Sure! They are these, or something similar. Ceiling curtain rod brackets.
>I used JB Weld to adhere it to the wall, then surrounded the entire end of the rod that was against the wall with water resistant Locktite. Then I fashioned 2 "braces" out of duct tape to hold it in place for the 24hr curing process. just voided your security deposit. This is not how you install a shower curtain rod! This is not what either JB Weld OR locktite is for!
If the adjustable ones wouldn't "hold" you should've installed some ceiling mounted curtain hangers and put a rod of the appropriate size through that.
hmmmm. they do make ceiling-mount brackets for curtain rods:
Amazon Basics Curtain Rod Ceiling-Mount Bracket, Set of 2, Black
i'm having trouble envisioning how you could get more than one layer with something like this, without it looking a little clunky...but hopefully someone here will have better ideas!
congrats on your new place!!
and fwiw--400 sq ft can feel totally spacious and comfortable if you arrange it according to your actual needs rather than what you think every place "should" have. :-))
Ceiling curtain rod? You can always patch the holes later.
Depending on what kind of blinds you have, nono brackets might work for curtains without having to install rods.
If you’re interesting in putting curtains up, these brackets clip to the vertical blind headrail. And then you could keep the verticals pushed open and hidden behind the curtain panel.
you probably wanna just google -- first ad in a search for "ceiling hanger" is
you could also do a wire system like from wall to wall across the room -- just make sure to screw into the studs or rafters, whatever you do.
Having the curtain across the entire wall might help disguise that the window is off centered (or make it less glaring, anyway). If you want to do that, these shower/closet pole brackets on either side wall would do the job.
Honestly doesn't bother me-- it's a hallway, not your main living space. If you just want the curtains over the window, then just do one of those above brackets, and for the right side of the window could have a regular curtain rod hanger.
If you want to do floor-to-ceiling, a few of these overhead rod hangers would work for you
That's a wide space to do a tensioner rod, you'll spend more $ than you need to, since the above solutions are so cheap. Also they can be annoyingly easy to pull down / get crooked, like when you're pulling on the curtains to open that window.
You could some of these and hang curtains between the living room and kitchen
When I lived in an apartment with vertical blinds, I just lost it one day and ripped them down because I was so sick of them. I just said fuck it, I'll deal with the loss on the security deposit. I know that's not helpful, just wanted to share how much I hate vertical blinds.
They actually sell things specifically to cover up vertical blinds. I'm not sure if there's a bunch of these types of things, but this is one of them. Mounts on the valance or whatever the f it's called, and then you just buy a rod from IKEA or wherever and hang curtains.
Highly recommend an "over blinds" rod setup like this if it works with your window (looks like it would). No effort, no drilling, very sturdy. You can either unclip the blinds and store the somewhere (super easy, only takes a few minutes) or just permanently have them pushed all the way to one side (they'd be basically always covered anyway.
I've also done the curtain clips like someone recommended here, but I wouldn't go that route unless you can't do a rod for some reason. It looks much less polished in my opinion, and its kind of a pain in the ass to hook on all those little things and get the curtains just right.
I’ve seen it done in a lot of homes here - vertical blinds are super common in Florida.
These look like a good option if you don’t want to drill:
Do you have blinds? This product will work over the blinds, without drilling additional holes… NONO Bracket - Outside Mounted Blinds Curtain Rod Bracket Attachment (Satin Nickel)
Ceiling mounts will also work. Like these on Amazon.
In the past I've done bay windows with 3 individual rods (side middle side) mounted on/above each window frame.
BUT then I found these hinged corner pieces that adjust from 90 to 180 degrees. Perfect for older houses with settling or uneven bay sides.
Thanks for commenting. I'm super proud of the room and my brother arrives in 2 days :)
I had a similar situation, depending on how much space you have where the blinds are attached to the wall these might work:
Strongly recommend this, OP. Vertical blinds are bueno, especially when they are the kind that are basically floor to ceiling. I say this as someone who lived with them for years in one of my past apartments and didn't really appreciate how bad they are until I was in my place for a year or two.
Never used them myself, but there are brackets you can attach to the vertical blind rail so that you can hang curtains in front of them. NoNo Brackets is one on Amazon and there might be other companies that sell a similar product.
It will make your place look a lot better, and you won't have to deal with entire set of blinds moving and hitting each other every time the slightest current of air moves anywhere near them.
Use longer adjustable curtain hangers that extend over the top of the blind rail. You can also find brackets that just attach to the blind rail, but I’ve always been a bit suspicious about their ability to hold weight.
First I was thinking about some clips they make for frames, but I don't see a frame. Second, there are clips that can attach on the blind frame top, Never used them, so can't vouch, but thinking about it for a valance.
So these just clip over the blind mounting system and then you can use any curtain rod that fits in them with any curtains that fit your window. They’re a huge blessing for rental properties because you can just pop them back off when you move out. Aside from the door and the blinds, what are your biggest concerns with him? I know you listed a ton so I’m trying to go down the list from most concerning to least
AmazonBasics Ceiling-Mount Bracket, Set of 2, Nickel
Just looked and saw these which look like they would work well. Did you have something else in mind?
i need something like this for the curtains right? and just take off the vertical blinds themselves?
wires are all behind the TV and no way they go in the wall here... i really don't like my TV stand placement though - it protrudes so much from the wall. Any advice?
ill find some kind of artwork to put up and I have one more poster to hang once the frame ships from Amazon, so I need to pull all the posters off as it is is and reorganize.
since you said there isnt a wall behind your setup i recommend ceiling mounted curtain mounts. below is an example of one. hope this helps.