I've bought kefir grains from this Amazon seller multiple times. Their grains are fantastic, and the price is more than reasonable. They have a ton of positive feedback as well.
Several people in the kefir sub (including myself) bought grains from THIS SELLER on Amazon. All of us are very happy, too. The grains are reasonably priced with 2,300+ great reviews.
It's worth a shot if you can't find grains locally.
I agree with the previous poster. I bought my grains from THIS SELLER on Amazon. They were inexpensive, and others here have purchased from this particular seller as well. (No, I'm not affiliated with them in any way.)
Unless you can somehow find someone locally, you're gonna have no choice but to send away for them. Fortunately, grains are hardy little devils, and they will be fine.
I (and many others in this sub) purchased grains from THIS SELLER on Amazon. They have 3,000+ excellent reviews.
> I am not reusing "grains" like most people say around here
Uh, you just answered your own question. This (above) is why you're having problems.
> Can someone please tell me how I can keep it good for longer than 3-4 days?
To be honest, I'm surprised I'm surprised it lasted that long.
> This is very frustrating
Then buy some actual grains. Many people here (including myself) got theirs from THIS SELLER on Amazon. They have 6,200+ excellent reviews.
Good luck!
What kind of kefir are you using? I think the ones in the store are pretty weak. Have you tried growing your own culture? This is the starter that I bought on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Organic-Grains-Unleashed-Thomas-Egbert/dp/B007GGRJTG/ref=mp_s_a_1_11?crid=2J1LH6W4L50KS&keywords=kefir&qid=1656637916&sprefix=kefir%2Caps%2C135&sr=8-11
> it is not possible to keep it alive for longer than a few batches is that true? Where do you access grains in that case?
That is correct. Kefir starter can only be used a handful of times. You cannot make kefir forever using kefir starter. For that, you need grains.
I got my grains from THIS Amazon seller. Their grains are great, and they have 5,000+ excellent reviews.
Numerous people in this sub (myself included) bought their grains from THIS SELLER on Amazon. They have almost 5,000 excellent reviews, and their grains are top notch. Good luck!
> If I wanted to make a business out of this, I would look to add some value, and also charge just 1 or 2 dollars above shipping
Um, you'd never "make a business out of this" because you obviously know nothing about running a business. In fact, I bet you're a drone who works hard to make somebody else rich (assuming you have a job).
FYI, selling kefir grains is not a lucrative business, and the fact that you think you'd make a "healthy profit margin" proves how naive you really are.
Also, I hate to break the news to you, but the seller that you linked to is selling 1/2 of a teaspoon of kefir grains for $5.90. Let me repeat.....1/2 of a freakin TEASPOON. Now that's raping ppl! On the other hand, this seller on Amazon is selling 1 TABLESPOON of kefir grains for $16.98 (which includes shipping).
*I know you're a little slow, so let me break it down for you: The seller you linked to is selling 0.5 teaspoons of grains for $5.90. And it takes 3 teaspoons to make 1 tablespoon. So if a person wanted to buy 1 tablespoon of grains from your ripoff seller, they'd have to pay $35.40!! ($5.90 x 6 = $35.40)
So YOU are actually the one who's promoting a seller that's "raping ppl"! $35.40?!?! Dumbass LOL!
> If I wanted to make a business out of this, I would look to add some value, and also charge just 1 or 2 dollars above shipping
Um, you'd never "make a business out of this" because you obviously know nothing about running a business. In fact, I bet you're a drone who works hard to make somebody else rich (assuming you have a job).
FYI, selling kefir grains is not a lucrative business, and the fact that you think you'd make a "healthy profit margin" proves how naive you really are.
Also, I hate to break the news to you, but the seller that you linked to is selling 1/2 of a teaspoon of kefir grains for $5.90. Let me repeat.....1/2 of a freakin TEASPOON. Now that's raping ppl! On the other hand this seller on Amazon is selling 1 TABLESPOON of kefir grains for $16.98 (which includes shipping).
