into her own hands.
Congrats on your progress. Keep it up!
I also just learned that r/BingeEatingDisorder is a thing. I had no idea. I thought if I wasn't bulemic (didn't vomit) I was just lazy with poor self control.
I just started reading Never Binge Again by Glenn Livingston, and while the writing style is a bit gimmicky/hokey, he's got some good psychological tools to reprogram your brain.
Please see my other post in this thread about Never Binge Again. You absolutely DO NOT need to find the root cause of your unhappiness and 'emptiness' to stop binging. You just have to stop binging to stop binging.
It could take you years of therapy and meditation to "discover" some magical "root cause" that makes you binge. You can do TONS of damage to your heart in that time.
I'd say stop binging FIRST. Right away, and then go find out what your root cause of sadness is. Don't let your brain TRICK YOU into thinking you have to find some primal cause to stop killing yourself with food. Read the book. It's a life-changer for real. (Or one of the other two books I mentioned if you don't like that one).
It looks like there is some great advice in this thread, and I am going to add one more thing that helped me. Check out the book "Never Binge Again" on Amazon. It is free, comes with a bunch of free extras, and was written by a mental health professional with years of both studying binge eating and overcoming it himself. It seems really silly and contrary to popular advice at first, but after finishing it a week ago I finally feel able to remove food from my desk at work, and able to keep to my goals food wise for more than a few days.
Hey its free - worst case scenario you waste 2 hours reading it..
I've been trapped in that same cycle from my diagnosis almost 20 years ago now - dieting/weight loss/stopping dieting/weight gain/increase or change medication - repeat.
I finally got off that treadmill after reading The Diabetes Code and starting a routine of Intermittent Fasting.
I was so sick and tired of my friends, family, and doctors just sort of throwing up their hands and saying that Type II diabetes is just something you'll have to keep taking more and more medication for, and that you'll eventually just get sicker and fatter and die from complications.
It doesn't have to be like that. You can start with small changes to stop being in a constantly "fed" state. Once you can flip that metabolic switch, things get a lot easier. I've lowered my A1C dramatically by starting 16:8 intermittent feeding (16 hours of no food, eat during the remaining 8 hours). My doctor suggested it after YEARS of no real improvement. Just new medications, and more "just eat less, move more" advice that never really made a difference in my blood tests.
It worked for me, anyway. I'm never going back to that cycle of guilt and shame about how (and more importantly - WHEN) I eat. I'm only marginally concerned about the what as I continue to improve my A1C.
The fact is, Type II diabetes has a dietary cause, so the cure is dietary as well. But, there is a way that works for me that finally helped me reverse the course of progression, and that was Intermittent Fasting. Please check with your doctor on its efficacy, and don't lose hope! It IS possible to reverse the effects of Type II diabetes, and actually cure yourself. You can do it!
Check out this ebook. It's free on Amazon. I never considered myself a binge eater, but when I read this, I saw so much of myself in it. https://smile.amazon.com/Never-Binge-Again-Permanently-Overeating-ebook/dp/B014V1Q6SI
One of the things he talks about is that self-destructive, beating yourself up cycle. "Well, I've already messed up. I can't stick to anything, so guess I may as well just eat."
You can and should love your body.
Picture your body like a garden shed. You can and should love it for all the useful things it holds and all the things it allows you to do.
Despite all that, you still need to clean out the shed once in a while, so that the clutter doesn't burst the walls and wreck the shed and you can continue to enjoy having it around for years to come.
Same thing with your body. You need to clean it out and offload some of the excess so that you can have it around for a while.
I don't think you fought to build a 400lb body, or that you think that every pound of that needs to be honored.
You fought to build a good life, with a good partner, and a good job, all of which you want to enjoy for years to come.
So keep up the fight so you get to enjoy the rest of your life.
Also, buy the book Conquering Fat Logic by Dr. Nadja Hermann. https://www.amazon.com/Conquering-Fat-Logic-ourselves-metabolism-ebook/dp/B07CZ3K2W3
It's really helpful.
Never Binge Again(tm): How Thousands of People Have Stopped Overeating and Binge Eating - and Stuck to the Diet of Their Choice! (By Reprogramming Themselves to Think Differently About Food.) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B014V1Q6SI/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_gMecGbY92V0SD?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Please read this book. The ebook is free (and the guy has it free as a pdf on his website if you can't get it from Amazon). I finally grudgingly read it after seeing a guy on r/keto recommend it over and over, and I saw so much of myself in it. Even if you don't consider yourself a binge eater (I don't myself), check out this book. It's short, but it's kind of an eye opener.
Never Binge Again(tm): Reprogram Yourself to Think Like a Permanently Thin Person(tm). Stop Overeating and Binge Eating and Stick to the Food Plan of Your Choice! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B014V1Q6SI
Just get right back on track. You will feel normal again in about a week. I have been there and done that, so I know. Don't get derailed over a couple days of bad eating. They do not undo weeks of hard work, but your Inner Pig (from the aforementioned book) wants you to think they do so that he can binge on and on and on. Silence that nasty inner voice and do your thing.
I am coming back to this convo today to let you know about another resource I found yesterday. I wasn't feeling well Saturday so I spent a lot of time on the couch reading. :) This book, Never Binge Again, has great reviews and is free for Kindle on Amazon and also this guys website. There are a bunch of free resources on his website to supplement the book. I read almost the entire book in a couple hours (it's short), and it was very impactful! It's not for everyone, that's for sure, but I know it's already helped me. Going to keep The Pig caged for sure, haha! If you read it you will know what I mean. :)
I feel your pain. I am the same way with sweet stuff. If you haven't run across it yet, check out this guy's book. Free on Amazon if you're in the U.S.; free PDF from his website if you're not:
I'm not trying to make you feel bad either. My suggestion is the free book never binge again. The premise is you make food rules of some sort that you choose, and then any thoughts that tell you to break those rules are from what they call "the pig" or a separate part of your mind that is focused on short term gratification despite long term goals. It is also a lot of just habit. Don't let the pig talk turn you off though.
