If you’re looking specifically at self-publishing, this book is a good place to start: https://www.amazon.com/Become-Successful-Indie-Author-Writing-ebook/dp/B07BQX2X24/ref=sr_1_6?crid=1F3C2MSLM0RL6&keywords=craig+martelle&qid=1656360396&sprefix=craig+marte%2Caps%2C158&sr=8-6
There are also quite a few others of the same caliber that get even more specific for non-fiction or particular genres. Let me know if you want any help evaluating others. The issue with books like Millionaire Fast Lane is translating the generic business topics and themes from them apply differently (or not at all) to books.
Publishing: Self-Publish a Book in 30 Days!: The Proven 4-Week Formula to go from Zero to Bestseller
Permanently FREE
> Self-Publish a #1 Amazon Bestseller in the next 30 Days! (Kindle Publishing)
>Sound to good to be true?
>Well, with the right strategy and proper research before you start, it is absolutely possible, even if:
>you are not a writer
>have no marketing experience
>don’t have a large following yet
>As a 12-time #1 Bestselling & Top 100 Business Author, Gundi knows a thing or two about writing & publishing bestsellers.
I tried Bookbub ads and didn't really have any luck. They're pretty tricky to get right, a lot trickier than Amazon or Facebook. David Gaughran has gotten really good at them, though, and he's put out a book about it.
This may or may not matter, but Book marketing wizard David Gaughran wrote in his recent brilliant 99 cent ebook that Amazon is slowly degrading the ebook pages for authors.
>As I write these words, there are currently 248 different titles on the product page of the Kindle edition of Let's Get Digital. Between the ads, Also Boughts, Also Vieweds, Amazon promotion, and other links, there are hundreds of things that could distract a reader before they purchase.
I know this book talks about some strategies. http://www.amazon.com/Book-Launch-Publish-Bestseller-Business-ebook/dp/B00SJON2MW
If you have PRIME you can borrow the book for free.
edit: I actually read the book myself, I'm not affiliated or anything.