We have a plastic version of that at my parents Chalet.
Here’s a link to the amazon equivalent of what we bought: https://www.amazon.ca/2x4-Basics-90110ONLMI-2x4basics-BenchTable/dp/B0015XGCN0/ref=asc_df_B0015XGCN0/?tag=googlemobshop-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=292963272694&hvpos=1o1&hvnetw=g&hvrand=13125981951500868275&hvpone=&hvptwo=&...
Yep it's all in the same package, including overhead light and even the power strip! This thing is very heavy duty and weighs well over 100lbs. Definitely recommend.
No wiggle solid as all hell. 2x4basics 90164 Custom Work Bench and Shelving Storage System, Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0030T1BRE/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_77199B184RZCBQXDTAND?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
2x4 workbench kit from Amazon.
A little of everything, guns and electronics included. Just bought a house that doesn't have a garage so I've set up "shop" in an extra bedroom. I'll be using the same room for an N-scale train platform as well.
Meh Dude, THIS is the table you are looking for. It's compact, fully adjustable, will hold wood or a mitre saw, etc.
I used one of these for a workbench when I was in an apartment https://www.amazon.com/Keter-Folding-Workbench-Sawhorse-Capacity/dp/B001CWX26Y/ref=sr_1_4?crid=1QO1CPWND4CNV&dchild=1&keywords=kettering+work+table&qid=1614351323&sprefix=kettering+work+ta%2Caps%2C180&sr=8-4
Also I would suggest starting hand tools, becuase they are smaller and easier to store. Also cheaper and safer. If you do t have a good bench go with Japanese style saws. They are generally designed to be used with out a work bench.
My one word of caution. With hand tools is lower your expectations on what a straight line or a perfect fit is. You can, get really good but you probably won't have perfect straight cuts at first. I personally like figuring out how make better cuts. It's that fi. Itererative approach you mentioned.
Also check out r/handtools if you're still interested.
Yes, you will get an increase in vibration, and I think it's severe enough to be a problem. However, there's an easy solution: retractable or "lock down" casters!
I have purchased this set several times for adding mobility to various tools around the shop, including a pecan hand tool workbench that's somewhere in the range of 700lbs.
My only very minor complaint is that the casters are 2-1/2" diameter, which means if you have a rough or dirty floor, they don't roll as well. You can get versions with larger casters (in varying weight capacities), but these are well priced and I have smooth concrete floors, so not a huge problem.
Also, given the forces involved, I would not recommend attaching these to plywood sides unless you added additional plywood layers for at least 2" of total thickness. You need a very solid mounting surface because all of the leverage forces are trying to buckle the surface inwards. If you have some 1/4" or 5/16" plate steel laying around, a large rectangle of that would provide enough stability also.
2x4basics 90164 Custom Work Bench and Shelving Storage System, Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0030T1BRE/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_77199B184RZCBQXDTAND?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I have a router I actually chamfered the edge of the top by the table saw to make sure no material catches. That’s a good idea, gonna def look into it
Got them on Amazon
2x4basics 90164 Custom Work Bench and Shelving Storage System, Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0030T1BRE/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_77199B184RZCBQXDTAND?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Check out the Keter folding work table (link)- I use mine constantly- folds up nice and flat so it doesn’t take up a ton of valuable van space.
They make a line of hard plastic brackets that allow you to build things super quick and easy. Great for beginners, since you can get something like their workbench kit and literally all you have to do is choose how long to cut some 2x4s and a sheet of ply
They also have kits for regular benches, shelves, and even a shed kit that similarly foolproof
Literally all you need is a butcher block countertop, a drill, and some 2x4's. Most hardware stores will cut whatever 2x4's you buy to the length you want. If you wanted to cut them yourself all you need is a circular saw. If you can setup and load on a 750 you can put this bench together yourself.
I used this bench bracket kit from amazon. It's kind of pricey for what it is but the brackets are actually pretty nice. You could recreate them by just using steel brackets from lowes but you'd probably still end up paying a decent amount for them. All you need is the lumber to finish it up.
As for the presses, I'd probably sell all but one. Considering it's single stage you'll have to change out the dies for each step anyway so it won't be anymore trouble to change calibers.
For the paint cans, you don't need them if you're just wanting to put them there for weight. It'll cover enough area to where it'll be stable without it.
Just got this for my new setup. Small but works great w/ Inline Fab Mount and LnL AP.
