Buy some home tests online (Amazon). If you test positive, go and get outside while it’s hot to sweat it out. Honestly, go on a 5 mile, 1000ft hike on a hot day (stay hydrated). And retest your pee. You might be worrying for nothing.
10 Pack - Easy@Home Marijuana (THC) Single Panel Drug Tests Kit - Individually Wrapped Single Panel THC Screen Urine Drug Test Kit with 50 ng/ml Cutoff Level - EDTH-114
Amazon sells THC test kits for pretty cheap. Maybe the safest bet is to buy one and test yourself. Then you know, based on your usage amount and metabolism, where you stand.
Here's a 10 pack for $8.
You mentioned that you last smoked around late August... how often would you smoke before that? Like every day or just on occasions? I used to smoke everyday & decided to quit to apply for a federal job & it took me 2 1/2 months to flush out all of the THC. I bought a 10 pack of at home drug tests from amazon so that I can test myself every week or 2. If you smoked a lot, you might still test dirty. these are the tests I bought on amazon
Pro tip: buy some thc drug tests off amazon. They are super cheap. Then you will know if you are dirty. If you are not a regular smoker you should be clear right now. I have a buddy that gets tested monthly and he smokes once a week and still passes tests.... check it. Happy day!
10 Pack - Easy@Home Marijuana (THC) Single Panel Drug Tests Kit - Individually Wrapped Single Panel THC Screen Urine Drug Test Kit with 50 ng/ml Cutoff Level - EDTH-114
Pretty low dose so you’re probably fine, and 50 days sounds like plenty of time to detox. Just in case/ to keep track of the THC leaving your system, order a few at home tests just to make sure. These are pretty reliable:
That 30 day thing doesn't apply to everyone. I can get it to clear my system in a week. I bought some home test kits to check. Lots of variables. Generally, if you want to flush your system, lots of exercise and water will clean it out pretty well. Usage also plays a role. If you are an every day user or all day every day thing and you are overweight, it can take awhile.
I just got a new job offer that will likely require me to take a drug test, so I decided to quit smoking. I passed a home urine test after only 6 days, even though I am heavy user. I'm pretty thin (6'2", 165 lbs), but I dab multiple times a day every day and don't exercise at all, so I don't understand how this is possible. I've always heard it usually takes 21-30 days to clear for everyday smokers, so I'm happy, yet confused. I'm fairly certain the test works correctly since I failed the same test 2 days after quitting. Anyone have similar stories? I will re-test tomorrow, but wanted to see what y'all think of this.
Home Test Used:
The Army sends your urine to a lab that uses the Olympus AU-800 Automated Chemistry Analyzer for analysis.
A few days before drill find a local commercial lab that uses that same instrument and pay to have your own urine tested confidentially. Generally, there are a lot of labs like that around.
If you don't pass your own private test don't go to drill. If you do pass, go to drill with knowledge that you are safe.
Conversly, I've heard the national guard uses 50 ng/ml sensitivity test strips to detect drugs in your urine. They do it right there on base, and only send in the samples that fail. If this is the cases, then you should buy your own kit (such as this) and test yourself before you decide whether you want to go to drill.
10 Pack - Easy@Home Marijuana...
$10 to satisfy our curiosity and amusement needs.
A few suggestions for you:
1) Stop consuming THC
2) Buy a THC drug test, I got 10 of them off amazon for cheap, if in a hurry just buy it from walmart/drug store:
3) Make sure to consume lots of fluids, I hear exercising definitely helps as well
4) On the day of your exam consume extra fluids to dilute your urine, you can research this point more but from what I understand you are unlikely to fail for dilute urine (unless it has very low color). Actually might want to make sure you are taking your multi vitamins to get some color in your urine
5) Be skeptical of whacky advise from people who dont know what they are talking about, be skeptical of products that say they will clean you out
I saw some at a few dollars stores. They actually work.
I say buy these now. Tey once a day. See how they react the closer to the date OP gets.
You can buy them on Amazon for less than a dollar each.
Just buy thc strips on Amazon. The ones in headshops, in my experience, are way overpriced.
edit: or downvote me :) here's a link to a test strip I've used and never steered me wrong: