Those wide fifty's skirts that literally had a poodle drawn in the bottom of the skirt.
Like this, pretty cute skirts, pretty misogynistic poster.
I'll warn you though this was my 2nd pair because I never wore hosiery before and I thought there was something on them and I accidentally ripped my 1st pair 😿
I'm pretty sure these are it-
The material isn't amazing but it's worth the look :)
To keep it cheap, I recommend painting the skeleton yourself on a black hoodie, buying a red tulle skirt from Amazon, over-the-knee tights (I find them more comfy than the socks) and a pair of all black shoes. If you want a Su vibe, wear your hair in a ponytail and tie it with red and black tulle or ribbons.
I would just wear a black shirt on top and keep the hoodie zipped up!
I've bought a tea length tulle skirt from Amazon Lisong for my engagement photos and they're decent! Smells bad, but should be good after dry cleaning.