This may not be the stylish/trendy thing to do, but I wear them with loose tunic tops and a long cardigan (I have 2 of these tops from Amazon and I really like them). The shoes depend on the weather. But, I also only wear leggings on lazy days or when I'm running errands and only wear them to work if I'm wearing a dress and it's too cold for tights. I don't wear leggings with tops that don't cover my butt.
I love Lula leggings, hate their overpriced, oversized tops.
I bought this 3-pack of tunics on Amazon, plus a few other loose tops from the Free to Live Amazon shop and they are great for pregnancy!
I also got this cute top, which is more snug and bump hugging. Only $15! Lula can suck it:
Haha, sure thing! I don’t think this is the seller I got it from, cuz I accidentally deleted it off my list, lol. But here is the same one from another seller! :)
Oh wow. That’s crazy, didn’t think about shipping to anywhere but US. In that case, if you have Target, they have a few cute things. Or search Amazon. I’ve got a few longer tunic style shirts from there that I’ve liked to wear with leggings. Other than that I’ve just been wearing stretchier knit tops I’ve already had with my jeans from old navy.
Tunic top I like because the sleeves aren’t cap sleeves so they are more comfortable:
LARACE Women Short Sleeves Flare Tunic Tops for Leggings Flowy Shirt (2X, Black)
Also you may not need it but it’s been great for supporting the bump weight when I go out or walk around a lot. Helps my SPD pain and bonus shapes the bump a bit without being too constricting:
Maternity Band/Maternity Belly Band, Pregnancy Support Band (Black, (XL) 18-20)
Last week I bought 2 tank tops off Amazon, they arrived yesterday and they're AWESOME. They're not specifically maternity, but they're flowy and stretchy enough that they'll be perfect for when the bump gets bigger. Wanted to post links for anyone who's interested. They're so soft and amazing, I might have to get a few more. Look awesome with leggings, boots, and a cardigan or jean jacket.
I would say it depends on style you are going for to a degree. I would suggest Target or any Gap brands (Gap, banana republic, Old Navy, Athleta). Likely Old Navy will be the loosest fit. My wife is slowly getting clothes from there because it is decent quality and can have a good fit for her. It also depends on how tight is tight and how loose is loose enough.
Layering can also help, so if you have a long sleeve tee that may be on the tighter end, you could pair it up with a cardigan or something.
You could also wear button down shirts, that normally have a curved bottom back/front that will CYA (cover your assets). While they can be tucked in, and men normally do it for work (women as well), they can left untucked for a more casual style that covers more. Athleta even has a CYA section on their site.
My wife has a few button downs or blouse/style shirts, like this. Also some like knee-ish length dresses will have long sleeves and you can rock some tights or something under like this with tights under or something.
But yea, does sorta depend on the style goals. There are options, it just takes some time to find em I guess.
You could inquire on.... r/femalefashionadvice I guess too.
I have a belly and Old Navy is my go to for jeans, they have good stretch. Just make sure to get a belt and wear it because the jeans tend to stretch out throughout the day and then slide down.
Someone else posted a link to this shirt in another post but it sounds like what you might be looking for in terms of length and price.
High waisted leggings are always great too.
Saw this ages ago and it definitely makes me think of the OS women's "uniform". About the same length too. Kind of surprised I actually have an opportunity to share this comparison somewhere finally. woo hoo!
I got this 3-pack of tunics:
And this asymmetrical tunic:
I'm tall and all torso, and they still cover down past my bum and my front. They look fairly professional with leggings and a little belt, and I like that I can wear them after pregnancy.
I've noticed lately a trend that's starting is the nice pullover. Like a sweatshirt, but it looks nice over jeans, and it's comfy. I have an asian inspired one from amazon I love, and I know multiple of my friends have a more boho one but still not quite hoodie one from free people. They're stylized but still comfy and easy. That's my current go-to.
Seller app doesn't always show ranking. I looked up an item that I knew was a hot seller and it didn't show.
I believe if there is multiple items under the one listing, like different sizes, colors, etc, it will not show the rank.
BTW, I looked it up on desktop, and if it's the same one, it's pretty nicely ranked.. ;) But then again, then rank is based on all the colors and sizes, so maybe not as hot as it first looked...