I got my mother on Amazon, though previously I used one a friend gave me. This is the one I used.
I make a gallon of strong black tea with 1.5 cups of sugar, let it sit (covered) until it's cooled, then pour it into a jar, drop in the mother, and cover the opening with cheesecloth. I put the jar in my cupboard and let it sit until it's ready, which depends on how warm the ambient temperature is. It has been hot here and I don't have air conditioning, so mine takes about three days for a first ferment. Letting it go too long won't hurt you, but the resulting brew is a little vinegary for my taste. A new mother grows on top during fermenting, so you can put that one in another jar of tea and have a basically continuous stream of kombucha. I have four gallons in first ferment at all times. Pour into smaller jars, add juice or fresh fruit to flavor it as desired, and give it a couple more days in second ferment so that it gets fizzy. Boom, you've turned ten cents' worth of tea and sugar into a drink that people pay five bucks a bottle for!
I initially got into brewing kombucha because I wanted to tend to something living but had bad luck with houseplants. Now, I really love trying new flavors - I just bought some soursop and guava juices to try next. It's a pretty fun hobby. r/kombucha is not super active but I have found tasty recipes there; it is where I got the beet 'buch idea.
This one looks like what I got
I got mine from Kombucha Kamp’s website. Also, I’ve seen at least two of the more popular YouTube guides references this same Amazon scoby: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B009ZW8RP4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_OM-LCbTK7PA33
Personally I was a bit more hesitant with Amazon as the reseller isn’t at control of the warehouse temperature. There’s also a scoby subreddit for those looking for one I believe. Also maybe worth mentioning is many users claim you can jump a batch with a bottle of plain GT and a little extra time (I’m sure it’d work with enough effort, just something I’ve never done).
You can order a scoby off of Amazon if they'll ship to your country and start with a super small batch of tea with a little extra sugar. Let that go for a bit til it smells nice and vinegary, then add it to a full batch of tea.
Amazon, will deliver anywhere. I used this one. Have done 4 batches, over 10 gallons worth. Now have sooo many scobies. 1 X Organic Kombucha Scoby - Live Culture by Scoby Kombucha https://www.amazon.com/dp/B009ZW8RP4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_YKUPCbFHJDVAE
I'm just across the pond in WI. FWIW I had very good success with this cheap one off amazon a month ago: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B009ZW8RP4/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o04__o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 I'd send you some of mine but it's literally just a continuation of this one
I was brewing before in a smaller glass pitcher and with this latest batch moved the scoby to a new, much larger glass cookie jar. The jar of course was impeccably clean before the scoby and starter ever came near it. However, after one week here, I noticed that instead of the pale yellow scoby I started with (this one from Amazon as I live in the absolute middle of nowhere) or the similarly colored new scobies I was growing, the film forming over top is very grey/green colored and after touching it leaves a residue of the same color on my finger. It's not fuzzy that I can see, but the residue it leaves is very concernin.
I did realize after I made the batch that I had gotten my ratios of sugar, water, and starter confused because I went to a container twice the size of my old pitcher and that this batch was going to be sweeter than the others. I wasn't concerned initially as I figured I'd just let it ferment longer, but now I worry that it was too sweet and not acidic enough and that I'm just growing mold and risking my scoby.
Hello. Thanks for replying.
To answer your questions, I used a scoby I got from amazon. Mine had a large piece of slime in it. Maybe the size of a deck of cards. I put it and the liquid into my brew. I'm a bit worried that the scoby may have gotten very warm during shipping. Some of my other packages recently have been quite warm when I open them.`
1.) Agreed. If it's lost it's lost
2.) I should get some litmus paper and actually test the ph. I did put all the liquid that came with my scoby, but if it was dead then what does that matter?
3.) Not a bad idea. Use the first batch to create a stable environment with my equipment.
I sold off a my beer making kit last year. Too bad, as there were a log f useful tools I could use (in general). Sanitizer, bottles, capper, unused caps, funnels, pots, bottle boxes. Undo undo!
of course my horse :) I didn't use a recipe...I just eyeball everything but I can give you approximate measurements
first step - get ya self a scoby wit starter. I bought mine on Amazon but you can make your own. you'd have to look into that but it requires buying a bottle of kombucha. here's how 2 do that
for my kombucha (gallon size jar) I brewed 6 bags of green tea (you can use black - this is just what I had on hand).
you want 3/4 of a gallon of this. (I boil 1/2 gallon then add ice cubes to cool it down and add the additional water required.) you want to make it strong as hell. I added ~1 cup of sugar while it was hot.
after it has cooled to room temp or cooler, I add the sweet tea in with the scoby and let it ferment in a dark spot in my kitchen i like to call the fermentation station. since it's pretty warm where I live this took about a week but it varies. tasting as you go helps. you're aiming for something that's light and fizzy, not too vinegary and not sweet.
after my baby had fermented I want on to the second fermentation and flavoring round. second fermentation will get your kombucha super fizzed out like soda. I poured my kombucha into another vessel with an airtight seal. then I added some sweet black cherry concentrate which has loads of sugar. you can also add fruits. when I add fruits I had about a tablespoon extra sugar. i;ve got a strawberry lemon one i'm pretty excited about. it's super fun to experiment with new flavor concoctions. then you pop the cap on your vessel and let it ferment an additional 3-4 days, again this varies.
then bam presto you've got yourself some good ass kombucha for a fraction of the price of the store bought. good gut health here we came bbbbaby. you'll be poopin like a pro ;)
if you have any other questions let me know. it seems complex @ first but once you get the ball rolling it's super easy. I have so much kombucha!!!
give it a shot. or, just buy one on Amazon for $6
I mean, idk where you are, but there are lots of sources for SCOBYs. You don't necessarily need raw kombucha sold for drinking, but you have to have some liquid kombucha.
Here’s the link to it
Liked mine from amazon
Yes i bought this one
Here you go. Looks like they've come down in price since I got mine. Paid $20 over a year ago for it. Now I wouldn't hesitate at $7 and prime shipping.