Excellent taste, Nabi-mama.
(P.S. for all interested ladies and femboys alike, you can buy the skirt here. It doesn't go the whole way but it's likely the inspiration for Ame's outfit. And yes it's meant to be worn the other way around but Ame's shamelessness knows no bounds.)
Can personally verify this skirt is very spinny and fits well
This is the shirt https://api-shein.shein.com/h5/sharejump/appsharejump?currency=USD&lan=en&id=729770&share_type=goods&site=andshus
Here is the skirt. It's a MUST HAVE. Urban CoCo Women's Basic... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B014FA0NB6?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
Work it!
Here you go! It's literally the first thing that comes up when you search "skirt" so I'm guessing that is why a lot of us get it
Get a shirt that's slightly too loose, then get a skirt. Tuck shirt into skirt. It's a classic!
I truly can't recommend these cheap skirts on Amazon enough. They have an elastic waist, they're soft and comfy, they can go in the dryer, they don't wrinkle. Beware, though - they're definitely short! I'm 5'3" and it hits about mid thigh for me. I wear them with tights usually.
I got this one and like it quite a bit.
it goes spinny ��
Lots of color options, seems of pretty decent quality. Reaches down to about 1-2 inches above my knees when worn just above my hipbones
You can find a lot of skirts like this on Amazon and searching for "skater skirts". Such as this one. As for measurements, a rule of thumb is to just go up one from your size in men's. But women's sizes are screwy, so take your body's actual measurements like this and consult a size chart if you can find one. Good luck!
I just got this one in yesterday. I needed a nice, non polyester skirt that I could wear with many different outfits. Has the perfect length, doesn't feel cheap, stretches but conforms to my figure well, and it's very affordable! I love it and I highly recommend.
Amazon is definitely your friend here.
Then I got these, which are actually pretty capable, considering I'm 6'1
If that doesn't work, it's Urban CoCo Women's Basic Versatile Stretchy Flared Casual Mini Skater Skirt
I was browsing and need someone to share this with. This is a 13 dollar skirt on amazon, and it's goals.
Here’s the one in the video. I’d recommend black because it helps hide stuff and it goes with everything
Urban CoCo Women's Basic Versatile Stretchy Flared Casual Mini Skater Skirt https://www.amazon.com/dp/B014FA0NB6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_3Y4AWJJBBGBVEP6ZSMZK?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
This is another one I wanna get. It’s a little longer and has ✨Pockets✨
Belle Poque Women's High Waist A-Line Pockets Skirt Skater Flared Midi Skirt https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07P2N49S8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_145VZWQCDAYEKE9X8TR0?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Trust me, you are a girl.
Since you just recently found out, it's to be expected that you don't have clothes that fit your identity. You can buy stuff online or go to a local store if you're brave enough.
The most famous skirt by a long shot is this one from Amazon. It's cheap and spinny. I don't worry too much about my shirts, though. I am, however, looking at some kawaii-style shirts on Amazon, so you may want to give those a look as well?
Best of luck, sis!
Favourite of pretty much everyone on r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns and r/egg_irl, it's very spinny and reasonably priced. Ships fast too, the size chart is great. I personally have this exact skirt (and in pink too! not just black)
Here’s the link ^ ^ it’s on Amazon
Urban CoCo Women's Basic Versatile Stretchy Flared Casual Mini Skater Skirt https://www.amazon.com/dp/B014FA0NB6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_1E972DWW8126QKZSFGN2?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
That's the skirt! I'm pretty sure it's the US link for it.
A very simple, wholesome outfit is always a cute skirt. One of my favorite short skirts is this: https://www.amazon.com/Urban-CoCo-Womens-Versatile-Stretchy/dp/B085H75XFV/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=3J4F7P01I3XF6&keywords=skirts+for+women&qid=1667853810&sprefix=skirt%2Caps%2C214&sr=8-3
It’s a simple and adorable skirt and I highly suggest it!
I have this skirt (https://www.amazon.com/Urban-CoCo-Womens-Versatile-Stretchy/dp/B085H75XFV/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?keywords=skater+skirt&qid=1662616608&sr=8-3)
I have no idea how to style it. I have tried with tshirts and high socks, certain tops, but nothing seems to go well with it
Suggestions please! I want a casual outfit which is good for especially summer
I have this skirt (https://www.amazon.com/Urban-CoCo-Womens-Versatile-Stretchy/dp/B085H75XFV/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?keywords=skater+skirt&qid=1662616608&sr=8-3)
I have no idea how to style it. I have tried with tshirts and high socks, certain tops, but nothing seems to go well with it
Suggestions please! I want a casual outfit which is good for especially summer
Is that this skirt? I love that brand! I've gotten a couple of the purple plaid ones before!
Length to (your) height ratio. Mid length on a shorter woman might show more leg than intended on a tall girl. This Urban Coco skirt is very popular. Note there's two lengths.
I would say urbancoco’s longer skirts would fit nicely. For thigh highs I’d say go to sockdreams and look at the extraordinarily longer socks. I’m 5’11 and those go wayy up.
Either way have fun with exploring your fem side!
Amazon has some good ones. :3
This is like every transfemme's first skirt; comfy, stylish, inexpensive, and available in a variety of patterns and colors. Order in the same size you would order a men's t-shirt in. Comes in discrete packaging that doesn't say what it is. If you are paranoid about someone else you live with opening the package, have it shipped to a nearby Amazon Locker instead (often found at gas stations and other small businesses).