That is what worked for me.
A great place to start with information on this topic would be Jason Fung's The Obesity Code. It's an approachable book that gives lots of fundamental basics on the nature of fasting.
Read this and change your life and ability to travel. Or watch this Ted Talk about insulin resistance to see if it's worth your time.
This is a good book and guy to follow on known effects of micro plastics: https://www.amazon.com/Estrogeneration-Estrogenics-Making-Infertile-Chagrin-ebook/dp/B01MRAFYZL
As far as Teflon goes: https://www.insider.com/study-confirms-link-between-forever-chemicals-and-liver-cancer-risk-2022-8
What do you mean? There's ways to limit exposure severely like no heating up food in plastic and not drinking out of plastic water bottles.
Plus the effects of plastic we know of are pretty bad already, it'll only get worse as we do more studies. This guy wrote a good book about it.
Josh Hillis & Dan John. Covers Diet and exercise programs centered around kettlebells, some body weight stuff, and even a little bit of barbell (if desired)
Never Binge Again (free on kindle https://www.amazon.it/Never-Binge-Again-Permanently-Overeating-ebook/dp/B014V1Q6SI )
>The devastating truth about a class of chemicals called “estrogenics” and how your daily exposures can cause weight-gains, depression, infertility and many other exploding health problems.
In this book, Anthony Jay, biochemistry Ph.D. and President of an international medical non-profit, offers a clear and fascinating look at:
•THE Top 10 List of Everyday Estrogenics
•Cutting-Edge Weight-Loss Strategies
•New Muscle-Mass Building Discoveries
•How Estrogenics “Feminize” Males
•How Estrogenics Harm Children
•3 Detailed Estrogenic Avoidance Plans
•Specific Food/Water Estrogenic Numbers
•Simple Clear Language and Definitions
•The US and EU Legal Status of Estrogenics
•A Direct Exposé on Scientific Bias
•Brand New Epigenetics Discoveries
•Amazing Fishing "Tail" Chapter Openers
•An "Actionable" Appendix
•And much, much MORE…
>[The Diabetes Code: Prevent and Reverse Type 2 Diabetes Naturally (The Code Series) https://www.amazon.in/dp/B0795BLS8D/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_25PSXM9AWCV2Q7MV2HB2](http://The%20Diabetes%20Code:%20Prevent%20and%20Reverse%20Type%202%20Diabetes%20Naturally%20(The%20Code%20Series)
Or see if it's available at the local library.
Check out this video where they talk about pregancy/PCOS specifically and if it resonates, look more into Dr Jason Fung and his book Obesity Code. And he has a lot of youtube videos as well.
I’ve never seen anyone recommend it here so I’m not sure it’s allowed. Fully expecting this to be deleted if so!
I’ve found great help with Never Binge Again. Binge free for over 6 months and not a single bite of carbohydrate-loaded junk food. I can’t stop once I start so I just don’t start.
It’s a very different way of looking at things and gets a lot of hate from people who have read a few pages of the book and think it’s nuts. But it’s changed the way I think about food and made it easier to give up what I know is terrible for me.
The e-book is free on Amazon.
I basically tell my inner saboteur to fuck off, it won't have its way. I had all kinds of therapy and such for BED. It never really helped. This free Kindle book helped me realize that I am so much more powerful than the primitive part of my brain I used to allow to tell me to binge or eat crap.
You're in a binge cycle. Decide it's against your character to binge. "I am not someone who binges!" Then it doesn't take any willpower because it's something you've already decided you just don't do.
personally i think as long as its good salt and not " government salt" its almost impossible to get top much salt, well assuming you get enough potassium.
sorry to be disagreeable but they hang an IV if saline solution at the hospital almost first thing for a reason, the world salary comes from salt because its how roman soldiers were paid, and through much of history salt was more valuable than gold.
its similar to how people have been made terrified of the sun, despite every cancer except skin , heart disease and diabetes all going down the closer you get to the equator.
get the book free , if interested, at book4you.org or ebook-hunter.org
if people worry about high BP, get your magnesium and potassium up , it will always come down
Glad a post helped. All of us can benefit from experiences and insights from others here. I have gotten some great tips and insights from astute posts.
Regarding diabetes, I have been very impressed with the progress many have made themselves in reversing diabetes and its complications on some of the subreddits. A good source for a lot of what some are using successfully is the book by Jason Fung, MD: “The Diabetes Code: Prevent and Reverse Type II Diabetes Naturally.”
Unusual to have a book with so many ratings, but only 2% 1 star and 2% 2 star, and lots of success stories, in a field of medicine where there is so much confusion, misinformation, disagreement, and controversy.
There's charts in here based on research showing low salt diets causing just as much harm as extreme salt diets (and extreme being at the 8+g range):
3-5g, which is what people naturally titrate to when left to their own devices is perfectly healthy.
Gary Taubes is the gold standard for this.
His latest is "The Case for Keto", but I still have a soft spot for Why We Get Fat: And What To Do About It.
Taubes is a journalist who specializes in science. His original book on the subject (Good Calories, Bad Calories) is aimed at more of the science/medical community and can be a little dense. The Why We Get Fat book is basically him taking that information and putting it in a little more simple and reader-friendly book. He's been keto for years and really knows his stuff on this and is fantastic at explaining it so anyone can understand.