Hi /u/boogsley, you're not shadowbanned, but 3 of your most recent 100 comments/submissions were removed. They may be removed automatically by spam filters and not necessarily by human moderators.
Comment: /r/gif, 2018-11-27, "Just an ordinary day in Russia", 1pts:
> r/anormaldayinrussia
Comment: /r/interestingasfuck, 2018-11-06, "Fresh honey.", 1pts:
> Eh, it wasn't actually from amazon, they were just the site I purchased through
Comment: /r/youseeingthisshit, 2018-11-04, "Sanding Sliding", 1pts:
> Nice gif
^^I'm ^^a ^^multi-function ^^bot. ^^My ^^home ^^is ^^at ^^/r/CommentRemovalChecker ^^- ^^find ^^out ^^if ^^your ^^comments/submissions ^^have ^^been ^^silently ^^removed!