Ozeri Stone Earth Frying Pan: https://www.amazon.com/Ozeri-PFOA-Free-Stone-Derived-Non-Stick-Coating/dp/B00BK89AYS
I got one for Christmas and have been impressed by it. Nice that it doesn't have toxic non-stick coating and it is also easy to clean.
Get a really good non-stick pan, and then expect to replace it every couple of months. http://www.amazon.com/10-Inch-Ozeri-PFOA-Free-Stone-Derived-Non-Stick/dp/B00BK89AYS
Alternatively, just sacrifice some eggs to the surface of the pan. Or wipe a minimal amount of oil over the surface of the pan using a paper towel. Also, make sure your pan is preheated before adding your eggs.
Olive oil may be a "good fat", but overt fats are the densest source of calories in any diet, but also the easiest to just remove altogether.
my stainless steel has a lot of dust on it compared to my ceramic non stick, i wonder what the thoughts are on stone: http://www.amazon.com/10-Inch-Ozeri-PFOA-Free-Stone-Derived-Non-Stick/dp/B00BK89AYS/ref=pd_sim_sbs_hg_1?ie=UTF8&refRID=1B4FDTVJCZ6TY0G99MAX