“Listen, I have- people tell me all the time, smart people, ok, and I know because I was with them. This deal is terrible, and as everyone knows, very unfair with the Mueller witch hunt. When I talk to you guys, reporters aren’t- they don’t print either this or that. But we have a fantastic budget coming, and I think it’s great, everyone is going to love it. Just fantastic. And you’ll see about the wall.”
Edit: thanks for my first gold and the new threads.
Can you just imagine what Muellers office must look like?
The mental image I like is that of the old detective shows. You know how they have a wall of suspect photos, all linked by some red string? Well I envision Muellers team has something like that.... but it takes up all the walls of a airplane hanger.
I’m looking forward to the day Trump is headed to court to face the music. I’ll be wearing my new Muller Time shirt some redditor here made. It’s gonna be a great day indeed.
You know who has a pile of shit on Trump? Mueller. He's watching. Always watching.
Remember when Trumps lawyer told him this would all be over by Thanksgiving? Then Christmas? Then New Years? lol Trump is so fucked and his shitty team of 3 white collar lawyers are not only in over their heads, a few of them maybe wrapped up in all of this.
Why would anyone be trumps lawyer? It isn't the money, cause he has none. It isn't the fame, cause youll just be infamous. So why rep Trump? Hubris. lol glhf. I actually bought that tshirt posted in a thread yesterday and I'm gonna pass it down to my kids someday like a concert tshirt.
All RICO all day, baby!
Like I told my parents, we are witnessing history. Today seems like a good day to wear my new Mueller time shirt that someone posted here last week. Someday, I'm going to pass that down to my kids like a concert T-shirt. ill be telling them stories about the day the Mueller dropped the hammer on the president. edit: Can't find original post but got it here.
Nunes has been dirty as shit since day 1. There is no way he was gonna get out of this without a scratch. At this point, the memo is a Hail Mary that isn't likely to stop the investigation. Once that hurdle is passed, talk to the Mueller, pal.
> And if I did... you deserved it.
Do you know when this happens? This is the sound bite we get as he's hauled off to prison.
Mueller is gonna rain down the hammer of Thor. I can't wait.
You talking about the lawyers who told him the whole Mueller thing would all be over by Thanksgiving? Then by Christmas? Then by New Year's?
Trump is so screwed not only cause he has no grasp of the reality of Muellers investigation, but also cause his lawyers are bozos. Too bad for him 2018 is gonna be Mueller time. I even got the shirt posted here. Can't wait for it to all go down.
Makes you wonder what Mueller and his gang already know. This is a guy who is hired 18 of the very best lawyers in the country. Lawyers who have already handed out indictments. Lawyers who specialize in capital crimes. Lawyers who quit million dollar jobs to work on this case. I got the Mueller Time shirt someone posted here and I'm sure I'll be wearing that as they go down one by one.
Stop. I can only get so erect.
But let's have some foreplay. Mueller digs into Trump and get Russian money laundering. Then the Kush get's looped in. Turns out Paul Ryan took a check to keep his yapper shut. Hannity ends up being paid by the White House under the table. Then Mueller takes down all of the WH and FOX. Sploosh.
When they call up Mueller I’d love to see him testify LIVE on tv. Heck I’d call in sick to work to see it. Crack open cold can of justice, cause it’s Mueller time!!
Edit: thanks for the shirt I’m getting one
Trump will never be convinced. When the moment comes, and Muellers team is putting the squeeze on him, he won't believe it. When they put charges on him, and he heads to prison, he still won't believe it. We'll all be shaking our heads wearing one of them Mueller Time shirts and he still won't believe it.
Bro. The Kush dad was thrown in prison for money crimes. And we all know the Kush don't fall far from the bush. No one is more stressed out on a day to day basis than the Kush. He just wants to walk away from all this. But he boned his father in law's girlfriend and now he's fucked.
We all knew it. It had to happen. She's been too close for too long.
Now the fun part: what do you think Mueller already knows about her? She's been in all the fun Totally Legit Russian meetings. I bet shes been on his radar since starting. There is no way she isn't going down with this ship and I bet she'd flip on Trump. She could have a long life in front of her and no one wants to spend that in prison. I got the shirt post here last weekend - 2018 is gonna be Mueller time.
Can't wait to get this shirt, donning it and then going about my usual business, shopping, etc. Should be fun.
I just want to send Trump one of these tshirt that people are posting here. I'd pay money to see the look on his face when he sees it.
Whoa, that's taken out of context!! Also, his aides clarified was talking about a game of mini-golf.
But the REAL best part is that the obstruction of justice is a done deal. We know it happened. It happed on TV, so there is no question.. But that's just the easy and minor stuff. The real meat will come with the rest of the things that stem from this. The money laundering. The shading dealings. I cant fucking wait to crack open a cold one.
This will be great.
How wide do you think Muellers net is at this point? On one hand, he's got Best lawyer specializing in a huge range of issues. Lawyers that I have already handed out indictments. Lawyers that left multi million dollar job to work on this case. Heck so fun to watch I even got the Mueller time shirt some redditor made.
On the other hand I feel like there's so many people wrapped up in this, and there so many crimes, that they need an additional 18 lawyers just to keep up! That's it I have faith in the methodical Mueller and his team.
Edit: got it here
I started wearing a bisexual pride pin in some places. It is a small reminder that I am glad to be me, and I've gotten some compliments on it. Not many Gay Men or Lesbians seem to know the bi colors, so it's been a pretty good conversation starter.
From Amazon for $9.99
Not news, honestly. They've been this way for a while.
These people are all in on the connotation that socialism is the same as communism, yet are fine with a country that abused communism for it's own means. "Disgusting morons" doesn't do justice to how hypocritically dense they are just to "own the libs". Hate is all they know and breathe. They just give them targets and off they go.
>In under 4 years many Americans now literally view other Americans as their #1 enemy, and infact, a greater enemy than Russia.
You are correct.
My friend used a Wine Rack to bring alcohol in to Spring Fest a few years ago. She only got caught because she was sharing with everyone, but it worked for most of the night!
Sadly sometimes the bartenders and bouncers are in on it :/ (personal experience). It's really scary and sad.
But yes, stay diligent, sisters and I also suggest getting one of those NightCap Drink Covers!
I have been really happy to wear a small heart pin with bi colors which is perfectly understated to the masses but noticable for those in the know or a great conversation starter. > Hey, I like your pin.
The Bisexual Resource Center also offers a glittery bee pin.
Saw this on Shark Tank definitely should be more awareness out there. I'm constantly talking to my daughter about this type of shit!
This is terrifying. You can keep a close eye on your drink and still have this happen to you. All somebody has to do is lean over you quickly or something like that.
https://www.amazon.com/NightCap-Scrunchie-Spiking-Prevention-Scrunchie/dp/B08RF32Y7N/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=25NP1BE3VM92R&keywords=drink+cover&qid=1648749346&sprefix=drink+cover%2Caps%2C126&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExR01SWERONERFNTE3JmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUExMDQ1NzE4MUhVOVVBOVNZUUg5SiZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwMzMyMzk0M0dRQzZERTlNTzQyRiZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU= I plan to buy this before going out drinking again.
Did you miss the memo? They did go full crazy when they joined the Trump Cult.