*I know you're a little slow, so let me further explain: The seller you linked to is selling 0.5 teaspoons of grains for $5.90. And it takes 3 teaspoons to make 1 tablespoon. So if a person wanted to buy 1 tablespoon of grains from your ripoff seller, they'd have to pay $35.40!! ($5.90 x 6 = $35.40)
And you're bragging about that?!?! Dumbass LOL!
> If I wanted to make a business out of this, I would look to add some value, and also charge just 1 or 2 dollars above shipping
Um, you'd never "make a business out of this" because you obviously know nothing about running a business. In fact, I bet you're a drone who works hard to make somebody else rich.
FYI, selling kefir grains is not a lucrative business, and the fact that you think you'd make a "healthy profit margin" proves how naive you really are.
Also, I hate to break the news to you, but the seller that you linked to is selling 1/2 of a teaspoon of kefir grains for $5.90. Let me repeat.....1/2 of a freakin TEASPOON. Now that's raping ppl! On the other hand this seller on Amazon is selling 1 TABLESPOON of kefir grains for $16.98 (which includes shipping).
*I know you're a little slow, so let me further explain: The seller you linked to is selling 0.5 teaspoons of grains for $5.90. And it takes 3 teaspoons to make 1 tablespoon. So if a person wanted to buy 1 tablespoon of grains from your ripoff seller, they'd have to pay $35.40!! ($5.90 x 6 = $35.40)
And you're bragging about that?!?! Dumbass LOL!
Many people in this sub (including myself) bought their grains from THIS SELLER on Amazon. Their grains are top notch, and they have 4,200+ excellent reviews.
Good luck!
Who the heck are you ordering from that takes 10 days to get you your grains? You need to find a new seller man.
I (and many others here) bought grains from THIS SELLER on Amazon. They have 4,200+ excellent reviews, and the grains have been great. My buddy got his order in 2 days.
Good luck!
Just buy some online. Many people in this sub (including myself) bought grains from THIS SELLER on Amazon. Their grains are great, and they have 3,900+ excellent reviews.
Good luck!
Numerous people in this sub (including myself) have bought grains from THIS SELLER on Amazon. They have over 3,700 excellent reviews, and their grains are top notch.
Good luck!
The easiest thing to do is to buy some grains off Amazon. I got mine from THIS SELLER. Others here have purchased from this particular seller as well. Their grains are inexpensive, and they have a ton of great reviews.
You can't "make" grains from scratch. You're gonna have to buy them or get some from a friend.
I got my grains from THIS SELLER on Amazon. This vendor has over 2,300 excellent reviews, and others in this sub have also purchased grains from them.
Several people in this sub (including myself) have purchased grains from THIS SELLER on Amazon. Their grains are excellent, and they have 2,300+ great reviews as well.
Many of us in this sub bought kefir grains from THIS SELLER on Amazon. The grains are excellent and reasonably priced. Additionally, the seller has 2,400 great reviews.
> Where do kefir grains come from
No one knows for sure. (Just like no one can say for sure where humans came from.)
> where do you buy them?
I bought mine from this seller on Amazon.
> Got the grains from a local health food store
Don't know what the other commenters are talking about, but the problem here is that you did not buy kefir grains. You bought kefir starter. Big difference.
You can buy actual grains HERE on Amazon.
Of course. you'll be amazed at how simple it is. 1 TBSP Organic Milk Kefir Grains and ebook “Milk Kefir Unleashed by Thomas Egbert” - Fresh Live Active Probiotic Starter Cultures https://www.amazon.com/dp/B007GGRJTG/ref=cm_sw_r_u_apa_fab_.V0BFbTC7PNS2. These pearls are what my dad and i use. We also have a milk lady and buy RAW milk. These are the only 2 ingredients needed. (RAW milk has its risks as well as its not pasteurized). Step 1. Milk and pearls in a mason jar. Step 2. Let it sit out at room temp for 24-36hrs (depending on the room temp, 60 degree range then 36hrs, 75* then 24 is fine). It needs to breath, so coffe filter or paper towel and a rubber band work to cover top. Step 3. Strain the pearls out and add a little milk to them. Put them in fridge till next use. Now you have your Kefir. It has a certain smell. You can drink it by itself, little tart. I had it to smoothies. These pearls should last several batches. I think in the 2-3 yrs we've been doing it, we only replaced pearls 2x. I recommend reading some reviews on the Amazon link as it'll help your understanding. Good luck!!
