Look around for beach cover ups. Some are really cute skirts or wraps. It's okay if you've never worn them before- you can play it off as trying something new, not wanting to get sunburn, or feeling modest. You can also try color corrector concealer- green covers up red scars. If you're worried about going into the water, remember that your legs will be under so no one will be paying attention then. You can also sit at the edge with your feet in and if anyone asks why you don't want to come in, say you're enjoying just bathing in the sun. Bring a book. You could also get a henna tattoo- these places are pretty common at beach towns, or you could order a kit on Amazon and put a design over it yourself (I'd get the traditional brown paste).
"Return it and buy something I approve of OR ~~find yourself disinvited from our wedding~~ I'll pick your dress for you. And you'll have to deal with my terrible taste."
No way!
This is what I'm talking about.. This one is even fringeless so saves you the trouble of trimming it.
I love that Amazon kimono! I think I found it (here). How's the fabric? Sometimes I find polyester kimonos to be a bit suffocating and hot. Thanks for sharing!
I've seen a lot of people buy the kimono he's wearing- I've found that these look a lot like it: https://www.forever21.com/us/shop/Catalog/Product/f21/outerwear_blazers/2000253609 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B015NVRPDK/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?ie=UTF8&smid=A1WW4GWSU86VCP&_t=t&utm_source=wheretoget.it&utm_medium=referral&th=1&psc=1
As for the pants, I'm not completely sure.. Good luck finding what you're looking for!
TopTie Solid Color Swimwear Sarong, Bikini Cover-up BLACK https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001MYYPBI/ref=cm_sw_r_awd_5.Q6ub0QMRHS3 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001MYYPBI/ref=cm_sw_r_awd_5.Q6ub0QMRHS3
Is this the correct item?