They also didn't update the Amazon listing
>Full-Scale Wearable T-51 Power Armor Helmet with West Tek Canvas Carrying Bag: This wearable helmet faithfully replicates the in-game model and comes complete with voice modulator speaker, functioning LED head lamp, and custom V.A.T.S. sound feature.
Then it'll fall to whether or not Bethesda/other companies are willing to offer refunds based on the advertising photos vs advertising wording. I did notice that the Amazon listing still says canvas bag.
If they refuse to accept/offer refunds for customers receiving items differently than the printed material, then I could see lawsuits popping up.
As of now, Amazon is saying that the release date is December 28, 2018. That would be nice, but we should still take this with a grain of salt.
Nah, in the original listing it was listed as a 'Canvas Bag'. After the original OP complained they changed it on the official website to be a 'nylon bag' while on the other retailers (Like this Amazon one) it clearly states 'Canvas Bag'.
Definitely hits the realm of false advertising, but if anyone thinks it's worth pursuing is a whole different question.
The user's expectations are in the picture itself. It literally says "canvas bag" underneath the bag in the actual advertisement. They used the term to describe the material the bag was made out of. It wasn't implied, the user absolutely had the expectation of a canvas bag. If they gave a much smaller bag that was still made of canvas, I could see Bethesda using that argument. But they didn't.
Edit: Even better, go to the Amazon page selling this, it still says "Full-Scale Wearable T-51 Power Armor Helmet with West Tek Canvas Carrying Bag"
This advertising is literally everywhere.
It’s still included. If you go to this page, it’s included in the special offers.
Is this us only?
Edit: tried to buy this with canadian credit card, purchase cancelled and refunded. This occurred even when using the international bilking address they say to use on their site.
If anyone has a fix please comment it!
Edit 2; just gonna buy it through amazon us
Its US $40
I just checked amazon, the description (which I’m assuming Bethesda provided) call it a canvass bag.
It's on sale on amazon too for near the same price
Amazon has the same deal going on for the TTK Legendary edition ($19.99), and will probably only get cheaper now that this Collection is a thing.
My Comment got remvoed by Automod,
This is a digital code for a Play Anywhere title. This means the game can played on both PC and/or Xbox One with Cross Save and Cross play support.
For anyone curious, the game is a 117GB download on PC and it is an absolutely fantastic port. Possibly the best console port ever.
Once you buy the game, a code will be send to your email which can be redeemed on the Windows Store.
Edit - Same price at NewEgg.
Edit 2 - Amazon Price Matched
Deal is also available at Amazon XB1/PS4 $39.99 and at Jet for XB1 only $39.99
EDIT: Try to bump this to the top so everyone gets a chance to see the other deals. Every I try to add other text in sub heading it vanishes. Thanks.
Here you go. It's 50% off on Amazon digitally right now which gets you PC and Xbox One access. And yeah, it's easy to activate in the windows store. Not always easy to download though unfortunately.
No no no, he's saying Bethesda editing the description on the page you took a screenshot of since they decided to change the bag. OPs picture is theoretically a much older image, but also legit. The Amazon page still says canvas
Full-Scale Wearable T-51 Power Armor Helmet with West Tek Canvas Carrying Bag: This wearable helmet faithfully replicates the in-game model and comes complete with voice modulator speaker, functioning LED head lamp, and custom V.A.T.S. sound feature.
I would go to GameStop and just buy the taken king disk, unless you're outside the US. Idk where you got the 80 price tag from
Check this
> (As of right now I'm pretty sure you can't buy Windows Store game keys from third-party websites).
Amazon has a few crossplay titles available.
I assume they will be adding more titles as more titles come out for crossplay.
And windows store isn't a launcher. It's just a store to buy games (and get patches on) like on android or iOS.
This Amazon Link will give you a digital code for the game that you can give him to redeem. It says it's compatible for Windows 10, but unfortunately I don't know how Play Anywhere works.
Amazon does sell digital codes for Gears of War 4:
Cheaper on amazon, digital at 29.99 USD or 24.21 GBP....
Just saying.
Up on Amazon now. $200. Have no idea what this Deluxe version is...
EDIT: Link to CE
Remember, you don't have to pay now if you pre-order on Amazon, just when it ships
Yes, I found what appears to be all of them for 30 bucks on Amazon
Destiny The Collection - Xbox One Standard Edition
Seems like a good deal, and I seem to get everything with it!
Their page on Amazon still, as of this moment, shows the canvas bag, and explicitly says canvas bag as what's included
> Full-Scale Wearable T-51 Power Armor Helmet with West Tek Canvas Carrying Bag: This wearable helmet faithfully replicates the in-game model and comes complete with voice modulator speaker, functioning LED head lamp, and custom V.A.T.S. sound feature.
On Amazon, it's still showing as canvas:
https://<amazon's website>/gp/product/B07DNBWR87/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o07_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1
In case it gets changed:
I bought a filter on Amazon before I even plugged it in.
Don’t know if anyone mentioned these. Maybe give them a try. it's 26 bucks on Amazon right now if you want to save a few more bucks
You could get something like this:
If the mesh is similar to what is used on PC cases it shouldn't impede the airflow enough to damage the console.