I looked at Amazon to find a Japanese gel pen .35 for $7.99, 12 in the pack. Extra fine tip. Maybe that is it. Hope to hear from you and thanks again.
These these these these https://www.amazon.co.uk/Extra-Fine-Ballpoint-Office-School-Stationery/dp/B07S81PTLM/ref=mp_s_a_1_20?crid=1X1PGXJ9HOVMN&keywords=aesthetic+pens+japanese&qid=1651851157&sprefix=aesthetic+pens+japanese%2Caps%2C87&sr=8-20 , dry very quickly despite being gel and are comfortable to hold as you don’t need to press on the page. They also have a smaller nib which is useful for annotating texts and writing smaller :)
I absolutely love pens that don't scratch and drag. I suppose it's like the difference between cheap bed sheets with 200 threads pet inch and hotel style with 10,000 threads to the inch bed sheets. I will use scratchy pens all day, but I just totally get into a different zone when I have a treasured pen that just works right. I think the brand is BLMP and I get them on Amazon. I never thought to compare my handwriting using them and another pen. Which I will do today.
The Pentel Energel in 0.5
I also got these from Amazon. I have been using one with minimal issues. The 2 minor issues are:
They’re $7.99 for 12 on Amazon here: 0.35 mm Black Gel Ink Pen Extra-Fine Ballpoint Pen for Office School Stationery Supply (12 Pieces) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07S81PTLM/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_PZZMJD24CRJNGPRZ3Y6J?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
They are incredibly smooth. I like these better because they're not as scratchy as other 0.35mm pens, especially Muji pens (even though they have a nice fine point)
It’s not Muji. It looks like one though. Here’s an Amazon listing: 0.35 mm Black Gel Ink Pen Extra-Fine Ballpoint Pen for Office School Stationery Supply (12 Pieces) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07S81PTLM/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_w2jNFbPE5E4TJ