Try a more heavy-duty model?
I have seen bench setups with a central foot lever for all four wheels, but those are usually for very heavy benches or worktables.
That is a great consideration, thanks. I'll need to mock up the placement to think some more about it. If the bench is wide enough it may be that the grinder can be offset to allow for that. As you said I don't see myself turning long dowels. As far as dowels go I most likely would do some pins for drawbore tenons from riven oak. Although those can be cut by hand too.
My real problem is not that I don't have much space, it's how it is organized, at least in the garage. It's pretty big, but we have both cars in, and a motorcycle, and scooter, and there is a firewood rack and two dumpster bins. Also a fridge and a giant store bought workbench for things like a drill press and other garage work. But there are two corners that have enough space to put something against the wall. One is right by the garage doors in a nook to the side, and that's where I thought of putting the lathe bench.
The cool thing is that since the top is bolt on, it can be as small as 4" by the depth of the bench. And since the lathe and the grinder are also bolted to the top, they can be moved around.
Basically the length can be cut down if it proves to be a nuisance, and otherwise it's just a sturdy stand that is boxy in crosscut instead of an A frame.
As for moving it around, I found these work great
I have them on my roubo workbench which is about 180lbs give or take.
100$ but solid/strong and very stable, cut some alu composite (the stuff you put on the wall over your kitchen-bench) to size and glued it to the top on mine and it is probably better than your typical permanent bench made from 2x4's....
Your plans are overkill.
I would use these instead of your plans. 2x4basics 90164MI Custom Work Bench and Shelving Storage System, Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0030T1BRE/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_NFT7SWZ4X102AQDQPYG9?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Saves on lumber. You can make it any size. Comes apart easily if you need to disassemble. You don't have to fasten the table top and it won't move (sits in groves.)
They're pretty cool, I got them off amazon https://www.amazon.ca/2x4-Basics-90164-Workbench-Shelving/dp/B0030T1BRE
Allows you to build it to the custom size you need which was great for my tight workshop!
I'm also thinking about using these Ronlap casters on it to make it easier to move.
Opinions on those welcome.
I use this that I got at Costco, it is super sturdy, but you can hit you knees on the underside if you try to use it like a desk. It is heavy though and not as compact as some other folding tables.
Seville Classics Computer Desk... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B071VFXPFB?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
I just got one of these for a apartment reloading set up. It's a really solid table with a nice top. I laid some pine board across the bottom supports for a shelf. I think it's great value.
Yup. Each bench is a 2x4 Basics kit -- the one on the left (for building) is 6x3 and the one on the right (for painting) is 4x2.
I used this and love it. Drop dead simple. Topped it with 3/4 mdf. Didn't bother with shelves, just legs.
2x4basics 90164 Custom Work Bench and Shelving Storage System, Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0030T1BRE/ref=cm_sw_r_apanp_gHYCmxw2JwFCL
They’re stepdown casters, 3”, designed to work like this. The lever on to lifts up, allowing the wheel to flip up slightly out of the way and drop the bench to the floor.
I’ve thought about using standard casters instead but I don’t like how much my current bench shakes while hand planing/etc when I have the brakes engaged.
casters Similar to this except they came to me used and I don’t know what brand they are.
If you're going to use three sheets of MDF then it would be much better to make a torsion box.
One thing OP should consider is using a 2x4 bench kit. I set up a friend with one of these for a Shapeoko 3 XXL and it worked amazingly well.
Hopkins 90164 2x4basics Work Bench and Shelving Storage System https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0030T1BRE/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_YN0YGAYVG3CBAQVJ3NKB
Here's an example of one using this kit:
If you're going to use three sheets of MDF then it would be much better to make a torsion box.
One thing OP should consider is using a 2x4 bench kit. I set up a friend with one of these for a Shapeoko 3 XXL and it worked amazingly well.
Hopkins 90164 2x4basics Work Bench and Shelving Storage System https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0030T1BRE/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_YN0YGAYVG3CBAQVJ3NKB
Here's an example of one using this kit:
I'm a big fan of garage workbenches. Some of them you can even cut if it's too long for the job. Just make sure that whatever you get has its feet completely underneath the table top, holding it up from below. You don't want anything that is supporting from the sides. DON'T get something holding the sides like this one.
I use this for my resin printers, heavy, sturdy, adjustable, affordable.