Many people in this sub (including myself) have purchased grains from THIS SELLER on Amazon. They have over 3,100+ excellent ratings. I believe they're based in Texas.
Good luck!
> I have browsed the web like crazy but have yet to find where I can purchase
Um, did you not search Amazon?
I (and many others here) have purchased grains from THIS SELLER, who has 3,000+ excellent reviews.
Good luck!
No, you'll never find grains at the store. FWIW, I bought my grains from THIS SELLER on Amazon. (They have 2,800+ excellent reviews.) However, it looks like another commenter lives in your area and is willing to give you some grains, so that's your best bet!
> I wonder how good these cultures are? Who knows what's happened to them, they could have very few strains of bacteria etc.
Dude, the grains are good. There's no need to be so skeptical. Trust me, I used to be super skeptical myself, and I mercilessly interrogated a bunch of sellers before shelling out my money. I feel sorry for those guys now lol...
> Are there any places that have lab-verified strains?
You'd have to get a lab analysis of every single batch that you make, which nobody in their right mind is gonna do. My advice is to buy some grains, make your own kefir, and your gut will thank you for it later. Kefir has helped my digestive system immensely, and I now realize that I had been worrying over a whole lot of nothing. FWIW, I bought my grains from THIS SELLER, who has over 2,300 excellent reviews.
> why can't we just make kefir grains from scratch? It's obviously been done at least once, so how did that happen?
Can you make a dog from scratch? It's obviously been done once, so how did that happen?
I just got some from this guy. Not sure if he ships to the UK or not, but the grains (live) revived very easily and they are potent!
According to him, he's successfully revived grains even after 3 weeks in the post, so assuming they're packaged right they should travel just fine.
I am new to making kefir, so I can't compare/contrast for you. But I can offer that Fusion Teas delivered kefir grains that amazingly healthy, and they provide an ebook with the purchase that is quite informative.
Check here: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007GGRJTG?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o05_s00
I use these grains On Amazon. They are great and come with good instructions.
1TBSP Active Organic Milk Kefir Grains & Ebook: "Milk Kefir Unleashed" By Thomas Egbert https://www.amazon.com/dp/B007GGRJTG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_mkN5ybS6XM402
I (and many others in this sub) got grains from THIS SELLER on Amazon. They have great grains and almost 3,000 excellent reviews.
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
1 TBSP Organic Milk Kefir Grains and ebook “Mil… | $11.98 | $11.98 | 4.5/5.0 |
^Item Info | Bot Info | Trigger
I buy so many things on Amazon...
Just buy some online. Several people in this sub (including myself) got their grains from this seller on Amazon. They have 2,600+ excellent reviews.
I (and many others in this sub) bought grains from THIS SELLER on Amazon.
They include instructions, and they also made THIS VIDEO for their customers.
Good luck!
Fusion Teas is great!
*To the OP: Many people in this sub got their grains from Fusion Teas, which has 3,000+ excellent reviews.
Good luck!
I bought mine off Amazon (the seller has over 2,100 great reviews): https://www.amazon.com/dp/B007GGRJTG/ref=twister_B07CJXH7YZ?_encoding=UTF8&th=1
However, I don't know if they ship to Canada.
Homeade Kefir is amazing for bringing digestion back to normality. I used this starter kit from amazon: http://www.amazon.com/1TBSP-Active-Organic-Kefir-Grains/dp/B007GGRJTG/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1427740715&sr=8-2&keywords=kefir